[專欄] MPJ幾乎失去籃球後找尋自我

看板NBA標題[專欄] MPJ幾乎失去籃球後找尋自我作者
時間推噓推:117 噓:5 →:88

Michael Porter Jr. lay on a bed in a patient room, staring up at the
ceiling, left alone with his doubts and fears.

Not again, he thought. Not again.

He felt as if he were in a dream. A terrible, agonizing nightmare. And he
felt intense déjà vu. For good reason: He had indeed been in this exact
room, in this exact bed, inside this exact Dallas medical facility—not once,
but twice before.

MPJ躺在病床上帶著疑慮跟恐懼盯著天花板 「別再一次」他心想 「別再一次」

On this afternoon in December 2021, the then 23-year-old had just awakened
from an unthinkable third back surgery in five years. The first surgery
occurred during his freshman year at Missouri in 2017, in which he played
just 53 minutes in three games; the second occurred before the start of his
rookie year with the Denver Nuggets in 2018, causing him to miss the entire
season. He had barely played basketball for two years. Now he was facing a
prolonged absence again. The game he so brilliantly dominated felt like it
had been stolen from him, and all he could do was helplessly wonder why.

“Why?” he asked, lying on that bed a year and a half ago. “Why is this
happening to me again?”

在2021年12月下午,當時23歲的他剛從五年來難以想像的第三次背部手術醒來,第一次發生在2017年Missouri大學的新秀賽季,當時才上了3場比賽打了53分鐘,第二次發生在2018年金塊隊新秀賽季之前,導致他缺席了整個賽季,幾乎兩年沒打過籃球. 現在又要面臨長期缺席的問題,在場上統治比賽的表現感覺像是要被偷走了,他所能做的僅是無助的想知道為什麼


It was an incomprehensible fate to grasp for someone who was once ranked as
the no. 1 recruit in the country. Back then, the 6-foot-10 forward was
praised as the future of basketball, a surefire top pick in the 2018 NBA
draft. Known for his astounding athleticism and wingspan, he could shoot or
dunk over anyone. Leaping was almost like breathing: unconscious, effortless,easy. Basketball had always come so easy to him.
And now he faced the most difficult part of his young career: wondering if itwas truly over just as it was taking off. It had taken every fiber of his
being just to recover from his previous two surgeries and then miraculously
play well enough with the Nuggets to earn a five-year, $207 million max
extension in 2021.


But after his third surgery later that year, a similar microdiscectomy
procedure to the one he had previously undergone two times, he couldn’t
fathom how hard it would be to attempt yet another comeback. If, that is, it
was even physically possible—especially for someone whose game relied so
heavily on athleticism. He was devastated. “For a lot of guys, that’s
career-ending, one of those surgeries,” Porter Jr. says. “This is after two
of them.

“I thought I had kind of gotten over everything, and now I have to get a
third one? I don’t know if anyone’s ever played—especially at my young age
—after three back surgeries.

“I was just over it,” he says.

在那年第三次的手術,一個跟他前兩次相似的手術,他無法知道再次復出會有多困難,如果這手術會對身體上造成影響—尤其是在比賽中非常依賴運動能力的人. 他感到身心俱疲
「對很多人來說這手術是生涯的終結的其中一種」MPJ說「但這手術是我其中的第三次」「我以為我已經克服了這一切,現在我又要做第三次? 我不知道是否有人經歷三次手術後還有打球,特別是跟我年紀一樣時」MPJ說「我釋懷了」

The surgeries posed a unique and difficult challenge due to the intricate
nature of the back and the fact that they involved different nerves in his
body. When a nerve gets pinched, compressed, or irritated, it can cause
distress to a number of areas around the body, including the leg, as was the
case for Porter Jr.

It’s a tricky surgery because of how delicate nerves are. If anything in the
surrounding area compresses or irritates a nerve, it can significantly impactor even completely shut off power to whatever function that nerve serves. In
severe cases, one could lose the ability to use a particular extremity.

Due to the complex nature of his injury, Porter Jr. required extensive rehab
not just for his back, but also for his left leg, including his quad, his
hamstring, and his glute.

