[外絮] 在湖人失誤後 AD與德軟 發生口角

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Anthony Davis, Dennis Schroder had a heated exchange after Lakers turnovers
and defensive lapses
在湖人失誤後 Anthony Davis, Dennis Schroder 發生口角
作者: Bryan Kalbrosky

No matter what the win-loss record says, under coach Darvin Ham, the Lakers
have an identity of playing especially hard this season no matter what.

So near the end of the recent loss against the Grizzlies in their first game
played since LeBron James was sidelined due to a foot injury, it wasn’t at
all surprising to see Lakers big man Anthony Davis exchange words with guard
Dennis Schroder.

During an animated moment on the sidelines, the two had a heated
back-and-forth that may have caught the attention and interest of some fans
around the league.

Maybe Davis was just upset after getting dunked on by Jaren Jackson Jr., but
it didn’t seem like a pleasant conversation:

不管勝負如何,本季湖人在Darvin Ham帶領下,都打得特別努力。LeBron James 因腳傷缺陣的第一場比賽湖人輸給灰熊。但於第四節賽末時間,看到了湖人 Anthony Davis與
Dennis Schroder 發生口角也並不意外。

Anthony Davis只是在被 Jaren Jackson Jr.爆扣後感到沮喪,但這似乎並不是一次愉快的談話:

More likely than not, however, the two were discussing what happened during afourth-quarter possession when called for the ball near the elbow and
Schroder turned it over.

Memphis was able to turn the steal into an easy transition opportunity for aneasy alley-oop highlight finish to Ja Morant:

但更有可能是因為兩人正在討論第四節時發生的事情。當時AD 在肘區附近要求球,而
Schroder 發生了失誤。導致灰熊得到一個輕鬆的快攻機會,讓 Ja Morant 完成一次空中接力灌籃。

The turnover was costly for the Lakers who finished with 26 while the
Grizzlies only had 6. But just as concerning was the lack of effort from
Schroder to get back on defense.

If you missed it while watching the video above, here is how it looked in
slow motion:

Schroder was clearly frustrated but he had awful body language and as the
NBA on TNT crew said, he simply stood there like an orange traffic cone. It
was, without a doubt, awful optics.

This wasn’t the first time we have learned about Davis’ frustration with

這次失誤讓湖人付出了慘痛的代價,本場湖人發生了 26 次失誤而灰熊隊只有 6 次。但同樣令人擔憂的是 Schroder 失誤後未積極回防。Schroder 顯然很沮喪,但他的肢體語言很糟糕,正如 NBA on TNT 轉播台所說,他只是站在那裡,就像一個橙色的三角錐。
毫無疑問,這看起來不太妙。但這也不是我們第一次看到 AD 對Schroder 感到失望。

According to Eric Pincus, the big man was also upset with him during the
guard's first tenure with the team in 2020-21 (via Bleacher Report):

“Per an NBA source familiar with some of the Lakers’ struggles through the
2020-21 campaign, Davis felt some frustration that he wasn’t getting the
kind of looks in the post with Dennis Schroder running the point compared to
those he received with Rondo a year earlier.”

Using data from PBPStats and, we were able to research if this trend
has gotten any better or worse now that Schröder is on his second stint with
Los Angeles.

根據 Bleacher Report 記者 Eric Pincus 的說法,AD 在 2020-21 賽季期間也對
Schroder 感到不滿:

“據一位熟悉湖人隊的消息人士說法,AD 感到有點沮喪,因為與前一年的 Rondo 相比,在 Dennis Schroder 擔任控球時,AD 沒有得到相同的球權機會。”

根據 PBPStats 和 的數據,我們能夠研究 Schroder 第二次重返湖人以來,這種趨勢是好轉還是惡化。

While there are still occasionally exciting plays between the two, the
results in the numbers were not encouraging.

The data, however, tells us that Schroder is not assisting Davis with any
increased frequency and he is actually passing the ball to the big man less
often than he did during their first experiment as teammates.

雖然兩人之間偶爾還會有精彩的回合,但數據上的結果不鼓舞人心。然而,數據告訴我們,Schroder 並沒有增加 AD的球權頻率,而他實際上將球傳給AD的次數比第一年加入湖人時更少。


