[花邊] 湖記:LBJ仍認為湖人需改善陣容交易來KI

看板NBA標題[花邊] 湖記:LBJ仍認為湖人需改善陣容交易來KI作者
時間推噓12 推:13 噓:1 →:16

Kyrie signed a 3-year, $120 million deal this summer to remain with the Dallas Mavericks. And LeBron won’t become a free agent until 2025. But on the August 4 episode of “The Athletic NBA Show” insiders Jovan Buha and Sam Amick sai
d that a reunion between the two superstars may still be in the cards.
KI今夏和獨行俠續簽3年120M,LBJ在2025前不會變成自由球員,但記者Sam Amick和湖人記者Jovan Buha在Podcast討論到,兩位巨星的重聚仍然存在可能性。

“LeBron has potentially been very keen on playing with Kyrie again. I would not be surprised if this trade rumor pops up again, closer to the trade deadline, depending on what happens at Dallas,” they said.

Put aside what the state of LeBron and Kyrie’s personal relationship is. The fact is that when the two were teammates in Cleveland, they were one of the most unstoppable forces that the NBA had ever seen, appearing in three consecutive NBA Finals as co-stars. Before last season, Buha reported that LeBron felt Kyrie was the missing piece the Lakers needed to get over the hump.
拋開LBJ和KI的私人關係狀況不談。 事實上,當兩人在克利夫蘭做隊友時,他們是NBA有史以來最不可阻擋的力量之一,連續三年作為搭檔出現在NBA總決賽。 上賽季之前,Buha也報導稱LBJ認為KI是湖人隊克服困難所需的缺失部分。

“Those around the team were confident that James signing an extension was likely, considering how much he’s enjoyed playing for the Lakers and living in Los Angeles. The primary complication in James’ decision was that he has been privately adamant that the Lakers still need to improve the current roster and trade for superstar point guard Kyrie Irving, league sources have told The Athletic,” Buha said.
考慮到LBJ非常喜歡為湖人效力並住在洛杉磯,球隊周圍的人都相信LBJ有可能再續約。但LBJ決定的主要複雜之處在於,他私下裡堅持認為湖人仍然需要改善現有陣容並交易來超級明星控球後衛Kyrie Irving。





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chink5566 08/05 22:43KI給他下絳頭嗎 這麼迷戀

a10141013 08/05 22:45皇上要的

bananacookie08/05 22:46LBJ基本上不可能離開LA了,湖人不弄來KI怎麼重聚

MadK17672 08/05 22:46KI不太可能了啦 LBJ合約到2025

SlamKai 08/05 22:46等KI上演達拉斯肥皂劇

a10141013 08/05 22:46KI約這麼大怎麼換? 只能出AD

MadK17672 08/05 22:47湖人到時候有新的路線要走 也不可能再開頂薪給他

XAMAS 08/05 22:47DLO:你還要我怎樣

alan5232000 08/05 22:47又在唬

MadK17672 08/05 22:48而且湖人現在這陣容不錯啊 走均衡型的 類似2020路線

mp3w69 08/05 22:48薩滿之力有點強

NightElf 08/05 22:48西河:DLo UCCU

MadK17672 08/05 22:49真的覺得現在的湖人 沒有換Ki的必要和急迫性

BadGame 08/05 22:49LBJ現在不就持球刷數據 其他年輕人幫忙做好防守

BadGame 08/05 22:50有機會季後賽再看看誰能幫忙單打得分

ooxxman 08/05 22:51朕的男人,冠軍兄弟,準備小醬包換

RicFlair 08/05 22:51聖~~~旨~~~~~~到~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Puye 08/05 22:51畢竟是好腿 當然想要

darkz 08/05 22:53還要你怎樣的那個 掰掰囉

seguignol 08/05 22:53DLO新的不差包?

trylin 08/05 22:54弄來KI只會更爛而已

trylin 08/05 22:54把一堆能打的打包換一個王牌 然後AD一躺戰績直接

trylin 08/05 22:55電梯向下

Meloes 08/05 22:56Dlo加Reaves換KI

mschien8295 08/05 22:56幹嘛一定要組三巨頭,現在這樣其實就不錯了

BadGame 08/05 22:56小牛老闆最好是白癡會裡你啦

love1500274 08/05 22:57這個不是湖人記者吧

brian040818 08/05 22:57靠神交易才把陣容平衡起來 傻了才換

YellowTiger 08/05 23:01不是 這記者在供三小 怎麼可能弄來==

a10141013 08/05 23:01新CBA最多就雙星 30%~35%*2 再高就爆掉 除非低簽