由於背部的複雜性以及涉及了身體不同的神經,這些手術導致獨特且困難的挑戰. 當神經受到擠壓、推擠、刺激的時候可能會導致全身多個地方疼痛,包含腿部就像MPJ的情況一樣



Lisa, his mother, walked into the patient room that December day and prayed
over him alongside Nicodemus Christopher, Porter Jr.’s close friend,
performance coach, and manager. After the surgery, they helped him into a
wheelchair and steered him out of the facility.

In the coming months, Porter Jr. wasn’t allowed to drive. He couldn’t
perform basic movements such as bending down and tying his shoes. If he
dropped a pen, he couldn’t reach down and retrieve it. He couldn’t even sit
up on his own at first. He had to relearn dozens of mundane movements he oncetook for granted. “It wasn’t even about getting back to those athletic
moves,” Christopher says. “It was learning to operate in life again.”

他的媽媽Lisa在12月走進病房,跟MPJ的好友兼體能教練兼經紀人Nicodemus Christopher一起為為MPJ祈禱,手術後他們協助MPJ坐上輪椅離開醫院.

Bridging the distance between where Porter Jr. was and where he yearned to be—playing at the highest level of basketball, sprinting, cutting, jumping at
full speed—seemed inconceivable.

Emotionally, coping with his third procedure weighed on him. “There was a
lot of sad feelings and there was a lot of really, honestly, depression and
anxiety,” Porter Jr. says, “not knowing if you’re able to fulfill what you
thought for your life.”


When Porter Jr. was lying alone with his thoughts, there was another voice
inside him. It urged him to keep going. To not give in. That driven,
resilient part of him told him that he wasn’t going to quit, no matter how
arduous rehab would be. Day after day, he worked and worked, pushing himself

Now, about a year and a half after that December day, Porter Jr. has emerged
triumphantly as a starter for a Nuggets team playing in the NBA Finals for
the first time in franchise history. The Nuggets will play the Miami Heat in
Game 1 on Thursday.

當MPJ獨自躺在床上沉思時,內心深處有另一個聲音,驅使他繼續前進,不屈服. 他內心堅強的部分告訴他,他不會放棄的,不論復健過程有多艱鉅. 日復一日,努力再努力把自己推向高峰

Porter Jr. isn’t his team’s best player, as people might have envisioned
when he came out of high school, but he might be the team’s biggest X factor
in pursuit of a ring. He’s played magnificently throughout the playoffs,
averaging 14.6 points and eight rebounds per game, and he’s flourishing on
the perimeter, shooting 40.8 percent on nearly seven 3-point attempts per

But his impact has been felt far beyond scoring. He’s been a relentless
rebounder, grabbing double-digit boards in seven games. He’s also been an
improved defender and shot blocker, taking pride in his assignments. Instead
of dwelling on aspects of his game he felt he had lost due to his injuries,
such as his athleticism, Porter Jr. focused on what he could gain and how he
could add to his arsenal.
但他的影響力遠超出了得分,他是個不屈不撓的籃板手,在7場比賽中抓下雙位數籃板,他也在改善他的防守跟火鍋,為自己的任務感到自豪. MPJ沒有專注在因為傷勢而失去的東西:例如運動能力,反而專注於在他的武器庫可能獲得、增加什麼

As a result, he’s morphed into a more all-around player, making selfless
plays that contribute to winning basketball. It helps, too, that he is
playing with one of the most dominant centers ever: two-time MVP Nikola
Jokic. “Being able to play with Nikola has been awesome for me,” Porter Jr.
says, adding that Jokic embodies the selflessness that the Nuggets have
embraced. “You have to be kind of like that if you want everyone, the whole
team, to be like that.”

Denver coach Michael Malone praised Porter Jr. after the Game 1 win over the
Lakers for his hustle in diving for a loose ball late in the fourth quarter,
leading to a two-handed Aaron Gordon dunk. “It’s a game-winning type of
play,” Malone said.

“He came up to me during the Phoenix series [in Round 2] and says, ‘Listen,
man, if you want to get Bruce [Brown] in at the end of the game, whatever youthink is gonna help us win the game. I just want to win.’”
結果他變成了一個更全面的球員,做出無私的表現為贏球做出貢獻. 這也對跟著有史以來最有統治力之一的兩屆MVP中鋒Jokic有所幫助. 「對我來說能夠跟Jokic打球真的很棒」並提到Jokic擁有的無私「如果你想要所有人,整隊如此無私,你必須像Jokic這樣」

He has learned to thrive within his role, sacrificing for the greater good ofhis team. It wasn’t always easy. For most of his life, he was a go-to
scorer, but he has learned how to complement the stars around him, including
Jokic, Gordon, and Jamal Murray. “It’s letting go of ego,” Porter Jr.
says, “but that’s our whole team. Our whole team is about that. A lot of
guys are sacrificing.”

