[外絮] 金塊總裁透露為什麼會圍繞著阿肥建隊

看板NBA標題[外絮] 金塊總裁透露為什麼會圍繞著阿肥建隊作者
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Josh Kroenke Reveals Why Nuggets Chose To Build Around Nikola Jokic

金塊總裁Josh Kroenke透露為什麼會選擇圍繞著阿肥建隊

Nuggets President Josh Kroenke broke down how the franchise committed to building around Nikola Jokic in his second season.

The Denver Nuggets made an ambitious call in 2015 when they decided to build their roster around their second-round pick from the year before, Nikola Jokic. Team President Josh Kroenke explained why they decided to build around Jokic instead of Jusuf Nurkic at the time.

金塊在2015年做了一個大膽的決定,就是要圍繞著他們的第二輪選秀阿肥建隊。球隊總裁Josh Kroenke解釋為什麼選擇了阿肥而不是Nurkic

"The thing that was unfortunate was the league was trending to small-ball, shooting everywhere. It was even more extreme than it is now, everyone was trying tobe the Warriors overnight. You couldn't play Nikola and Jusuf together. We had two 7-footers who were incredibly skilled and unselfish guys, but trying to playthem together, it presented its advantages, but it was tough for them to cover when you've got four guards out there moving in sync, it's a tough defensive cover."


Kroenke then revealed a statistical analysis showed Jokic was outperforming sophomore-season Larry Bird, which ultimately tipped the scales in Jokic's favor.


"After Nikola's first season, he made First Team All-Rookie. We were halfway through his second year and we realized we had to choose. They're both starting-level centers. Jusuf's contract was coming up in a year, so we had our analytics group run a bunch of numbers of how to compare the two and what to look for... This comparison comes through with Player A and Player B in their second season with the only difference being that Player A was two years older at the time of his second season. You could see Player B's numbers were better in every category.I guessed that Player B was Nikola... Player A was Larry Bird."

阿肥第一季後入選了新秀第一隊。第二年中間時,我們發現必須要做出選擇。他們兩個都是具有先發水準的中鋒。Nurkic的合約一年後到期,所以我們讓我們分析團隊跑數據比較兩個人跟看下能發現什麼。最後比較是球員A跟球員B在第二年的成績,唯一的差異是球員A在第二年的年紀比球員B大兩歲。你能看到球員B在每一類的數據都比A好。我猜B是阿肥,A是大鳥。(這是MPJ podcast的片段,總裁在裡面講的比較清楚,他說他猜B是阿肥,然後分析人員說他對了,然後他問A是誰,是Nurkic或聯盟中其他人嗎?結果是大鳥)

The decision to build around Jokic over Nurkic was controversial at the time, but everyone can say that it was the right decision without a doubt. While Nurkichas had a solid NBA career, he never progressed to an All-Star level while Jokic is looking to seal his third MVP in four seasons and hopefully, a back-to-backNBA title.


The statistical comparison that showed Jokic was better than Bird might have been more precise, but Kroenke does mention the involvement of PER 36 stats. Sophomore Larry Bird averaged 19.4 points, 9.9 rebounds, and 5.0 assists per 36 minutes played, while Jokic averaged 21.6 points, 12.7 rebounds, and 6.3 assists as asophomore.

顯示阿肥比大鳥好的數據分析比較可能會更詳細,但Kroenke有提到PER36。第二年的大鳥PER 36是19.4分、9.9籃板、5.0助攻,而阿肥是21.6分、12.7籃板、6.3助攻。

Nikola Jokic Looking To Beat The Lakers Once Again


The Nuggets title-defense tour will have to go through Los Angeles, as the Nuggets face the Lakers in the first round of the playoffs. The Nuggets swept the Lakers in their 2023 playoff matchup and swept them in the 23-24 regular season. Nonetheless, Jokic isn't underestimating his opposition given how tough their games have been.


"I think every game in the playoff series was really tough, it could have gone either way. It was probably the toughest series we had. Yes, we beat them 4-0, but they're a really talented team. Well-built, they have a couple of guys. I have huge respect for them and I think it'll be an interesting series/round."


