Re: [情報] Kawhi跟快艇提前續約
"We're thrilled to continue our relationship with
Kawhi. He is an elite player, a terrific partner
and a relentless worker who knows how to win
and makes it his first priority," said Frank. "He
elevated our franchise from the moment he
arrived. We feel fortunate that Kawhi chose to
join the Clippers five years ago, and excited to
keep building with him."
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※ 編輯: ppc233699 ( 臺灣), 01/11/2024 03:31:26
看合約內容 是真的佛啊
首PoKawhi Leonard has signed a contract extension with the Clippers, team says. Kawhi Leonard跟快艇簽下延長合約 這個消息是快艇官推直接最先公布的 所以就很突然的出現了 細節可能要稍等 但續約確 定了46
32歲的Kawhi Leonard這張延長合約, 還是張第二年起(34歲)降薪沒拿滿的合約,只能說佛心。 ※ 引述《dragon803 (AZKiちゃん大好き)》之銘言: : Kawhi Leonard has signed a contract extension with the Clippers, team says. : Kawhi Leonard跟快艇簽下延長合約
[情報] 可愛續約快艇可愛續約快艇 Source: Kawhi Leonard is signing a four-year, $176.3 million deal to return to the Los Angeles Clippers. 以為會1+1爆
[花邊] 如沒有意外,可愛預計續約快艇如沒有意外,可愛預計續約快艇 Projected top free agent this offseason Kawhi Leonard is“widely”expected t o re-sign with the Los Angeles Clippers. Kawhi Leonard將在今年夏天跳出合約,成為自由球員,外界“廣泛”的認為他會與快艇爆
[外絮] 可愛歡迎球隊找控衛可愛向管理階層表明歡迎球隊找控衛 According to Matt Moore of Action Network, Lowry and VanVleet are drawing a lot of interest from the Clippers, and he mentions their prior relationship with Kaw hi Leonard as a big factor for this. 根據Action Network的記者Matt Moore的說法,Lowry和VanVleet引起了快船隊的極大興趣爆
[花邊] Vogel談招募Kawhi:去年7月初我們認為很Vogel談招募Kawhi:去年7月初我們認為很有機會簽下他 湖人主帥Frank Vogel近日做客播客節目談到了球隊去年休賽期對於自由球員Kawhi Leonard的招募。再與湖人、快艇、暴龍進行過會面後,Kawhi選擇簽約快艇。 當然,我們自認為有很好的機會Kawhi。 臨近7月的很長一段時間,以及那個月的首周,我們感覺這可能發生。那支球隊會是什麼樣呢。75
[情報] 快艇媒體日 總管:我們不輪休的 受傷才不打Lawrence Frank on Kawhi, PG & NBA's new Player Participation Policy: "When our guys are healthy, they play. And that's the bottom line. THere's a difference between being injured and the 'load management.' When they're healthy, they play. When they're unhealthy, then they don't"49
[外絮] 快艇總管:Kawhi傷勢訓練營復出 不會拆213作者:Tomer Azarly Los Angeles Clippers star Kawhi Leonard underwent a procedure on his injured right knee in early June, President of Basketball Operations Lawrence Frank announced on Thursday night following the 2023 NBA Draft.48
[情報] Kawhi Leonard 決定續約快艇Free agent star Kawhi Leonard has decided that he is re-signing with the Los Angeles Clippers and terms are being discussed, league sources tell @YahooSports. 可愛決定續約快艇,細節還在討論中 不意外 應該會先續個1+1?38
[外絮] 快艇總管總結記者會:續留、傷勢、例行賽今天,快艇籃球營運事務總裁Lawrence Frank接受了賽季總結的記者會。 不過他實在講太多了 有些更廢話的我就沒放上來lol 所以我就po一些我覺得有趣的aka重要+可能被斷章取義的(X Lawrence Frank: "There's disappointment obviously. Season ending and falling33
[外絮] 天空貝:在快艇因為可愛&PG 自己被忽視了Patrick Beverley Believes He Was Overlooked With The Clippers Because Of Kawhi Leonard And Paul George: "What I Do Is Very Underappreciated." by AADITYA KRISHNAMURTHY Patrick Beverley has found a new home in the NBA, now with the Minnesota Timberwolves. Beverley was traded from the Clippers to the Memphis Grizzlies,