[外絮] 騎士可能在追求Saddiq Bey

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Report: Cavs could be suitor for Pistons forward Saddiq Bey

騎士可能成為活塞前鋒Saddiq Bey的追求者

The Cleveland Cavaliers reportedly might be interested in Detroit Pistons forward Saddiq Bey ahead of this season’s trade deadline.

克里夫蘭騎士在交易截止日前很可能對活塞的Saddiq Bey有著很大的興趣

The Pistons, who are struggling mightily in the 2022-23 season with Cade Cunningham out with a shin injury, may look to move some of players for a younger prospect or draft assets.

活塞在22-23賽季因為Cade Cunningham脛骨受傷而陷入困境,他們可能會透過交易一些球員來取得年輕潛力或選秀籤

While it’s been quiet for the most part leading up to next month’s trade deadline, there are a few more options that have somewhat quietly emerged as well,”Right Down Euclid’s Evan Dammarell wrote. “Detroit’s Bojan Bogdanovic and Saddiq Bey are available and sources confirm that the Cavaliers could be a suitor for either of them. But, the same sources tell Right Down Euclid that the Pistons are looking for a younger prospect or serious draft compensation for either ofBogdanovic or Bey. Considering that the Cavaliers just emptied the clip to get Donovan Mitchell over the summer, pursuing either Pistons wing could prove fruitless.”

Right Down Euclid的Evan Dammarell寫道:在下個月的交易截止日前,市場大多數時間會很平靜,但有些交易目標已經出現了。活塞的Bojan Bogdanovic跟Saddiq Bey都很實用,騎士也可能在追求他們其中任何一人。但是,同樣的消息來源也指出,活塞在為他們兩人尋求的交易回報是年輕的潛力球員或高額的選秀籤,考量到騎士剛在取得Donovan Mitchell的交易上花光資產,追求活塞的任何一位側翼都可能是沒有結果的。

Bey, who was the No. 19 overall pick in the 2020 NBA Draft, is in the third year of his rookie deal. If the Pistons aren’t sold on him being a part of the team’s long-term plans, he could become expendable.


However, the Cavs have very little assets they can use after trading 2022 first-round pick Ochai Agbaji and several draft picks to the Utah Jazz in the offseason.


Bey would be a solid fit for the Cavs if they can acquire him, as he can shoot the ball well from beyond the arc and play both forward spots.

This season, Bey is averaging 13.8 points, 4.2 rebounds and 1.5 assists per game while shooting 39.8 percent from the field and 32.7 percent from beyond the arc. The Pistons have a lot of young players on their roster, and Bey is having a bit of a down year shooting the ball.



Cleveland clearly views itself as a contender this season, and it could look tobolster the roster at the trade deadline.
The Cavs are currently the No. 4 seed in the Eastern Conference, and they are just two games behind the Boston Celtics for the top spot in the East.

Cleveland has won three straight games and is putting pressure on the MilwaukeeBucks (No. 2) and Brooklyn Nets (No. 3) in the conference.

With Mitchell and Darius Garland entrenched at the guard spots, the Cavs could use another proven wing alongside Caris LeVert, Isaac Okoro and Cedi Osman in the rotation.

It will be interesting to see if the Pistons do decide to offload players to bring in more young assets that fit the timeline of Cunningham, Jaden Ivey and Jalen Duren.






之前熱火也有傳出對Bey有興趣,然後這篇文是出自Cavaliers Nation,網友跟推特的反應都覺得補到Bey有機會衝擊總冠,按讚第二多的推文是:

cavs get saddiq just give them the ring




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laptic 01/07 13:37水桶咯 = =

mose56789 01/07 13:37合理吧 缺防守型3D 但他的3蠻不穩的==

tsai529 01/07 13:38傻弟貝的命中率不是很慘嗎

doooooooooog01/07 13:38騎士好積極

doooooooooog01/07 13:39當然是趁低點買進阿

Booker5566 01/07 13:39Okoro 直接拿去換啦

madeathmao 01/07 13:40bey這季真的是被老bojan排擠到不行

peterqlin 01/07 13:40阿Bey師父

mose56789 01/07 13:40畢竟柏楊阿北現在能做到的就是活塞期待Bey做的

doooooooooog01/07 13:41活塞CC關機所以一些人都可以談,Bojan也是

Ayanami5566 01/07 13:42騎士今年真的要做大事了

o0991758566 01/07 13:42騎士拿到會很適合 但沒籌碼吧

feathery 01/07 13:43但Bey很年輕欸 活塞這時候賣掉太急了吧

DuoDuokk77 01/07 13:44要價應該很高

k952gfjk 01/07 13:44今年的柏楊其實打滿好的吧?

doooooooooog01/07 13:44他本來就大齡即戰力,是沒什麼潛力能開發了啦

roy84211 01/07 13:45砍過50分才一季不給發揮?要練老伯羊?

iZinger 01/07 13:46Okoro價值比Bey更低,騎士還能貼甚麼?

