[外絮] Draymond是個糟糕的 MMA格鬥選手

看板NBA標題[外絮] Draymond是個糟糕的 MMA格鬥選手作者
時間推噓推:145 噓:4 →:37 The Ringer, Chuck Mindenhall

Draymond Green Is a Terrible MMA Fighter
Draymond 是個糟糕的 MMA 格鬥選手

The Golden State Warriors star might be a proven striker, but his submission
technique leaves a lot to be desired. We turn to our MMA expert to break downGreen’s shoddy form against Rudy Gobert.
我們請來了 MMA 專家來分析 Green 對抗 Rudy Gobert 時那粗糙的技巧。

We already knew Draymond Green could throw hands, as evidenced by his sucker
punch of Jordan Poole in practice back in 2022. It was a clean first-round
knockout that put Poole not only on the dream flow, but ultimately on a planebound for Washington, D.C. Draymond’s stand-up game has been well documented
and noted by anybody in the NBA who has watched the tape.
我們已經知道 Draymond Green 會打架,就像他在 2022 年練習時對 Jordan Poole 的偷襲所證明的那樣。那是一次乾淨擊倒,第一輪就KO,不僅讓 Poole 陷入夢境,最終還登上了飛往華盛頓特區的飛機。Draymond 的站立格鬥技巧已經被所有看過影片的 NBA 人員記錄下來並注意到。

Rudy Gobert might’ve watched that tape. Then again, he might not’ve. All we
know is that two minutes into Golden State’s in-season tournament game
against the Minnesota Timberwolves on Tuesday, things got incredibly heated
before the first basket could even be scored. A jersey-ripping fracas
involving Klay Thompson and Jaden McDaniels broke out, and Draymond’s eyes
got as big as saucers.

Rudy Gobert可能看過那段影片,但他也可能也沒看過。據我們了解,昨天勇士vs灰狼
比賽,開始才兩分鐘,情況就變得極度緊張,甚至還沒得分。而 Klay 和 McDaniels

Oh, come on! It’s like a twig holding a jumbo marshmallow over a campfire,
that neck of Gobert’s. He’s got a country mile of squeezable neck. He leads
the league in neck! Jujitsu white belts around the world see a neck like thatthe way cats see nip. It’s irresistible. He is the Merton Hanks of the NBA,
a 7-foot-1 player with taunting giraffe-like qualities that, understandably,
Draymond simply couldn’t resist.
哦,拜託!就像是一根細枝頂著一個巨大的棉花糖在篝火上烤,那就是 Gobert 的脖子。他的脖子長得可以擠出一英里遠。他在脖子的長度上領先整個聯盟!全世界的柔術白帶看到這樣的脖子就像貓看到貓薄荷一樣無法抗拒。他就是 NBA 的 Merton Hanks,一位身
高 7 英尺 1 英寸,具有挑逗性長頸鹿般特質的球員,可以理解的是,Draymond 簡直無法抗拒。

Plus, we’ve all seen that look in Draymond’s eyes before. In fact, he
flashed it just a few days ago. You knew something was coming because he’s
always been an act first, think later kind of guy. He freaking went for it.
He saw his moment and snatched that neck. After 12 seasons of playing in the
NBA, Mr. Combustible went full MMA. He dragged Gobert away from the danger
zone like he was restraining a streaker who’d run across the court. Draymond
wanted to show that he isn’t just a striker. That there are levels to his
menace. That he is, in fact, a well-rounded fighter, and equally dangerous
anywhere a fight could go.
此外,我們都曾看過 Draymond 眼中的那種神情。事實上,他就在幾天前展現過。你知道會有事發生,因為他一直都是先動手再動腦的人。他還真的去做了,把握機會,緊緊抓住了Gobert的脖子。在 NBA 打了12個賽季後,這位脾氣火爆的先生進入了 MMA 模式
他像是在制止一個橫穿球場的裸奔者那樣,把 Gobert 從危險區域拉開。
Draymond 想要展示,他不僅僅是一個攻擊手,他的威脅有多個層次。

