[花邊] Shannon Sharpe:Caitlin如同當年的LeBron
“The kind of hype that LeBron came into the NBA with, Caitlin Clark came
into the WNBA with the same kind of hype, and she backed it up.” Shannon
Sharpe on Clark’s rookie season
Shannon Sharpe
Shannon Sharpe:Caitlin Clark剛進聯盟就掀起一股如同LeBron James當年的熱潮,而且她很快就用籃球實力證明了自己。
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又一個來接LBJ 我怎麼加了又
額...? NBA 點在哪
[花邊] KD 忙碌的一天KD忙碌一天的開始 NBA 記者Shannon Sharpe 把 KD粉絲頁的內容當真,在節目中大加評論 () 結果引來KD的回應,質問Shannon他何時說過這話爆
[外絮] 球評:LBJ是聯盟第三中鋒,僅次於鉛筆和球評:LBJ是聯盟第三中鋒,僅次於鉛筆和阿肥 Never before in NBA history has a player been as versatile as LeBron James. Besi des being able to adapt to changing circumstances (like he has for the past 18 y ears), he can play any position in basketball at an elite level. NBA歷史上從未有球員像LBJ一樣這麼多功能性。除了能夠適應不斷變化的環境(就像他在過77
[花邊] Sharpe:本以為KD在籃網有帶隊奪冠機會 KSharpe:本以為KD在籃網有帶隊奪冠機會 KD隨後回復道歉 03月11日訊 今日,前NFL球員、著名體育評論員Shannon Sharpe在Instagram上轉發了他 對於籃網前鋒Kevin Durant的評論。 Sharpe在節目中說:“我以為這將是KD引領一支球隊奪冠的時刻。你知道,在勇士有 Stephen Curry,那是Curry的球隊。所以這本應是KD的機會,將是KD和KI(歐文)。70
[情報] LBJ腳踝受傷,疑似踩到Haliburton的腳Hoops Central Hope LeBron is ok 希望LeBron沒事59
[花邊] 名記:我不討厭LeBron,我只是為了維護真名記:我不討厭LeBron,我只是為了維護真正的GOAT Jordan 虎撲03月15日訊 近日,被譽為美國媒體界“頭號詹黑”的FOX體育著名主持人Skip Bayless在電視節目中解釋了他對於湖人前鋒LeBron James的態度。 一位網友向Skip Bayless提問,“假如你被邀請在LeBron的名人堂入選儀式上做介紹人致 辭,你會說什麼呢?”57
[情報] Shannon對於Schroder想打先發控球衞感到Shannon對於Schroder想打先發控球衞感到不解 Shannon Sharpe on Dennis Schroder saying he wants to be the starting PG Shannon Sharpe談到了Dennis Schroder新賽季想打先發控衛這一言論。 Rob Pelinka, please tell me you've got this under control? Let’s just say he is the best player in basketball right now. Let’s save the GOAT discussion for another day. The guy led the league in assists last year47
[情報] 灰熊在Shannon Sharpe事件過後沒贏過球@statmuse Grizzlies are 0-5 since the Shannon Sharpe incident. 灰熊在Shannon Sharpe事件過後,0勝5敗。46
[花邊] 灰熊隊整隊與知名媒體人Sharpe起衝突來源: Shannon Sharpe said something that got the whole Grizzlies bench to charge at hi m moments after intermission. Security had to step in. Sharpe just walked into t he locker room tunnel with multiple security guards. Shannon Sharpe對灰熊隊說了一些東西之後造成整個灰熊板凳在中場休息時朝著他衝過去。14
[花邊] Shannon Sharpe對灰熊隊道歉"I take full accountability for what transpired. I was wrong." @ShannonSharpe apologizes & addresses his altercation at the Lakers-Grizzlies game: Shannon Sharpe在節目”Undisputed”上對湖人灰熊戰中跟灰熊整隊的爭吵道歉。8
[情報] 自從與Sharpe的衝突後 灰熊全國轉播1-7消息來源: 內容: Since Shannon Sharpe, the Grizzlies have lost 7 out of 8 national TV games (ABC/TNT/ESPN)
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[情報] 米丘: 如果馬刺沒DQ 我們可能也會學他們70
[外絮] Bronny James情人節與女友罕見放閃28
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[花邊] 咖哩和KD比賽中場單手向後拋籃 咖哩贏了27
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