[情報] Rajon Rondo正式宣佈退休

看板NBA標題[情報] Rajon Rondo正式宣佈退休作者
時間推噓95 推:101 噓:6 →:35



Veteran point guard Rajon Rondo announced his retirement Monday night after 16 NBA seasons.
During an appearance on the All The Smoke podcast (beginning at the 29:30 mark), Rondo said he is "absolutely" done playing in the NBA, citing his desire to spend time with his children:

Rondo, 38, split the 2021-22 season between the Los Angeles Lakers and Clevela nd Cavaliers after getting traded to Cleveland as part of a midseason deal.

He appeared in 21 games for the Cavs, averaging 6.2 points, 4.9 assists, 2.8 rebounds and 1.1 three-pointers made in 19.4 minutes per contest while also shooting 42.9 percent from the field and 39.7 percent from beyond the arc.

Rondo went unsigned in 2022-23 and 2023-24, which essentially signaled the end of his playing career.

In recent years, Rondo provided veteran backcourt depth for numerous teams, and he was also been ravaged by injuries, causing him to appear in less than 50 regular-season games in each of his last four campaigns.

Rondo was once considered one of the NBA's top point guards, primarily during his nine-year run with the Boston Celtics from 2006-07 through 2014-15.

During that time, Rondo was a four-time All-Star, four-time NBA All-Defensive selection, two-time assists champion and one-time steals champion.

Rondo also played a huge role in helping the Celtics win an NBA championship in 2008 over the Lakers.

In 527 regular-season games with the Celtics, Rondo averaged 11.0 points, 8.5 assists, 4.7 rebounds and 1.9 steals. He also shot 47.3 percent from the floor and 25.2 percent from deep before extending his shooting range as his career progressed.

After the run in Boston, Rondo bounced around quite a bit, playing for the Dallas Mavericks, Sacramento Kings, Chicago Bulls, New Orleans Pelicans, Lakers, Atlanta Hawks, Los Angeles Clippers and Cavs.

His greatest success in recent years came during the 2019-20 season when he helped the Lakers win a championship with averages of 8.9 points, 6.6 assists, 4.3 rebounds, 1.4 steals and 1.3 three-pointers made per game during the playoffs.

For his career, Rondo appeared in 957 regular-season games and averaged 9.8 points, 7.9 assists, 4.5 rebounds and 1.6 steals, and he is 15th on the NBA's all-time assists list with 7,584.

Rajon Rondo於Podcast節目上宣布退休,結束16季NBA生涯,希望花更多時間陪伴家人。


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FannWong 04/02 21:18他還在?

kenny851117 04/02 21:19我最愛的控衛CP3

HaiTurtle 04/02 21:19豆總預備

qazxsw123 04/02 21:20太快退休了吧

Segoi 04/02 21:20這不是我最喜歡的控衛克里斯保羅嗎!

legofun0914 04/02 21:20哭了,因為他才看NBA的…

PengMatt 04/02 21:20My favorite point guard

ClownT 04/02 21:20CP3突然退休?!震撼

Miyanishi25 04/02 21:212024..........

dakkk 04/02 21:21懶叫亂斗

feathery 04/02 21:22幹幹幹CP3賽季還沒打完欸 什麼意思??

steven183 04/02 21:23勇士...

higger 04/02 21:23小歐也是突然就不見...

ohiyo104 04/02 21:26CP3年紀也大了

otter 04/02 21:26這樣勇士有特例可以補人嗎?

HellFly 04/02 21:26cp3終於退休了

alan155511 04/02 21:27到最後冠軍還是沒有超過豪鬼

XXXaBg 04/02 21:28我勇又少一人:(

celtics1997 04/02 21:29不 經典手槍戰術

BEKOBE 04/02 21:30勇士二陣還需要他欸...

