[情報] NBA與警方正式終止了對Giddey的調查
ESPN Sources: Four months after Newport Beach (Calif) police announced a probe had been “unable to corroborate any criminal activity” against Oklahoma City’s Josh Giddey, 21, involving online allegations of an inappropriate relationshipwith an underage girl, the NBA has closed its own investigation into matter after coming to a similar conclusion.
Newport Beach警方對Josh Giddey 4個月的調查之後,宣布關於奧克拉荷馬雷霆的Josh Giddey在網路上遭指控與未成年的不正當關係”無法證實有任何犯罪行為”。NBA稍早也結束了這個調查並有類似的結論。
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[情報] 聯盟正在調查及第與未成年少女的風波The league is looking into allegations that Thunder guard Josh Giddey has been involved in an improper relationship with an underage girl, an NBA spokesman said. Giddey and OKC coach Mark Daigneault declined to comment on the matter a fter practice today.89
[花邊] Josh Giddey成為最年輕大三元得主Oklahoma City Thunder rookie Josh Giddey has become the youngest player in NBA history to record a triple-double, surpassing LaMelo Ball’s record. Giddey(19歲又84天)超過了LaMelo Ball(19歲又140天)成為最年輕大三元得主75
[情報] TMZ:Giddey的調查遭遇障礙,青少年和其TMZ:Giddey的調查遭遇障礙,青少年和其家人拒絕合作 虎撲11月29日訊 關於奧克拉荷馬雷霆後衛Josh Giddey是否與未成年人有不正當關係的調 查遇到了障礙——TMZ體育了解到,這名被指控的青少年和她的家人拒絕與官員合作。 執法部門的消息來源告訴我們,警方顯然希望與傳聞中的女性和她身邊的人交談,以收集 有關周末社交媒體上流傳的說法的更多消息……但到目前為止,沒人開口。16
[花邊] 聯盟終止對及第的調查ESPN Sources: Four months after Newport Beach (Calif) police announced a probe had been “unable to corroborate any criminal activity” against Oklahoma Cit y’s Josh Giddey, 21, involving online allegations of an inappropriate relatio nship with an underage girl, the NBA has closed its own investigation into mat52
[花邊] 及第面臨損失4000萬美元代言Josh Giddey is reportedly at risk of losing his $40 million sponsorship deal w ith Weet-Bix, an Australian cereal brand by the Sanitarium Health Food Company , amid the NBA investigation into allegations of Giddey having an inappropriat e relationship with an underage girl, per @nypost37
[情報] 及弟不會被起訴REPORT: Josh Giddey will not face criminal charges after investigation into alle ged underage relationship, per TMZ. Case is closed. 在調查之後,及弟將不會被起訴35
[情報] Josh Giddey 調查期間仍將出賽-消息來源: Mark Daigneault gives update on Josh Giddey's status amidst NBA investigation Josh Giddey 近期因為捲入疑似跟未成年女性交往的案件 已經遭到聯盟正式展開調查5
[心得] 及第師傅New details have reportedly emerged in the allegations that Oklahoma City Thun der star Josh Giddey had sexual relations with a minor. The girl in question, Liv Cook (who has also been reported as Livv and Livvy Cook), was originally b elieved to be a junior or senior in high school. This would make her around 17 at the time of the encounter with Giddey. However, new evidence appears to sh- 來源: 內文: Josh Giddey is really the only virgin in the NBA Josh Giddey是目前NBA裡唯一的處男
- -消息來源: 內容:The NBA is looking into the allegations of Oklahoma City’s Josh Giddey having inappropriate relationship with a minor that have emerged via social media, league spokesman Mike Bass said. 短評或心得:最近在抖音上有一個女生傳了一個與Giddey的自拍,女生打了個標題是我剛
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