Not that Draymond’s form was perfect, even if there was a lot of human
traffic around him. In fact, we have a lot concern about his form. If we’re
being honest, he was downright sloppy. It turns out Draymond’s choke hold is
as ugly as his jumper. Klay and Jaden had just finished twirling each other
around when Gobert grabbed Klay, attempting to play peacemaker, his neck tautand temptingly extended to the heavens. That was all Draymond needed. A splitsecond later, he was on it. A right hand slipped under the chin like he
wanted to pop Gobert’s head off his shoulders. He was treating poor Rudy
like a bottle of champagne. Rudy’s beard capsized in real time as Draymond
brought him in tight.
並不是說 Draymond 的姿勢很完美,即使他周圍有很多人。事實上,我們對他的姿勢相當擔心。坦白說,他的動作相當粗糙。果不其然,Draymond 的鎖喉動作和他的跳投一樣難看。當 Klay 和 Jaden 剛結束彼此纏鬥時,Gobert 抓住了 Klay,試圖充當和事佬,他的脖子繃緊並誘人地伸向天空。這正是 Draymond 所需要的。一秒後,他就動手了。
一隻右手滑到下巴下,像是想把 Gobert 的頭從肩膀上拔下來。他對待可憐的 Rudy 就像對待一瓶香檳。
Rudy的鬍子在 Draymond 緊緊抱住他時實時倒塌。

Rudy was making the face a carp makes when it’s caught out of the water. His
mouth was sucking for air, and he was oscillating between states of panic andvictimhood.

When you watch it back, maybe Rudy hadn’t prepared for the submission
attempts. Maybe he had trained in nothing but striking, not wanting to meet
the same fate as Poole. After all, Rudy has trained in MMA before. Whatever
it was, he was ill prepared to defend himself against Draymond’s modified
standing rear-naked choke. Or realistically, even a headlock. Rather than usehis hands to pry apart the grip and keep his windpipes open, he threw his
limbs up in what might’ve been a cry for help, a plea to the referees. To
his credit, he didn’t tap. As great fighters often do, he showed that he was
at least willing to go out on his shield.
當你回頭看這段影片時,可能 Rudy 沒有為降伏技的防禦做好準備。也許他只訓練了打擊技巧,不想遭遇和 Poole 一樣的命運。畢竟,Rudy 以前也曾接受過 MMA 訓練。不管怎樣,他準備不足,無法防禦 Draymond 的改良站立式後裸絞。甚至連普通的頭鎖都不行。他沒有用手去撬開對方的握持,保持自己的氣管暢通,而是把四肢舉起,可能是向裁判求助的姿態。但他沒有拍打投降。就像偉大的戰士常做的那樣,他至少表現出了願意帶著盾牌走到最後。

Not that it was a tight choke, either. It wasn’t. As Gobert’s frame was
being dragged across the court, you could see the daylight between Draymond’
s arm and Rudy’s neck. That shit wasn’t tight at all. Maybe it was because
Karl-Anthony Towns arrived like a 7-foot Herb Dean just in time to try to
loosen Draymond’s grip, or because Anthony Edwards got there on the back end
to tug away Draymond’s left arm. Whatever the case, the execution was off,
even to the untrained eye.
並不是說 Draymond 的絞技非常緊。事實上,並不是,當 Gobert 的身體被拖過球場時,你可以看到 Draymond 的手臂和 Rudy 的脖子之間有光線透過。那個絞技一點也不緊。也許是因為 Karl-Anthony Towns 像 7 英尺高的 Herb Dean 一樣及時趕到,試圖放鬆
Draymond的鎖喉,或者是因為 Anthony Edwards 趕到現場拉開了 Draymond 的左手臂。無論如何,即使對外行眼裡,Draymond的動作也是有瑕疵的。

Had Draymond cinched the choke and held it against a long neck like that, he
could have had Rudy tapping. Better yet, to fend off the interlopers who cameto Gobert’s rescue, Draymond could have jumped on Gobert’s back in a
piggyback position, secured a standing body triangle to pin the flailing arm
with the nook of his knee, and finished the fight that way. Just like CharlesOliveira did against Will Brooks and Efrain Escudero. It’s the difference
between a white belt and a black belt, I guess.

