[花邊] Shaq 出現在Sky vs. Fever比賽
然後Shaq也說Angel Reese就像她女兒一樣
Shaquille O'Neal said Angel Reese is 'like a daughter' to him as he attended
his first Sky game this season
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※ 編輯: gghh ( 臺灣), 08/31/2024 14:35:33
[花邊] Shaq被猩猩當成猩猩Shaquille O'Neal: 'Gorillas in every zoo go crazy when they see me' Shaquille O'Neal posseses such an imposing physique that even gorillas are intimidated by him. During a recent episode of "The Big Podcast with Shaq," the 49-year-old Hall-of-Famer explained that gorillas at every zoo he's been to go crazy when爆
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[高光] SHAQ 最後一場得分40+比賽頻道名稱: AL'S HIGHLIGHTS WORLD 頻道連結: Shaquille O'Neal Last Career 40 Pt Game 2009.02.27 vs Raptors - 45 Pts64
[花邊] Shaq說比賽時他會讓JW VC T妹跟AI投球 因為太愛他們的比賽來源: FadeAwayWorld 網址: Shaquille O’Neal Says He Used To Let 4 Players Shoot Because He Loved Their Game Shaquille O'Neal說他以前就會讓這四位球員投球,因為他太愛他們的比賽48
[花邊] Angel Reese連3場比賽20籃板 WNBA史上唯一20+ REB in 3 straight games… only player in WNBA history to do so 22 double-doubles… tied for most by a rookie Angel Reese continues to make history in her rookie season! NBA官方發推46
[花邊] Shaq 昨天在比賽中找Westbrook講話Shaq and Russ chopping it up during the game (via Dean_Elmosa/IG) Shaquille O'Neal 昨天現身魔術隊主場 坐在球場觀眾席第一排觀看兩支前東家進行交手43
[花邊] Shaq與Mitchell尷尬的賽後訪問資料來源:SportsCenter Twitter 昨日鵜鶘-爵士賽後,名人堂中鋒Shaquille O'Neal訪問到爵士後衛Donovan Mitchell。 Shaq:「我今晚說你是我最喜歡的球員之一,但你不具備再更往上一個層級的條件。我是故意這麼說的,因為我希望你能夠聽到。對此你有什麼看法?」 Mitchell:「好吧(Aight)。就這樣。」31
[閒聊] 俠客歐尼爾聽到xQc的1億鎂合約後也想去Shaq considers streaming after hearing about $100m xQc Kick deal Now, another major figure is pondering the possibilities of streaming on Kick — none other than NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal, who learned about xQc’s deal in a recent episode of the Full Squad Gaming podcast. Shaq sat down with the Full Squad Gaming hosts in a casual interview where8
[情報] 字母系列戰前2場禁區拿 50分,SHAQ後首人消息來源: 內容:
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