Jokic averaged 27.8 points, 14.5 rebounds, and 11.8 assists against the Lakers ov
er the 2023 series. He's averaging 29.3 points, 12.0 rebounds, and 9.0 assists in three games this season, which should worry the Lakers if they hope to get over the hump and pull off a massive upset in the first round.




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william0916 04/18 18:51簡單4:0

Loso1117 04/18 18:52對有敬意的對手就是使出全力

cck1985 04/18 18:53想看金塊12連勝湖人!

woaifafewen 04/18 18:54LBJ又要被按在地上磨擦了

nt880245 04/18 18:55去年不是說灰狼最硬?

mose56789 04/18 18:55場均7.8分?

nottell 04/18 18:55阿肥前兩年是有聽過拿Brad Daugherty來比

Nico0214 04/18 18:55阿肥:用盡全力只是想趕快回去騎馬

ksk0516 04/18 18:55瓜哥表示

a22122212 04/18 18:55所以是跑數據 不是看一些精神心態面的東西

mose56789 04/18 18:56看了一下原文 你少了個2啊老哥

chinhan1216 04/18 18:562輪41順位當建隊核心 看得真遠

ooxxman 04/18 18:56連續MVP的聯盟第一好手差距很明顯,阿肥也回應期待

MrSatan 04/18 18:5727.8

lanchenchen 04/18 18:58準備4:0不要不信

vince4687 04/18 18:59應該順便問問灰狼GM 當年他才是GM頭頭 現在金塊跟

vince4687 04/18 18:59公牛GM當時都在他底下

klwcoco 04/18 19:01金塊在役情時對過湖人,小丑之後再也沒輸過

taikonkimo 04/18 19:02金塊陣容真的蠻克湖人的 湖人雙星在內線 金塊都能

taikonkimo 04/18 19:03壓制甚至還有優勢

※ 編輯: Skyblueway ( 臺灣), 04/18/2024 19:03:09

Skyblueway 04/18 19:04抱歉 不知道為什麼copy原文少了2

nottell 04/18 19:04一定還會有人說泡泡那個系列賽啦 湖人最強的一年也

nottell 04/18 19:04只贏得了阿肥1.0

heyjude1118 04/18 19:05隊內練習,兩人不同隊的話,差異也應看的出來

Addressg 04/18 19:05有眼光超欣賞阿肥,手下留情阿

ilsr 04/18 19:07講的好像金塊會贏湖人似的,看不起球商隊?