如果 Draymond 緊緊地實施鎖喉,並對著那麼長的脖子堅持住,他或許已經讓 Rudy 投降。更理想的做法是,為了擋住前來解救 Gobert 的人,Draymond 可以跳到 Gobert 的背上,像背小孩一樣,用膝蓋的凹處鎖住揮舞的手臂,並以這種方式結束這場戰鬥。
就像 Charles Oliveira 對抗 Will Brooks 和 Efrain Escudero 所做的那樣。

Until they meet again, Draymond will have to live with the results (as well
as the lengthy suspension likely coming his way). Rudy escaped this time
because Draymond let him off the hook. The NBA is unlikely to do the same forGreen. One thing’s for sure. The Warriors and Wolves play again in March, and—now that there’s good heat—the rematch will be even bigger than the
這次 Rudy 逃掉了,因為 Draymond放過他。NBA 不太可能對 Green 如此寬容。




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ls61412 11/16 10:12名人堂穩了 WWE名人堂


ntusimmon 11/16 10:12嘴綠:我打NBA很夠用了好嗎?

YellowTiger 11/16 10:12這篇是怎樣 笑死

EMSOK 11/16 10:13超靠杯 這三小

※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 11/16/2023 10:13:28

caten 11/16 10:13雀食,感謝綠師傅放過了狗貝

KillLakers 11/16 10:13我在看童書還是哈利波特之類的書?? XDDD

roger262390011/16 10:13一堆幹話 笑死

CCFACE 11/16 10:13性感的脖子 貓薄荷XD

Kazmier 11/16 10:13不就都偷襲 Poole那次和Gobert這次都是

ntusimmon 11/16 10:14何金銀:

ccccccccccc 11/16 10:14我快笑死

ROCArmy623 11/16 10:14這篇有料

ksk0516 11/16 10:14嘴炮有種和嘴綠打,不准戴護襠護目鏡

TimmyJiang 11/16 10:14在認真分析動作

jamescyt 11/16 10:14綠師傅虛心受教

f77928 11/16 10:14Poole毫髮無傷 狗貝整場比賽打完 嘴綠真的是有夠弱

ksk0516 11/16 10:14戳你眼踢你蛋踩你胸看你哭著找媽媽

xbit 11/16 10:15長頸鹿般特質的球員?

kobegary34 11/16 10:15還有什麼是綠師傅不會的?

Dorae5566 11/16 10:15當記者發現長期=5場的時候不知道感覺如何

reaman 11/16 10:15也太多譬喻

po19365 11/16 10:15這篇我會笑死

liusean 11/16 10:15笑死 還請MMA來分析

egg7567 11/16 10:15這篇到底是XDDDD

hunt5566 11/16 10:15

lpsobig 11/16 10:16笑死

Pushyong 11/16 10:16笑死

BignoZe 11/16 10:16沒關係 鎖一次才禁五場 以後嘴綠的技巧會越來越好

bruce511239 11/16 10:16描述得很生動 讚

Y1999 11/16 10:16確實,居然沒讓狗貝拍地板,太弱了

BignoZe 11/16 10:16鎖到對方口吐白沫

ohiyo104 11/16 10:17專業的

mhkt 11/16 10:17狗貝那段 讓我笑不停 XDD

Antibody040911/16 10:17超好笑 這篇到底在寫什麼

gowaa 11/16 10:17蛤? 還請MMA專家分析是怎樣= =

markvend 11/16 10:17要訣只有一個字: "鎖"

a1684114 11/16 10:18這篇笑死

zego41 11/16 10:18別亂說 綠師傅打普爾那個爆發力MMA還不一定扛得住

aa89028500 11/16 10:18跟嘴綠來一場啦

Fafnir316 11/16 10:18幽默

qwerty789 11/16 10:19笑死 解析的也太詳盡 形容詞好多 XDDD

b2305911 11/16 10:19笑死

ljk476820 11/16 10:19翻譯的也很到位XDD

Cactus0811 11/16 10:19我快笑死

Akoni 11/16 10:19有笑有推喲

chingGTW 11/16 10:19笑死

yniori 11/16 10:19有才!笑死

syk1104 11/16 10:19讓我想到打擂台時在唸金瓶梅

MK47 11/16 10:19XDDD

paul456789 11/16 10:20綠真的很鬧,最好是每次動作都這麼引人爭議

DonDon0712 11/16 10:20這篇嗑了多少 哈哈哈

markvend 11/16 10:20鎖住他!鎖住他!!

ichool 11/16 10:21有那麼一瞬間,我以為我在看甲文

mariandtmac 11/16 10:21笑死XDDDD

iuiuisme 11/16 10:21開臭

Utopiasphere11/16 10:21???

