[情報] 2025年全明星投票正式開跑
#NBAAllStar Voting presented by AT&T is officially underway!
Details on how fans can vote for the 2025 NBA All-Star Game starters
#NBAAllStar Voting presented by AT&T will tip off on Thursday, Dec. 19 at 10 a.m. ET and conclude on Monday, Jan. 20 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Fans will have the opportunity to vote for the 2025 NBA All-Star Game starters via the NBA App and NBA.com/vote with their NBA ID.
NBA投票正式於美國時間12/19 上午10點開跑
在NBA App跟NBA.com/vote上使用NBA ID進行投票來選出全明星賽先發球員
※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ PTT 網址
[情報] 第一階段明星賽開票LeBron James and Kevin Durant lead their respective conferences in the first fan returns of #NBAAllStar Voting presented by AT&T. Fans account for 50% of the vote to decide All-Star starters. NBA players and a media panel account for 25% each.90
[花邊] 明星賽完整投票結果Three voting groups determined the starters: ‧ Fans (50%) ‧ NBA players (25%) ‧ Media panel 25%)89
[情報] 2024明星賽第三階段投票公佈LeBron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo lead their respective conferences in the third fan returns of #NBAAllStar Voting presented by AT&T. Fans account for 50% of the vote to decide All-Star starters. NBA players and a media panel account for 25% each.87
[花邊] 2024年全明星賽投票 今天正式開跑#NBAAllStar Voting presented by AT&T is officially underway! Details on how fans can vote for the 2024 NBA All-Star Game starters 2024年全明星賽投票活動已經在今天正式開跑 截止日則為明年1月20日76
[情報] 2022明星賽 投票開跑NBA All-Star Voting presented by Tissot is NOW OPEN Swipe through for EVERYTHING you need to know! #NBAAllStar 2022明星賽將於克里夫蘭進行48
[情報] 2021全明星賽投票明天登場Twitter @ShamsCharania Shams Charania Discussions on a potential NBA All-Star game are ongoing, but players will be re cognized as All-Stars this season even if there is not a game. Shams Charania21
[外絮] 2023年NBA全明星賽投票 即將開始NBA官方 NEW YORK – NBA All-Star Voting presented by AT&T, the Official 5G Wireless Network of the NBA, will tip off on Tuesday, Dec. 20 at 11 a.m. ET and conclude on Saturday, Jan. 21 at 11:59 p.m. ET, giving fans the opportunity to vote for the 2023 NBA All-Star Game starters via the new NBA App and11
[閒聊] All-Star VotingNBA全明星投票將於美東時間1/28中午12點開始(台北時間1/29凌晨1點) 至2/16晚上11點59分(台灣2/17下午一點前) 每日皆可投票 投票方式可以由NBA官網或是APP投票 或是經由Twitter的hashtag進行投票5
[閒聊] 明星賽投票開跑 送DDR去明星賽吧原文連結: 2021年NBA全明星賽票選正式開跑!投票時間於美東時間1月28日凌晨12時正式起跑,票選 將於美東時間2月16日下午11時59分截止。 球迷投票可經由使用NBA的官方App和官網連結 ,每天都有機會投下寶貴一票支持喜愛球星,聯盟目前也正就舉辦全明星賽進行相關努力3
[賽事] 2024年NBA全明星賽投票活動(幫我勇衝票2024年NBA全明星賽之投票連結: (此連結是勇士官方的「制式」連結,名單有浪花兄弟、綠、圍巾、魯尼等五位大將。 倘若板友心中另選我勇其他球員,那就得自行操作人選更替程序,小的以上報告。) 2024年NBA全明星賽 ( 2024 NBA All-Star Game )定於臺灣時間2024年2月19日開賽, 還請本板板友一同幫忙踴躍投票-讓金州勇士隊球員有機會出現在本次全明星賽賽場上,