conqueror50704/18 19:07金塊選阿肥可能是史上最好的決策

jerrylin 04/18 19:08打敗湖人(X 打敗裁判(O

puro 04/18 19:08金塊真的是沒在低估對手 灰狼也說難打 湖人也說難打

WIGGINS22 04/18 19:08其他方面不說,光是出勤率小丑就比Nurk高太多了

ouka 04/18 19:08穩4:0,金塊:會贏哦

derozen 04/18 19:09阿肥應該是金塊隊史最強了

※ 編輯: Skyblueway ( 臺灣), 04/18/2024 19:09:21

shargo 04/18 19:11要對抗對面8個人 真是太困難了

shargo 04/18 19:11自信點 把 可能 拿掉

alcpeon911 04/18 19:11兒子湖人又要被橫掃了

conqueror50704/18 19:12今年金塊的不安要素只有板凳跟Murray的健康

Hard1980 04/18 19:12伯樂無誤 沒有慧眼識阿肥的話 可能要多熬幾年

Hard1980 04/18 19:13阿肥PER目前歷史第一

lowl99 04/18 19:13Connelly當年不留Nurkic跟小丑搞雙塔,結果跑去灰狼

lowl99 04/18 19:13直接梭哈搞雙塔,要不是靠AE,還真的差一點被當笑話

Q12345Q 04/18 19:13厲害惹

vincecarterx04/18 19:14等著第一節被三哨吹下去吧 不然湖人怎麼贏

js0431 04/18 19:15smart choice

k7202001 04/18 19:1514阿肥 16莫雷 18MPJ 都算很成功的選秀

k7202001 04/18 19:15尤其這三隻都不是前五順位

fxxkleo0804 04/18 19:16金塊泡泡那年其實不爛欸 打贏爵士被笑菜雞互啄 第二

fxxkleo0804 04/18 19:17輪直接大逆轉快艇 可愛+0+0

PTTjoker 04/18 19:17阿肥本來就是隊史最強, 帶隊拿首冠才剛沒多久耶

Xenia1050 04/18 19:19阿肥根本奇行種 打爆球探的臉

benboy 04/18 19:20阿肥: 你將看到100%的全力肥

WIGGINS22 04/18 19:20金塊現在會那麼強跟KCP關係很大,還是湖人放掉的ㄏ

tommy123310 04/18 19:20史上最強二輪秀 大概不可能被超越了

WIGGINS22 04/18 19:20

k7202001 04/18 19:21四年三mvp的中鋒 之前只有三個 大帥 羅素 賈霸

k7202001 04/18 19:21而且最晚都是197x 50年前的事了

k7202001 04/18 19:23可以說擴編30隊後 阿肥是唯一四年三mvp的中鋒

free120 04/18 19:233個灰衣人虎視眈眈 準備大吹特吹

ymsc30102 04/18 19:23魔球

qwer007700 04/18 19:24真的好神

tim19990312 04/18 19:29純實力歷史前五

LatteCat556604/18 19:31NBA真正能成為建隊基石的球員很少

LatteCat556604/18 19:31小丑無庸置疑是其中之一

dogville 04/18 19:31沒這麼難選吧 當年Nurkic傷痛纏身 表現小丑也比較好

mepass 04/18 19:32選到他真的賺爛了

dogville 04/18 19:32先別說金塊是何時決定用小丑當基石 當時就是得送一

dogville 04/18 19:32個走 後來小丑打成這樣應該也超過制服組預期了

curlyreed55 04/18 19:33是AD又要連敗給阿肥了

fezexp9987 04/18 19:34阿肥有超越瓜瓜對金塊的長期貢獻嗎

Skyblueway 04/18 19:36拿隊史首冠就超越甜瓜了好嗎

jorden 04/18 19:36問就是4:0

swingingbear04/18 19:39你是說沒有頂級後衛就打不進分區冠軍賽的自幹瓜嗎

cloki 04/18 19:39光是那一冠那個分析師獎金就賺爛了

ad93 04/18 19:42阿肥欸 要解釋什麼?

gowaa 04/18 19:42阿肥超址 什麼都練就變這樣了

hilemon 04/18 19:47相信數據和專業分析師很棒 難怪他的球隊一堆冠軍

Leaflock 04/18 19:47Nurkic拿頭組雙塔喔

takataka 04/18 19:48這兩隊有什麼懸念?

k7202001 04/18 19:49隊史第一冠欸 比KG之於灰狼還重要 什麼瓜能比?

k7202001 04/18 19:51話說經過我精密的分析 斑馬第一年也比某T開頭馬刺

k7202001 04/18 19:51舊將還好 所以可以圍繞斑馬建隊 是不是馬刺該請我

k7202001 04/18 19:51當分析師啦?薪水來個200萬鎂就好

k7202001 04/18 19:52應該沒什麼人發現這點吧??至少這邊推文沒有

dogville 04/18 19:53我不用看數據分析都知道要選斑馬建隊 免費

illumi 04/18 19:54泡泡那年就AD有三分,後來LBJ不能打3號+AD的三分回不

illumi 04/18 19:54

lmf770410 04/18 19:54有慢慢找幫手 但可惜Morris後來離開

liangmain 04/18 19:58小丑的心態也很迷,嘴上說不在意籃球,結果練的比

liangmain 04/18 19:58別人還多的技能。

keltt 04/18 20:02我以為是看可愛度決定選擇留誰耶,肥肥胖胖的阿肥

keltt 04/18 20:02那麼可愛,誰捨得放棄?

kenclyde 04/18 20:05AD中距離已經廢了,很難不被橫掃

NanaoNaru 04/18 20:07看了姆斯這季的嘴臉我完全不覺得金塊會贏

e8e88 04/18 20:07#低調#勿吹#8打5很難說#君子之爭

hasroten 04/18 20:10AD投射沒回來真的沒啥機會

ee4e 04/18 20:12jokic目前應該是最誇張的draft steal選秀

outnow5566 04/18 20:13第二年比大鳥強,這理由就足夠留他了

pippen2002 04/18 20:18他跟大鳥打不同位置吧??