Neo0215 11/16 10:21鯉魚XDDD

gp03dan 11/16 10:21這篇全都是哽,笑死

woko 11/16 10:22哇哈哈哈哈~~

outer 11/16 10:22太精闢了快笑死

Ikaruwill 11/16 10:24狗貝:嘴綠太強了,我甚至沒有讓他在這場戰鬥中展現

XristianBale11/16 10:24年度優文 翻譯辛苦給推

Ikaruwill 11/16 10:24他的全部(ry

ken720331 11/16 10:24…阿銀繼續裝死 被酸成這樣哈哈哈哈哈

outer 11/16 10:24及時趕到的Herb Dean 好有畫面

okichan 11/16 10:25好臭好臭

bbss 11/16 10:26五場真的太重了 專家都認證 那個絞技一點也不緊

bbss 11/16 10:26所以根本不是鎖喉只是勸架把人帶離現場==

CjackC 11/16 10:26幹話笑死

Chekk 11/16 10:26XDDDDDDDD

linyi520 11/16 10:27被籃球耽誤的MMA

kurenaiz 11/16 10:27MMA

huntersc252511/16 10:28這解說超專業又有畫面XD

pb1101 11/16 10:30笑死

sed999975 11/16 10:30笑死

ABiao0220 11/16 10:30U質==

jack34031 11/16 10:31你在寫小說是不是

marchcharlie11/16 10:32太專業了ww

DellSale999 11/16 10:32啊 書掉了 快拿一本金瓶梅給主播啊

ironer74 11/16 10:32這中文也太不順

breakingduck11/16 10:32幹,這篇的形容有夠讚,整篇快笑死

minoru04 11/16 10:33嘴綠的手肘不是向前所以最多是氣切而不是雙邊動脈

minoru04 11/16 10:33鎖死 也沒有固定好狗貝的頭部和背部

kevinhong31411/16 10:33笑死

Dong02 11/16 10:34媽的笑死

RamenOwl 11/16 10:35看來離防守大鎖還有一段距離

aegis80728 11/16 10:36笑爛

ctes940008 11/16 10:41笑死

asia2505 11/16 10:41有料笑死

jimmytaipei 11/16 10:41哈哈哈哈哈

ctes940008 11/16 10:41嘴綠遇到馬龍跟慈世平,會不會被打死。

iAsshole 11/16 10:41Untrained eye翻成未受訓練的眼睛是在搞笑嗎?

mschien8295 11/16 10:41這篇超ㄎㄧㄤ

nnwu81 11/16 10:42這篇文章是三小 快笑死

yuran 11/16 10:42大推

giunrz 11/16 10:43歪果鄉民作者也是有趣

usnavyseal 11/16 10:43趕著出門 忙中有錯 晚點改

xiao07 11/16 10:47乾智障這篇XDD

KhePri 11/16 10:50笑死

s1040453 11/16 10:51分析有料XD

madaofreak 11/16 10:51綠看到那麼長的脖子真的忍不住……

moon128 11/16 10:51先動手再動腦 笑死

k798976869 11/16 10:52確實

lunaxxv 11/16 11:00笑死到底嗑了多少

XD051 11/16 11:01正經八百的講幹話欸XD

phoenix286 11/16 11:02這什麼英文廢文 XDD

Dosakia 11/16 11:03這篇是什麼創作文 笑死

druu 11/16 11:07超級美式的敘事方法 太生動了

rlj0858 11/16 11:07這篇有夠吉巴的XD

hit0123 11/16 11:08超北七 笑死

liusim 11/16 11:11看到那麼長的脖子就像貓看到薄荷....

pp3435 11/16 11:16好哭的文章

AhirunoSora 11/16 11:18笑死 作者的文筆有夠哭腰

fangjoe24 11/16 11:18寫的挺幽默好笑的

isequ 11/16 11:20你jk羅琳?

