[花邊] KD離開勇士後 換了6個教練
Kevin Durant since leaving Golden State:
6 — Head coaches
2 — Playoff series wins
6 - 主教練
2 - 季後賽系列勝利
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[外絮] Woj:勇士奪冠是KD吹密的因素之一Woj在兩個節目上談到關於KD的吹密 Woj: Warriors Title, Criticism Contributed to Kevin Durant Asking Nets for Tra de "The expectations having walked away from that Golden State team, I think in t爆
[外絮] 老巴談KD在勇士奪冠:你只是一個乘客老巴談KD在勇士奪冠:你只是一個乘客 Kevin Durant‘s legacy has become a point of contention among NBA fans throughou t this year’s playoffs, as he’s failed to lead the Nets to even a single win a gainst the Celtics through the first three games of their opening-round series. Durant has not looked like his usual self in the series, prompting Charles Barkl爆
[情報] KD為季後賽史上首位單場45/15/10球員內容: Kevin Durant is the first player in NBA history with a 45/15/10 playoff game.爆
[花邊] KD與Russ賽後偷偷會面第一戰的時候 Russell Westbrook與Kevin Durant可以說是毫無互動 一句話都沒說 不過在今天賽後 他們終於在球場後台相見歡 KD and Russ see one another postgame before leaving Game 2. KD與Russ在第二戰結束準備離開時會面了對方爆
[外絮] Barkley: KD是勇士公車的乘客 不是司機來源: AHNfiredigital 網址: Charles Barkley: ‘Kevin Durant was a bus rider not a bus driver’ in Golden State Charles Barkley: 「在勇士公車,Kevin Durant是個乘客,不是司機。」92
[花邊] 勇士將在開幕戰賽前播放致敬KD影片Kevin Durant's only game at Golden State since he left was Feb, 13, 2021 durin g pandemic. No fans, but #Warriors said then they'd replay tribute video when he returned to play before fans. Confirmed short video will be played during pre-game intros Tuesday for his re74
[花邊] R-Jefferson:為了交易KD而拆隊 ,KD不R-Jefferson:為了交易KD而拆隊 ,KD不如留在籃網 It reminds me of when Kobe Bryant asked for a trade... Kevin Durant might be bet ter off staying in Brooklyn if he's gonna go to a team with no other superstars, no potential All-Star. KD吹密這件事讓我想起了Kobe當年的吹密,如果KD前往一支沒有超級球星、沒有全明星潛質31
[花邊] KD對Ellington說嘴綠不專業的評論表示喜歡來源: TalkBasket 網址: Kevin Durant likes Wayne Ellington’s comments calling Klay Thompson, Draymond Green ‘unprofessional’ Kevin Durant對於活塞Wayne Ellington說Klay Thompson跟Draymond Green不專業的評論
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[花邊] AR好會吃!單吃圍巾絕殺勇士~73
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[花邊] 嘴綠在別人罰球時突然想摔人