[情報] 國王簽下Doug McDermott

看板NBA標題[情報] 國王簽下Doug McDermott作者
時間推噓10 推:10 噓:0 →:4

Free agent F Doug McDermott has agreed to a one-year deal with the Sacramento Kings, sources told ESPN. McDermott is a career 41 percent 3-point shooter and joins the Western Conference playoff contender for his 11th NBA season.

國王用一年約簽下射手Doug McDermott,生涯三分命中率41%


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NassirLittle10/17 03:3714梯的大齡新秀 也快生涯末了

RamenOwl 10/17 05:16好射手 祝福

andy78714 10/17 05:43YA~~~McD 小沙重聚啦!!!!

GinoBelieve 10/17 05:51跟DDR也重聚啦

love1500274 10/17 06:02防守堪憂 但還能用(?

Miyanishi25 10/17 06:29借轉我王

Miyanishi25:轉錄至看板 Kings

10/17 06:30

lens82801 10/17 08:11小沙專武,溜馬時期的雙人配合堪稱藝術

nono1127 10/17 08:28麥當勞還有油嗎?

ck326 10/17 08:46去溜馬不知道為什麼很慘,不然之前起碼合格射手

andy78714 10/17 09:08馬刺回溜馬之後 上場時間很不穩 而且大部分在看戲

andy78714 10/17 09:09McD配小沙真的堪稱是藝術!

tgmrvmle 10/17 09:40國王缺三分,他應該還上的了場

heyjude1118 10/17 09:58終於收集7彩球衣

kuchibu 10/17 14:33之前就是速度慢跑不動了啊