失誤後不回防 這樣不行耶


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※ 編輯: love1500274 ( 臺灣), 03/02/2023 04:03:22

foolishbi 03/02 04:08德軟就心不在焉的吧,這場離譜失誤不只一次

xra686 03/02 04:09要求他像豆總就過度要求了

sikadear 03/02 04:15一波

truejoker 03/02 04:19#教訓湖人

iammau 03/02 04:21AD很吃後衛喂球才能打得舒服喇叭倒了他很辛苦

zionwilliaom03/02 04:34#終於教訓了

conqueror50703/02 04:38似曾相似的畫面

kashnes 03/02 04:45德軟想當第二個魔獸,我大AD專推底薪咖的

mirac1e 03/02 04:55監視器防守致敬姆斯不行嗎

saTUnotSATO 03/02 04:58當初DH跟AD到底是甚麼事啊? AD莫名其妙反應很大

urgrandpa 03/02 05:18氣到腳傷

star1234 03/02 05:20現在是誰教訓誰啊

karta328 03/02 05:31看起來只是在溝通啊 還好

koae50 03/02 06:03你可以問霍華德

tomoti 03/02 06:08德軟這球的態度很糟糕啊....淪為底薪不是沒理由的

LukaDoncic7703/02 06:11一波

m791017 03/02 06:16一波

nzej723yyip 03/02 06:26#一波 #教訓湖人

Carters1109 03/02 06:34氣氛upup

WBYY 03/02 06:34笑死 永遠不是自己的錯

x23602360 03/02 06:37ad就帶隊搶狀元的假神獸 從之前鵜鶘就知道了 到底期

x23602360 03/02 06:37待他什麼?

Miyanishi25 03/02 06:46#終於被德軟教訓

AixStyle 03/02 06:50德軟:我在想運鈔車

pia2 03/02 07:01在這隊叉腰瞪眼不回防不是很常見嗎,早該習慣了吧

k798976869 03/02 07:01德軟滿有表演天賦的

fxxkleo0804 03/02 07:07這不就一個正常溝通這也可以放大

jickey 03/02 07:19AD也蠻會帶動球隊氣氛的

satousei 03/02 07:25德軟就這水平了,還想要20m,笑死

shauima 03/02 07:26傳的很爛欸,系籃都知道要高吊

jailkobe556603/02 07:27這個聲仔之前在鵜鶘就很愛搞氣氛

n10617 03/02 07:27認真的AD

shauima 03/02 07:28湖人的內線巨塔直接傳籃框高度可能都還太低

shauima 03/02 07:28真軟豆就不會犯這種錯誤

patrickc 03/02 07:29才一個play而已 看起來是球場上很正常的爭執

op520 03/02 07:30德軟下去,跟歷史75大球星吵什麼吵?

wwf1588 03/02 07:35就著?

wwf1588 03/02 07:35這哪門子的口角

laypub 03/02 07:38這還好吧,只是一個失誤

r491396076 03/02 07:39失誤多還直接放棄回防,誰受得了

hrcdf1125 03/02 07:42上一個發生口角的已經在台灣了...

shift5810 03/02 07:45這絕對是球隊大哥教的

losage 03/02 07:46換人領繩。跟AD嗆聲,下季運鈔車開走了

chwdada 03/02 07:47德軟這種情形很常發生吧

breakingduck03/02 07:57龜龜走了自然得換個人領繩,德軟也不是第一次了

sexygnome 03/02 08:01啊就一個失誤講成這樣,這麼急著找戰犯?

kevin1018 03/02 08:05一波氣氛的開始

cor1os 03/02 08:14草莓獸:略懂

raku 03/02 08:18AD又要逼走隊友了嗎?

vking223 03/02 08:22完了完了了,上次吵架的老鷹...

clotha52181 03/02 08:48軟:終於教訓了75神獸

BusterWu 03/02 08:52難道是久違的都是they的錯嗎

allen5743 03/02 08:55這就是我想看的

hwlxxx 03/02 09:02共26次失誤,1次是能有多慘痛的代價?

Childishan 03/02 09:03這看起來根本只是討論

asxcvb 03/02 09:10看起來只是在嘴砲吧 沒有吵架的感覺

NiaosongLBJ 03/02 09:26就這樣喔

Himawaridark03/02 09:35態度有夠差

asd12695 03/02 09:49外表有點像豆總 智商要像有點難

ilsr 03/02 09:53站在那裡..? 是不是又在臭..

webberfun 03/02 10:38教訓

babyface197703/02 10:45很好,再來該交易誰知道了吧?! ———AD

oopday 03/02 10:51Rondo比這咖好用太多了==

wainkid 03/02 10:56德軟心態在某些時刻 會超級洩氣與恍神 頗奇怪的

peihome 03/02 11:39有rondo的AD威力真的差很多

Myosotis 03/02 13:09終於輪到德軟要領繩了嗎

BL4CK 03/02 13:19德軟只是表情誇張一點吧,這不是正常溝通嗎

meson 03/02 13:39德軟跟美軟用法不一樣啊

inthewood 03/02 13:43有腦的都看的出來 這根本只是正常討論 哪有口角

a509170123 03/02 13:48加油吧

swatch44 03/02 14:14姆斯不用負責嗎?

yeustream 03/02 14:18德軟失誤後竟然不回防

husky2 03/02 22:46上一個跟AD吵架的隊友,最後只能來台灣打球