lingling000011/16 11:22笑死了 分析什麼啦

IHateAnime 11/16 11:24笑死

bucks34 11/16 11:25貓薄荷XDDDD

ic09410 11/16 11:26通篇幹話耶 哈哈

klunves 11/16 11:26及時趕到的Herb Dean!

bluemei 11/16 11:27這篇有夠好笑XD

iamgaylan 11/16 11:28笑死 這也要臭

gary886 11/16 11:31Gobert可以考慮在脖子刺個貓薄荷的圖案惹

rickyjessy 11/16 11:36笑死

abobstar 11/16 11:37真的幽默~

bill03027 11/16 11:40讚 分享

s8800892000 11/16 11:41所以禁賽5場是嘴綠沒出全力

willy14 11/16 11:43通篇幹文 翻譯這篇一定很開心

joeytoast 11/16 11:45笑死

Blackie9211 11/16 11:53這篇超好笑 解說有夠詳細

gratitude 11/16 11:56其實Green比Malone差很多 Malone會讓對手見血送醫

kobesniper 11/16 11:57我只想知道其他隊什麼時候才肯硬起來報復主將回去

wydada1207 11/16 12:06這篇有料有笑

BruceChang 11/16 12:07我猜有人看不懂

JackdOr 11/16 12:08還拿奧師傅出來比 笑死

paradise171911/16 12:10優質文給推XDDDDD

danieljaw 11/16 12:10認真的講幹話


DarkHolbach 11/16 12:16笑死

PrimeChaoz 11/16 12:17有夠淦笑

PaulOneil1 11/16 12:23啥小XD

spitwater15 11/16 12:23翻譯:嘴綠是小貓

maxsam1012 11/16 12:26笑死

SCLPAL 11/16 12:32lol

xxxHHHxxx 11/16 12:34笑死

dahaochen 11/16 12:36笑死

hsustan 11/16 12:41這篇很讚

bruceedm 11/16 12:43笑死 我看了什麼

JKjohnwick 11/16 12:45所以這咖只敢偷襲嗎

JOGIBA 11/16 12:47嗑了什麼?

frank0707 11/16 12:49

a22122212 11/16 12:51幹這篇是三小 超好笑

featherable 11/16 12:52這篇到底在寫什麼XDDD

kuo95 11/16 12:54比喻得有夠生動,當作作文範本了

andy818102 11/16 13:03準備舉辦拳上

iamaq18c 11/16 13:05認真寫幹話 也寫太多了XDDD

kintama9527 11/16 13:16XD

※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 11/16/2023 13:31:26

bq5899 11/16 13:40最莽:聽說你們暑假都在訓練站立技喔

onsera 11/16 13:41

mashiroro 11/16 13:50比喻也太多XDD

seiya1201 11/16 13:53這真是一篇寫很好的英文作文 應該收錄台灣國中課本

dalipkid 11/16 14:07貓看到貓薄荷 笑死

jordan1109 11/16 14:13這篇超好笑XDDDDDDDD

DeRozan5341 11/16 14:28調皮

GreedyPola 11/16 14:30Don't tap, go sleep

kaosi1200 11/16 14:48太會說了

jonestem 11/16 15:09這篇笑死,超有料

kaimight92 11/16 15:09笑死

bn5566 11/16 15:11有夠浪費才能的哈哈哈哈哈

ouka 11/16 15:13

takechance 11/16 15:20這篇實在太專業 笑死我了

TungHan8787 11/16 15:38分析得太詳細了吧

richardX 11/16 16:02這篇在講三小.........

lusifa2007 11/16 16:15幹 這篇有料XD

Leo0923 11/16 16:37分析精闢

justaID 11/16 17:49這篇太好笑 一本正經講幹話 還分析得頭頭是道

junyanlee 11/16 17:56小時候作文是不是都拿滿分或0分XD

Yancy0727 11/16 18:25這篇是嗑藥膩XDDD

convey1227 11/16 18:53笑死 像是在拔香檳 也太貼切 XDDD

wc4eva 11/16 20:49優質好文

e920528 11/16 21:20笑死

ayuro 11/16 23:00這篇有料XD

SDGGF 11/17 00:49我邊看邊笑,真有料

vking223 11/17 09:02可以學馬龍去摔角場表演賽

MrHeat 11/17 12:33靠 我認真看完了