cidcheng 01/07 13:47覺得換不成,活塞可以不賣而騎士籌碼不夠

JayFans0610 01/07 13:47騎士的籌碼就那幾個替補啊,LeVert、Osman、Okoro、

JayFans0610 01/07 13:47再加上幾張二輪吧,Bojan或Bey其實都買不起

iZinger 01/07 13:48這幾個球員對坦隊都沒有價值,要就是交出首輪

iZinger 01/07 13:48考量到騎士近年首輪順位也不會太好

cidcheng 01/07 13:49騎士沒什麼首輪了啊,二輪到是很多

zehow 01/07 13:49明年求湖人交易詹皇才是正解啦!恭迎皇帝回家拼最

iZinger 01/07 13:49那大概就是買不起了

zehow 01/07 13:49後一冠!

bfsbfs 01/07 13:50Bey太便宜 騎士籌碼都太貴

JayFans0610 01/07 13:51活塞真的要賣,把Bojan跟Bey綁在一起會比較有利吧

JayFans0610 01/07 13:51這樣我騎更買不起來XD 只是這樣應該可以換到不錯的

JayFans0610 01/07 13:52包裹,不過活塞也沒有一定要賣就是了

chen5575 01/07 13:54活塞坦班馬兼練新人,要賣也是先賣老的吧

a9564208 01/07 13:54綁一起誰要買?又不是盤子

e8e88 01/07 13:58居然敢絕殺 不賣你賣誰?

JayFans0610 01/07 14:00就合約角度考量啦,不過看了一下活塞的薪資,發現

BoardTurtle 01/07 14:00今年就算沒得 那個山羊就會要回來了

JayFans0610 01/07 14:01要搭人肉薪資包的話好像還挺多選擇的 XD

SCLPAL 01/07 14:02!?!今年被誰取代阿?之前不是先發嗎?

TheoEpstein 01/07 14:03就Bojan啊

roy84211 01/07 14:04伯羊擺在活塞跟本浪廢不合

axi 01/07 14:05博楊就是活塞買來準備低買高賣的吧

TheoEpstein 01/07 14:07查了一下,騎士完全沒有可以賣的首輪了。

doooooooooog01/07 14:07原本沒有打算賣吧,是遇上CC關機,留著也浪費

TheoEpstein 01/07 14:07只剩下24交換權,到2029通通都丟光光了(我的老天)

TheoEpstein 01/07 14:0823溜馬 25爵士 26爵士(交換) 27爵士 28爵士(交換)

TheoEpstein 01/07 14:0829爵士

axi 01/07 14:10灰狼只剩24/28交換 果然跟安吉交易就是要有籤(x)

TheoEpstein 01/07 14:11這兩隊都被掏空到好誇張(為什麼湖人可以換來天空貝)

SCLPAL 01/07 14:12原本是以為會把柏楊身價弄起來再換,結果是留他賣SB

axi 01/07 14:12因為天空貝不想待爵士吧

TheoEpstein 01/07 14:14不一定留Bojan啊,搞不好兩個一起賣(賣給不同隊)

doooooooooog01/07 14:14真的,我也覺得很有可能

axi 01/07 14:15反正Cade報銷 只要價格合適 活塞應該誰都能賣

c27932589 01/07 14:16沒 雙J(Ivey+Duren)不可能賣 Stewart應該也是

chris0112 01/07 14:18但他這季很慘欸

TheoEpstein 01/07 14:27也沒到很慘吧。比第一季好

vhs97nu 01/07 14:39騎士沒有籌碼吧 Osman和Levert中生代沒得開發 Okor

vhs97nu 01/07 14:39o進攻慘成那樣 手上也沒首輪了

kingroy 01/07 14:52柏楊大概是拿來當籌碼 活塞不會白放Bey吧

Leaflock 01/07 14:57柏楊便宜續約後確實不錯

yoming 01/07 15:09Bojan跟米邱在爵士搭過感覺比較適合,騎士只能用Ok

yoming 01/07 15:09oro再貼點什麼去換了,沒籤的話活塞很難點頭

langeo 01/07 16:03主要是同區吧 要價一定更貴 不然每年都爆氣被打爆

answermangtr01/07 16:06騎士真的就差個側翼

MyDarkLife 01/07 16:12交易這個不如繼續磨合

MyDarkLife 01/07 16:13騎士 鵜鶘 都是還要磨合的球隊

feathery 01/07 16:38柏楊上季最後大空擋三分沒進爵士結束賽季,米丘整

feathery 01/07 16:38個崩潰蹲在地上

whhw 01/07 17:03歐印

tyrone0923 01/07 17:24Bey真的不太看好,不覺得有提升多少

matsuwu 01/07 17:37拿不到kuz

matsuwu 01/07 17:37最缺的就是那個冠軍3D

limitlesscit01/07 18:32騎士也沒有資產再換到什麼好3D啊

WaterDung 01/07 18:52Bey追求了

iammau 01/07 19:27Bey也沒啥米D 3超不穩

eno03 01/07 21:31傻低貝需要有好的組織 CC傷了他就自幹浪投更多

Sasa 01/08 01:41他能做的事能比現在的Levert更好嗎?