Porter Jr. finally feels he’s in the right place. When he’s playing, he
feels he’s back in his element. The pressure to perform well has dissipated
and been replaced with sheer joy to be on the floor at all. To have a chance
to win a ring on the biggest stage of basketball.
他學會了在他自己的角色中成長,為團隊最大利益犧牲,這不是那麼容易的. 在他大部分的人生中他是個絕對的得分手,但是他已經學習到如何跟圍繞著他的明星球員們互補「就是放下自我中心的想法」MPJ說「但這就是我們整隊,整隊都是這樣子,很多隊友都有犧牲」

“I’m still not fully pain free,” he says. The brace, also known as an
ankle foot orthosis, or AFO, was specifically designed for older people in
recovery from strokes or other nerve damage. Porter Jr. is wearing it while
chasing after some of the best athletes in the world. He believes he is the
first NBA player to wear such a brace.
It isn’t easy to play with, as it severely restricts his natural movement,
making the way he’s able to defend quick forwards even more impressive. But
it helps stabilize him, preventing injury and essentially allowing him to
have more normal flexion and extension of his foot. If he didn’t have it, he
’d literally trip over himself because he wouldn’t be able to pull his foot
up when running.
He used to dread putting on the brace when he first started wearing it. It
wasn’t just because it limited his freedom on the court, but also because it
reminded him of what he had lost. But now, before each game, he thanks God
that such an apparatus exists, because without it: “My career would’ve been
「我還沒有擺脫痛楚」MPJ說著. 這支架也稱為腳踝矯正器,專為中風康復中的老人或神經身經損傷的人設計,MPJ穿著它追逐著全世界最好的球員,他相信他是第一位配戴它的NBA球員,穿著它很難打球,它嚴重限制著我的動作,尤其是防守敏捷的鋒線更讓我印象深刻,但是有助於我穩定住腳踝,防止受傷讓我的腳能夠彎曲或伸展.如果沒有穿著,MPJ會因為跑步時無法抬腿而自己跌到
He’s felt that sense of gratitude during the Nuggets’ playoff run. During
Game 2 against the Lakers in Denver, Murray hit a 3 to put the Nuggets up
nine late in the fourth quarter. Then, the next time down, Porter Jr. took a
handoff from Jokic, nailing a momentum-shifting 3 of his own to widen the
lead to 12 and forcing the Lakers to call a timeout.

The home crowd roared. Porter Jr. lost himself in the noise, joy coursing
through his bones. He let out a smile.

His parents, Lisa and Michael Porter Sr., and Christopher, who were sitting
in the stands, exchanged glances. They hadn’t seen Porter Jr. smile like
that in a long, long time. Some nights.

突然發現左腳有問題,還是決定上場在第一個暫停被換下場(爸爸是球隊助教),甚至躺在床上數週無法動彈等等問題,真的感覺MPJ很努力,雖然在防守端受限於支架跟身體,還是想辦法防守,甚至在冠軍賽進攻端3分失靈,第四戰轉而攻擊禁區,都試著幫助球隊. 希望MPJ能夠早日擺脫支架,回復健康了!


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kobe30418 06/12 12:49看得出來 還沒找到

