[花邊] Simmons試圖將一條魚扔回海裡,卻沒扔進
https://reurl.cc/8vKZX7 https://i.imgur.com/VI7VJr5.png
網友留言 https://i.imgur.com/7HSntoB.png https://i.imgur.com/PjSYQKq.png
Maybe he saw Trae Young in the water. 或許他在水裡看到了Trae Young
Can't make it up. 無法造假
You really can't... this is incredible. Was this recent?
He's wearing a 6ers hat.. lmao
Still cant believe he wears shooting sleeves when he cant shoot
When he wears them they should be called "Passing Sleeves"
Rare Ben Simmons moment 珍貴的Ben Simmons時刻
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[外絮] Ben Simmons說復賽時他會投遠距離來源: FadeAwayWorld 網址: Ben Simmons Says He’s Going To Start Shooting From Distance When The Season Returns Ben Simmons說當復賽時,他將會投遠距離84
[花邊] 老河:我們可以和西門一起奪冠"We can win a title with Ben, I believe that." - Doc Rivers on @FirstTake #Her eTheyCome 老河在節目中還提到:我們可以和西門一起奪冠,我相信! Doc Rivers said they hired a free throw coach and a shooting coach ! says they78
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[花邊] NBA球員在奧蘭多迪士尼最愛的消遣: 釣魚來源: Yahoo Sports 網址: What is everyone's favorite NBA bubble pastime? Fishing. 什麼是大家在奧蘭多迪士尼閉門場館最愛的消遣?釣魚 What are NBA players doing to pass the time inside the bubble? We know it’s69
[情報] Ben Simmons連續三個球季入選明星賽費城七六人隊後衛Ben Simmons連續三個球季入選明星賽 今年在Harden轉戰東區 KI復出的驚人表現下 Ben Simmons還是受到NBA教練團的青睞在與Trae Young, Jrue Holiday, Russell Westbrook的激烈競爭中拿到明星賽的席次 Simmons本季目前的數據62
[討論] Ben Simmons防守吉巴的這一球今日76人作客熱火,最終以76人以106-137落敗。今日有一球在Reddit被酸爆。 第三節剩九分鐘的時候,Ben Simmons防守吉巴,退後了很多步,結果吉巴就投了。 影片: 這球被Reddit鄉民酸爆: "At least Jimmy will shoot the ball."23
[情報] Simmons:如果裁判不吹那麼多犯規,我希Simmons:如果裁判不吹那麼多犯規,我希望開局就防守Young 虎撲06月07日訊 在今日結束的一場季後賽中,老鷹以128-124擊敗76人,系列賽比分1-0 領先。賽後,76人球員Ben Simmons接受了媒體採訪。 談到下半場防守Trae Young,Simmons說:“一切都太遲了,我們沒有表現出足夠的對抗27
[討論] Simmons是聯盟唯一害怕Trae防守的人嗎基本上賽季之中 大部分球隊對上老鷹 找Young打都算是很明顯的公式戰術 今天公鹿更是一時慌了 沒想到Young不在1
[高光] Trae Young 40分 HIGHLIGHTS頻道名稱:Dr. Andy 頻道連結: 簡短敘述: 同場加映 Ben Simmons 本季防守精華
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