[情報] Huerter賽季報銷

看板NBA標題[情報] Huerter賽季報銷作者
時間推噓21 推:23 噓:2 →:4

Sacramento Kings guard Kevin Huerter will undergo season-ending left shoulder surgery to repair a torn labrum, Mark Bartelstein of @PrioritySports tells ESPN. Huerter is expected to be fully recovered for the start of the 2024-2025 season.

國王隊後衛Kevin Huerter因左肩盂唇撕裂,將進行會賽季報銷的左肩手術。Huerter預計在2024-2025賽季開季能完全康復。



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hermionex 03/30 04:43

annela 03/30 04:45

Benbenyale 03/30 05:02

Playonenight03/30 05:1324停拜

conqueror50703/30 05:28TJ嗎?

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tsaiss 03/30 07:03這誰==

hcl00 03/30 07:15還好不是投手

coyoteY 03/30 07:24拜停賽

a00049g 03/30 07:31停拜

Nightking 03/30 07:40好好休息吧 希望下季恢復身手

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dblcu 03/30 10:19國王利多?

orangeray 03/30 15:37停拜梗很智障別再用了啦