pneumo 06/12 12:50翻譯推

dream128520106/12 12:53金塊這順位選他也是賭注,他還有很大的進步空間

ABiao0220 06/12 12:53MPJ加油 關門戰回春

ZIDENS 06/12 12:53他真的快進入心病了== 不過全隊都在幫他

heyjude1118 06/12 12:53西門:兄弟,我可以提供資詢

alwaysstrong06/12 12:54所以他一直戴著支架在打球喔? 強

很多人都知道MPJ有背傷,但可能不清楚開過三次刀,甚至有裝支架呢 我發這篇文章,主要也是想讓大家知道他裝著支架打球

lmf770410 06/12 12:55難怪有時候覺得他的動作有點不協調

ZIDENS 06/12 12:56他傷後少了很多以前那種自信

gowaa 06/12 12:56沒差 還是能冠軍

gowaa 06/12 12:56傷慢慢養

s880036 06/12 12:57佩服MPJ 這樣還能回來打球

LeehomLee 06/12 12:57金塊毒瘤 大爛毒約

lmf770410 06/12 12:58只要他的外線還在還是非常吃香

lmf770410 06/12 12:58今年底角三分球準到一個哭爸

WinDeity 06/12 12:58沒到毒瘤吧,前2輪打很好啊

nuggets0916 06/12 12:59加油啦 老實說MPJ 能在這支球隊很幸運了

holyhelm 06/12 12:59很貴的射手四當家 不過有上場就好...別又進去躺

max78429 06/12 12:59他真的是令人喜歡的一位球員

ZIDENS 06/12 12:59可能卡在一個接受自己高砲塔的定位 但又沒辦法穩定

dwiee 06/12 12:59穿著支架還能跑跳 Respect 滿厲害的

nuggets0916 06/12 12:59做的事情就是只有投進去就好一堆隊友幫他cover

ZIDENS 06/12 12:59表現 三分一烙賽就找不到自己定位了

dwiee 06/12 13:00身體限制 沒辦法 可以看得出身體天賦很好 但受傷了

NCKUJaneWu 06/12 13:00沒受傷狀元的料 曾經全美第一高中生

charlie01 06/12 13:01找自己

selamour 06/12 13:01好衰 這什麼怪傷病…

magamanzero 06/12 13:02他現在就爛約...

benboy 06/12 13:03若不是金塊小老闆很愛他 他的傷勢能拿到大約不容易

skixhbyu 06/12 13:03他兄弟姊妹好像都運動員,但每個都痛到不行,很多

skixhbyu 06/12 13:03人在談是不是跟他家庭飲食有關,從小就極端素食

Mipan5566 06/12 13:03MPJ這約也不是他去討的,怪他也不太對,只希望他能

Mipan5566 06/12 13:03有好表現跟健康的生涯對得起他的約了。

earldunn 06/12 13:03約太大張,建議金塊休賽季高點時趕快出清

wqa870314 06/12 13:03看他前一場找不到準星也會抓時機空切跟拼搶籃板 心

※ 編輯: Lumia800 ( 臺灣), 06/12/2023 13:05:48

wqa870314 06/12 13:03態應該沒問題

gerg 06/12 13:04明天加油

ddog1010 06/12 13:04這張約太大張不然他也不會被太放大檢視

r781207 06/12 13:05加油

kkl522608 06/12 13:06能克服這些很不容易! 繼續加油

WuhanWinnie 06/12 13:07反觀無傷修圖心痛無法打球的

stand1234 06/12 13:07其實滿感動的,希望他準心找回來

interact 06/12 13:10MPJ唯一缺點就約太大,其他還好

jackjoke200706/12 13:10前幾輪看他出手都感覺會進 總冠也是認真搶籃板 我金

jackjoke200706/12 13:11迷對他沒什麼特別不滿

interact 06/12 13:11但約是雞塊主動給,所以也不能怪MPJ

VL1003 06/12 13:12覺得 MPJ 還好阿,上去該做的都做,不準就手感問題

ZIDENS 06/12 13:13金塊也沒有因為他的約卡到什麼 要說爛約也不太對

VL1003 06/12 13:13,而且他被壓在板凳也沒氣氛,約也不是他情勒出來的

TCPai 06/12 13:14他的約太大了,不然以能力來說就是很不錯的綠葉

ZIDENS 06/12 13:14老闆就想給錢 能怎麼辦 金塊也沒有因此簽不到誰

ZIDENS 06/12 13:15如果說因為他的大約卡到球團運作應該才構成爛約條件

ZIDENS 06/12 13:15啥也沒有就單純老闆有錢想給而已

s310213 06/12 13:16MPJ自己都傻眼他的約,但有人送幹嘛不拿

ZIDENS 06/12 13:16領到這麼大張的基本上也沒人會願意來丹佛

ZIDENS 06/12 13:17至少今年之前是這樣

sttyuio5083 06/12 13:17他心態真的不錯啦 雖然雷但拼勁是看得出來的 加油

FadOut 06/12 13:18Respect

AgentZero 06/12 13:19神經受傷太嚴重本來就不可逆的 一堆沒讀書的以為手

nuggets0916 06/12 13:19有啦 米爺有來

AgentZero 06/12 13:19術一定能醫好

kofight 06/12 13:19投外線時身體都有一種不協調感 一出手就覺得不會進

KhePri 06/12 13:20心態很好 加油!