BrandonMai 04/02 21:30cp3繼續0冠

k385476916 04/02 21:30哭了

benny6513 04/02 21:30轉當教練吧

andy70612 04/02 21:31天樂 QQ

hy654 04/02 21:312024怎麼了..

kkoejeo 04/02 21:32當教練有料

※ 編輯: neo7 ( 臺灣), 04/02/2024 21:33:56

anoymouse 04/02 21:34不是還在勇士嗎 這麼急喔

r781207 04/02 21:36CP3突然退了

malain 04/02 21:362怎停拜2帶輸啊

RandyOrlando04/02 21:36推文CP3是怎樣

G12134 04/02 21:36拿槍陪伴家人嗎

ymsc30102 04/02 21:36直接轉職教練啊

Hohenzollern04/02 21:38Chris Paul拿到二冠 可以功成身退

tmgl 04/02 21:38等Leboss創隊

※ 編輯: neo7 ( 臺灣), 04/02/2024 21:46:16

rayes 04/02 21:39歡迎來台灣虐虐高國豪

toolittle 04/02 21:40轉職教練吧

GordonJordan04/02 21:40他年初還帶槍被捕

Ydarvish 04/02 21:4322年湖人冠軍?


※ 編輯: neo7 ( 臺灣), 04/02/2024 21:48:09

KKwilliam 04/02 21:49Chris Paul man

alittleghost04/02 21:490冠

DuoDuokk77 04/02 21:50軟豆會進名人堂嗎

a516013 04/02 21:51還有附加賽機會耶…

a894392000 04/02 21:52CP3退休 QQ

jw8878 04/02 21:54:(

asd12695 04/02 21:54我最愛的控衛…希望之後可以當總欸

LA24 04/02 21:55又是一位生涯被姆斯終結的QQ

william0916 04/02 21:55應該很難進名人堂

mp3w69 04/02 21:55CP3退休了

slowsoul199804/02 21:56停賽吧

limitlesscit04/02 21:57沒投籃老了真的沒人要了

STRO 04/02 21:58一代智將,退休愉快

pighong 04/02 21:59軟豆助攻比想像中少

STRO 04/02 21:59其實真要講,最後有工作的兩年前也36歲,很老了

STRO 04/02 22:00助攻累積跟那幾個怪物比不算多,但他很多那種單場爆

STRO 04/02 22:00量的

windsp0419 04/02 22:01還沒被關喔

STRO 04/02 22:01全盛時期同時三隊二防助攻王想想其實很猛欸,組織

STRO 04/02 22:01防守一把罩

STRO 04/02 22:02查了一下名人堂模組,他進的機率6成,比幹籃哥略高

yyes5210 04/02 22:06如果能進名人堂就很有爭議了

TanahashiHFF04/02 22:06爭議在哪

TanahashiHFF04/02 22:07NBA有像MLB這麼嚴格嗎

imlingary 04/02 22:07Thank you CP3…

STRO 04/02 22:08他的榮譽有機會,但絕對不穩

qDaniel 04/02 22:082>>>>0 我沒說誰喔

STRO 04/02 22:09很大機率要排隊吧

inzaghi0221 04/02 22:10敢不敢來跟台灣軟豆油愛澤挑一場

slimak 04/02 22:20再講CP3他會牙起來

cbosh5566 04/02 22:23留名,永遠忘不了第一次看到假傳真上籃的帥度

XR125 04/02 22:24沒人要的綠血人

Qorqios 04/02 22:24拉甲!

super009 04/02 22:24名人堂應該可以 兩冠加分很大

slluu2 04/02 22:25懷念吐口水

amazingwow 04/02 22:31同時有湖塞的冠軍戒 值了

zego41 04/02 22:33去應徵個助教吧

Chang0212 04/02 22:41My favorite point guard CP3

PttDreaming 04/02 22:45當年被垃圾九尾折手,可惜了

dahlia7357 04/02 22:45湖人那冠功不可沒

km10635237 04/02 22:45最喜歡的控衛嗚嗚嗚嗚

JustWinslow 04/02 22:48天啊 2024到底怎麼了..

sustainer12304/02 22:49CP3拿兩冠 應該超越Nash跟kidd了

km10635237 04/02 22:51以球商來說肯定是名人堂,以生涯來看我覺得有點難,

km10635237 04/02 22:51因為沒有被當一哥來用,是一個很強的輔佐者,後期

km10635237 04/02 22:51其實三分也有練起來

ChamPion3 04/02 22:53Cp3退休了!大憾!明天勇士還要打小犢欸

km10635237 04/02 22:53很適合當助教,總教練感覺還要學人和

Wall62 04/02 23:16懶覺亂斗

pppbruce 04/02 23:16真的有季後賽模式

uuuu11123 04/02 23:17紫皮綠血 兩冠的角色都不可缺

Cactus0811 04/02 23:28我最喜歡的控球後衛CP3竟然要退役了

little8love 04/02 23:31球商極高的控衛 湖賽都有冠 真的猛 這才是智將

EEEEEEEnd14 04/02 23:35是不是沒跟到合約upup的時代

A00610lol 04/02 23:35omg Chris paul

n10617 04/02 23:36勇士利多?