TEM 04/18 20:18好奇為甚麼會選大鳥去比?

sameber520 04/18 20:26心態就認真上班的NBA社畜 沒有很難理解吧

star1234 04/18 20:29之前有看過類似文章,金塊選肥肥建隊當時確實是逆風

Gilbertsky 04/18 20:35歷史性的分歧點 當初看到Nurkic被放棄我很驚訝

Gilbertsky 04/18 20:36後來知道阿肥這麼厲害才知道原來是要2選1

xo45527788 04/18 20:36Nurkic 阿肥選一個確實有吵過

skixhbyu 04/18 20:41奴機其實當時也受傷才被阿肥篡位

lsgsl 04/18 20:44其實覺得狗蛋轉型成重型防守者才讓金塊應對各方毫無

lsgsl 04/18 20:44破綻吧,KCP還是主追防輕型後衛...

yourmmaa 04/18 20:50丹佛勇士隊上陣啦

liangmain 04/18 21:02總之就是賭對了 賭錯的話就會一直坦下去

Raikkonen07904/18 21:02二輪選秀長成這樣真的意想不到

JusufNurkic 04/18 21:08太痛了 根本當不了核心

haha248787 04/18 21:10是怎麼數據分析的啊,應該不是單純比較傳統或進階數

haha248787 04/18 21:10據吧

q888atPt 04/18 21:11我記得當年不只是2選1 是不但選了阿肥還要每球都要

q888atPt 04/18 21:11盡量先傳給他 過他手 讓他組織= = 當時根本異類

TEM 04/18 21:21教練馬龍真的很棒

RainCityBoy 04/18 21:24酸民有夠無聊,通篇沒瓜硬要提melo 出來酸,人品可

RainCityBoy 04/18 21:24見一般。

ZIDENS 04/18 21:33因為數據拉一拉就跑出大鳥 所以跟大鳥比阿

bigbeat 04/18 21:49超猛

chenu 04/18 21:52裁判吹久也進化 不要不信邪 ALLIN湖人了

sj210444 04/18 22:08雞塊要吹也只能趁現在 等被完全體湖人虐爆

walter5663 04/18 22:28肥肥王者

JackSmith 04/18 23:18小丑光是隊史首冠就價值連城了吧

TheVerve 04/18 23:25阿肥現在成就就是金塊史上最強無誤 恐怕也是史上最

TheVerve 04/18 23:25強歐洲球員

ThreeNG 04/18 23:32史上最全能的中鋒阿肥!可以拼歷史前十超巨啦!

harry070200004/19 00:07誰跟湖人打不是硬仗5打8誰看都是硬仗

yamatai 04/19 00:07如果MVP拿第三座 那整個歷史就沒幾個人有了阿

TEM 04/19 00:19阿肥那麼強但討論度真的蠻低的

a22122212 04/19 00:44說看阿肥胖胖可愛的是不是不知道他瘦過而且還蠻帥

a1277034 04/19 05:57我也要寄生

jackytien 04/19 06:33阿肥本來應該MVP 4連霸的............

gm79227922 04/19 07:16沒什麼好選的16-17怎麼看都是阿肥比較強了

VenceYen 04/19 09:19提數據的那個數據分析師之後應該會很搶手,想要低價

VenceYen 04/19 09:20挖寶的球隊應該會趨之若鶩

VenceYen 04/19 09:21不過現在有AI分析可能會更準?

chen1023 04/19 12:14湖人到底是什麼難關==

jojochen 04/20 14:00說個笑話:2輪41...nba球探最專業