ginopun1047706/12 13:20背傷超麻煩 剛好連結上下半身

tomoti 06/12 13:20無所謂,即便他簽2千萬空間也不會多出來...

kofight 06/12 13:20有身高優勢 連籃下也可以不進 他還是跑空切灌籃好了

KhePri 06/12 13:21他的投籃動作超像KD的 不過這一輪準度都不見了

ColdJerry 06/12 13:21反正目前金塊沒人嫌他,都願意陪他復健

melodee 06/12 13:24好文

jyekid 06/12 13:24就爛約 多給了當然爛

jyekid 06/12 13:25打個八折他可能就願意簽了 老闆的鍋

aifighter 06/12 13:26自己選自己養,想給多少就給多少沒差

baliuzeger 06/12 13:27推 希望愈來愈好

a22122212 06/12 13:27扛著這種傷打真的很辛苦 加油吧

aifighter 06/12 13:27我覺得反而非金迷都愛嫌他,金迷其實對他沒什麼意

julian42 06/12 13:28沒人罵他是因為要奪冠了啊,如果輸在總冠mpj 就要被

julian42 06/12 13:28罵爆了

LMgogo 06/12 13:28轉型外線射手吧

vincecarterx06/12 13:29爛約無誤 總冠打這樣 下一張不知道怎麼簽

aifighter 06/12 13:29沒吧,大概打之前就知道他能力到哪了

w7w7wp 06/12 13:30加油 波特

aifighter 06/12 13:30真的輸了怪到他身上也太奇怪

HellFly 06/12 13:30G4前面手感不好,隊友一直幫他創造機會

tomoti 06/12 13:30無所謂,他還有4年約,看金塊幾連霸到時再說...

ck326 06/12 13:30不管怎樣,錢已經賺到了

tomoti 06/12 13:31至少對老闆來說先拿到一冠了,錢花的夠值了...

richsogood 06/12 13:32拿大約就贏了啦 剩下靠joker就好

jinzhu 06/12 13:33當個高射炮 再靠跑動能力空切和協防一樣能幫助球隊

jinzhu 06/12 13:34他只是無法單防跟運球而已

bada 06/12 13:35他的數據確實還沒到頂薪水平 老闆不知怎想的

ninaman 06/12 13:35傷病可能讓他不太敢打內線,所以多在外圍出手?

wanderenzo 06/12 13:35MPJ 勵志推

aifighter 06/12 13:35老闆:我有的是錢

ZIDENS 06/12 13:36阿就他領三百萬也沒辦法簽到什麼大物真的沒差啊==

ZIDENS 06/12 13:36金迷真的看起來普遍是覺得還好 反正老闆有錢

ZIDENS 06/12 13:36又不是花我的錢 他爽就好

smalldata 06/12 13:37季後賽反而在防守端給出貢獻

tomoti 06/12 13:38圍巾:啊,我也是不值頂薪,所以我新簽的約自願降薪了

Mipan5566 06/12 13:38能拿出拼勁健康好好打球,他開心球迷也開心

jyekid 06/12 13:40爛約跟老闆爽是可以並行 即使老闆再爽願意養兩隻球

jyekid 06/12 13:40隊 在新制通過後可能影響補強

aifighter 06/12 13:41反正新秀指定合約不給他也不知道要換誰

Ayanami5566 06/12 13:41QQ

ZIDENS 06/12 13:41主要是丹佛很難從大物補到什麼東西

ZIDENS 06/12 13:42領一樣的錢 如果能去洛杉磯 誰要去丹佛

shellback 06/12 13:43希望他G5找回手感

nuggets0916 06/12 13:46也不是每個人都想去洛杉磯吧== 去那邊八字要夠重

ZIDENS 06/12 13:46洛杉磯有兩隊

ZIDENS 06/12 13:46TB:

samdynasty 06/12 13:51他在20-21打的就很好了,不然不會拿到大約

samdynasty 06/12 13:51而且20-21還沒有今年那麼往防守端努力

poopoo50000 06/12 13:52條件已經比很多人好了,坦白講沒什麼值得同情的,自

poopoo50000 06/12 13:52己想賺這份錢自己就得承擔

jsefk0819 06/12 13:55他如果冠軍賽三分準一些金塊還不會那麼危險 但他這

jsefk0819 06/12 13:55系列的防守是很夠的 除了整隊一堆三分摸毛鳥犯以外

chenitsung 06/12 14:04上一場還好了啦,不準就去切,這高度熱火也守不住

yamatai 06/12 14:07明年開始就會卡到薪資了 因為阿肥變成超大約

yamatai 06/12 14:08BB會跳球員選項,FA有好貨也簽不到,他的約也難交易

yamatai 06/12 14:10不過還好GM有神操作 看能不能選秀選到好替補

handfox 06/12 14:13他平常三分破四成的,總冠大烙賽

MARTINisHERO06/12 14:15Respect

diamond0326 06/12 14:15好可怕的傷病 MPJ加油!

yanggaizhi 06/12 14:18他上一場很多空切, 有在調整心態積極投入

yanggaizhi 06/12 14:18希望下一場手感能回來, 休季再調整讓身體更健康

ms0501948 06/12 14:20裝支架打球跟他溢價與否沒關聯

dogtsai 06/12 14:23他不管溢不溢價,都是小老闆對校友的愛XDDD又不是

dogtsai 06/12 14:24他主動去情勒來的,不管他的約大不大,影響也沒那

dogtsai 06/12 14:24麼大啦,而且還年輕邊打邊復健,身體能回的正常的7

dogtsai 06/12 14:24成,蹲金塊而言就非常夠用了

PizzaKK 06/12 14:29不給大約就走 這算不算情勒呢?? 說他打得好也搞笑

PizzaKK 06/12 14:30本來就是骰子 不過肯防守 改變進攻方式 還不錯啦

MK47 06/12 14:31只知道他有背傷 原來還帶著支架打球 好猛 加油rrr

qscNERO 06/12 14:33西門 :

seavoo 06/12 14:37可惜這天賦被傷痛遇到

Qorqios 06/12 14:38還好有護具和自己的心態

mailman 06/12 14:39哪裏毒?今年季賽跟季後前兩輪命中率蠻高的

mailman 06/12 14:39而且硬體條件又好

yilanboy 06/12 14:40支持MPJ 這幾年看他越來越無私 也很符合金塊需要的

meson 06/12 14:41加油

louispencer 06/12 14:44去掉最後這輪 他前幾場表現不錯吧 還是很棒的

shellback 06/12 14:46總冠前是三分4成射手 有很大貢獻 只是手感突然沒了

applebird 06/12 14:49他身高在那邊能防守就不錯了

paul51134 06/12 14:53金塊隊史第一座冠軍,三個高薪都自己養的

paul51134 06/12 14:53後面不館怎麼爛約都沒差了 跟國民小史依樣

VL1003 06/12 15:00沒印象 MPJ 有喊不給大約就走,比薩 KK 有沒有來源

VL1003 06/12 15:00?而且 MPJ 傷病史進 FA 很難有人開那麼大欸...