SAC0724 04/02 23:3908是超賽好嗎

ymsc30102 04/02 23:46名人堂可能要等好一陣子 畢竟榮譽有點微妙 比Webber

ymsc30102 04/02 23:47好一點 但是數據累積又相對少

h1212123tw 04/02 23:48哭了

STRO 04/02 23:49webber有多次Rondo拿不到的第一隊跟第二隊

josephpu 04/02 23:52推 豆總

ymsc30102 04/02 23:56但是軟豆有防一二各兩次 雖然比不上一隊x1和二隊x3

ymsc30102 04/02 23:57但是還有多三次數據王和兩罐 個人認為應該算險勝吧

dryadg27724 04/02 23:59問題是cp3拿不到阿

GHowPan 04/02 23:59豆總超賽巔峰時期真的強

madaofreak 04/03 00:00這樣勇士替補群誰來帶?

c7683fh6 04/03 00:13無縫接軌轉職教練

Siika 04/03 00:19怎麼個陪伴法

simon87122 04/03 00:34嘴臭仔88

sstyss 04/03 00:3420年奪冠有軟豆超重要

mikazeray 04/03 00:35原來軟豆已經38了啊...不知不覺我也老了 歲月真是不

mikazeray 04/03 00:35饒人啊... 回想起大學時光幾乎是看著他在三巨頭身邊

mikazeray 04/03 00:35成長成獨當一面的明星後衛 祝福他未來有個好教職

theonlytome 04/03 01:00真假 這隻沒機會名人堂喔?

aegis80728 04/03 01:01他在綠賽巔峰期是真的很猛

ms0545173 04/03 01:06怎樣都比無冠老人有價值吧 沒踏過決賽地板的老人

vanvanvan 04/03 02:38一代傳奇

xyz121777 04/03 02:43一代控衛 豆總快出來帶隊

km10635237 04/03 03:08他生涯數據差是因為他後期的季賽都在偷懶,但季後

km10635237 04/03 03:08賽就是指揮官了,那感覺就季後賽的吉米,但軟豆是

km10635237 04/03 03:08控場串連、吉米是得分爆發

lagi5487 04/03 04:02看不到豆總打球了qq

Tain02 04/03 05:09季後豆沒看過?

immence 04/03 06:54CP3

LinuxKernel 04/03 07:15拜…停

fireandice 04/03 07:29當教練!?

erer0706 04/03 07:32聯合PP和KG霸凌雷槍

sky001tp 04/03 07:33當年的船長QQ

blake7899 04/03 07:57當教練的話 軟豆應該會氣到中風吧

blake7899 04/03 07:57明明他覺得超簡單的戰術 球員都聽不懂

ezezpz 04/03 08:14希望可以加入塞教練團( )

harryrrah 04/03 08:23湖人冠軍那年,季後賽豆總真的扛,和LBJ 兩個輪發

harryrrah 04/03 08:23動機

YellowTiger 04/03 09:36保重

small314 04/03 10:32可惜了 當教練吧

ilanese 04/03 10:45CP3一直都沒拿到冠軍戒。

ctes940008 04/03 10:59軟豆準備當總欸

k798976869 04/03 12:14最愛的控衛cp3

nickalex868904/03 12:25轉教練吧…

Hao83369 04/03 15:30CP3退休了喔… 祝福他擁有美好的退休生活

dd1115dd111504/03 15:42淚推CP3

Inori0912 04/03 22:00可能不會進名人堂 但絕對是會被記住的球員

ayuro 04/05 04:22年輕的豆總傳球也是很秀的 一代頂級控衛