[情報] Randle肩膀脫臼 2-3週後評估
Julius Randle dislocated his right shoulder and will be re-evaluated in 2-3 weeks
Julius Randle右肩脫臼,2-3週後重新評估。
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騎士JA 我賽KP 魔術板橋 溜馬西亞 還有誰
今天替補就會公佈了 到時候就知道
不過2-3週後就是剛好明星週 所以其實還沒確定缺席
Jaylen Brown啊
杰倫布朗保證進的就不用提了 前場綜合投票只輸三個
希望Allen補進 今年騎士傷兵潮他扛得跟鬼一樣
[情報] 尼克隊開放洽談 Julius Randle消息來源: RUMOR: Knicks open to trading Julius Randle amid frustrating season 根據紐約媒體報導指出 尼克隊開放洽談 Julius Randle爆
[情報] Julius Randle 跟尼克隊續約4年1億1700萬消息來源: New York Knicks All-Star Julius Randle has agreed to a four-year, $117 million contract extension --- elevating his deal’s total value to five years and $140 million, his agents Aaron Mintz and Steven Heumann of90
[情報] 年度最佳進步獎:Julius RandleNew York Knicks All-Star Julius Randle has won the NBA 2020-21 Most Improved Player of the Year award, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Shams推特: 尼克球星Randle贏得本季年度最佳進步獎。 恭喜紅茶 實至名歸 --86
[情報] 考慮讓Randle休一場?Thibodeau:我不明白考慮讓Randle休一場?Thibodeau:我不明白這個問題 Tom Thibodeau on if he's ever tried to tell Julius Randle to sit out a game: "I don't understand the question." 記者問是否考慮過讓Julius Randle休息一場時Tom Thibodeau表示:我不明白這個問題。62
[花邊] Julius Randle 在Q4垃圾時間受傷Julius Randle takes a HARD fall after this dunk over Jarrett Allen late in the 4th of Knicks-Cavs Game 2 Allen was assessed a flagrant foul penalty 1. Julius Randle在尼克大幅度落後騎士時60
[情報] Julius Randle沒有拿到罰球的原因消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: Julius Randle said he was told by officials he's not getting calls because he's stronger than defenders and contact is not affecting him:60
[情報] Julius Randle 預計缺席Game 1Knicks All-Star F Julius Randle (ankle sprain) is expected to be out for Game 1 vs. Miami today, sources tell ESPN. Julius Randle 腳踝扭傷 預計缺席vs熱火 Game 1比賽18
[花邊] Randle右肩脫臼 將缺席數週Sources: Knicks star Julius Randle is expected to be sidelined for at least a few weeks with a right shoulder dislocation. Appears to be a sigh of relief fo r New York as initial reviews of MRI reveal no significant damage.15
[情報] Julius Randle左腳踝扭傷 至少缺席兩周Knicks‘ Julius Randle will miss at least two weeks with a left ankle sprain, team says. Julius Randle左腳踝扭傷 缺席至少兩周 -----13
[情報] 交易大限 Randle:沒空Julius Randle was asked if he’s going to pay attention to the NBA news cycle ahead of the trade deadline: “What do you mean, like a Woj Bomb?” He then joked that his 3-year-old son would probably keep him occupied in his free time between now and the deadline.
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[情報] 上週東西區最佳球員: C. White, Durant