aifighter 06/12 15:00我也看不懂他在說什麼

chris0112 06/12 15:04加油啊!第五戰需要你恢復身手

QOO9142 06/12 15:11受傷前絕對是狀元 天花板KD甜瓜 金塊在那順位賭他

QOO9142 06/12 15:12絕對賺

f101202 06/12 15:12原來還帶著支架打 祝早日康復 懷念當初的扣籃rrr

QOO9142 06/12 15:16在對我湖前真的怕他外線準 我湖沒人可以對位 多年

QOO9142 06/12 15:16缺3號的哀傷 結果真的被他搞死

nostar 06/12 15:21希望不要再第四次手術了 保持健康

nostar 06/12 15:21就那天賦跟機體 缺什麼都能練出來

StNeverRush 06/12 15:27金塊需要你快點找到

snakebite 06/12 15:28要醒了嗎,還有一場機會

ChenWay 06/12 15:32MPJ家世背景可真不是蓋的

ZIDENS 06/12 15:37MPJ的經紀人有說希望金塊開高點 不然考慮離開丹佛

ZIDENS 06/12 15:38但沒想到這麼高 當初也沒有說具體要多高

KillLakers 06/12 15:38MPJ當時也說了這約好大啊 XDDDDD

ZIDENS 06/12 15:39但很合理啊 能去大城市隨便接幾個代言都賺更多

chen5575 06/12 15:42他的背傷是腰椎有問題,這很易復發難以根治

ZIDENS 06/12 15:44當時開高薪的要求更多的是一個金塊重視他的感覺問題

ZIDENS 06/12 15:44不是要大約 只是要比別人高而已

ZIDENS 06/12 15:45*比別隊開的高

ZIDENS 06/12 15:46結果別隊還沒報價老闆就Shut Up & Take My Money

ZIDENS 06/12 15:47要說情勒可能有一點 但老闆最後的舉動基本上跟情勒

ZIDENS 06/12 15:47無關 老闆大可等其他隊報價

ZIDENS 06/12 15:47搞不好才五百萬

efbnm753 06/12 15:54哭了

basterds 06/12 16:03這肥約比趴森斯值

sunnydragon706/12 16:04神經受傷最難醫,尤其是脊椎神經

sunnydragon706/12 16:05跟腰椎,一不小心失敗就是坐輪椅

vincentkuo 06/12 16:07喜歡他的球風和決心 但不解金塊心臟這麼大給頂薪

peanutman 06/12 16:22Respect

vgil 06/12 16:31還好總冠軍隊友夠扛 不然要被噴爛了

vinc4320 06/12 16:34加油點 不然第一個就交易你

blackj14go 06/12 16:51身材傷病真的很TMAC

nuturewind 06/12 17:09反觀某個狀元擺拍網紅

LittleWhiteZ06/12 17:12soft bitch,喬丹大腿骨折照樣兩次三連霸,你呢

prosta 06/12 17:32真的用生命在打球...令人尊敬的勇者!

babyalley 06/12 17:44他三分夠準夠穩就能用 防守就很普 要隊友幫忙cover

dogtsai 06/12 18:06小白z 你有什麼問題嗎?腿骨折能跟腰椎比喔

dogtsai 06/12 18:06一個頂多打鋼釘,一個是有可能半身不遂

magamanzero 06/12 18:13他這個很難交易掉了 但還算能用就...

V9911014 06/12 18:15慢慢來啦然後心裡狀態要好

V9911014 06/12 18:15不要被網路攻擊到沒有信心就好

wade0408 06/12 18:38有點猛

swingingbear06/12 18:52再爛約也沒dlo 爛 何況硬體跟心態在那裡 防守不會

swingingbear06/12 18:53有問題

gasboy 06/12 19:08整隊發出聖光,太扯了

james50325 06/12 19:44合約歸合約,真的不適合也能成為匹配新秀換取有經

james50325 06/12 19:44驗價值的鋒線,而且慶幸的是有小丑當作領袖給予他

james50325 06/12 19:44不自私的觀念,無論例行賽、季後賽真的狀況不好,

james50325 06/12 19:44還能接受讓布朗接替自己上場,這些都是團隊化學反

james50325 06/12 19:44應,無形的力量

johnny88108 06/12 20:00MPJ要不是在金塊很可能就像其他隕落的天才一樣了

karmel 06/12 20:27傷到神經的話會超級麻煩

asdf7714 06/12 22:03Roy大弟子

rj486 06/12 22:49這樣看來防守橫移跟籃下對抗是回不去了,好好專注練

rj486 06/12 22:49外線吧

frankie3043206/12 22:55天賦很猛 可惜了

WWWer 06/13 01:16他哪裏骰,他手感一直都算蠻穩定的,只是總冠軍賽低

WWWer 06/13 01:17迷幾場什麼雲言論都出來了

tomoti 06/13 03:03三分41%都叫骰,其它人叫...

louisnight 06/13 05:09金塊薪資狀況很健康

PizzaKK 06/13 16:11明明說的是簽大約前 只看這一年的在說什麼呢

n613011 06/13 21:51有一冠又領頂薪人生夠了 健康打球最重要