[外絮] LBJ跟D-Lo的新慶祝手勢: Ice in my veins

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Lakers star LeBron James’ brand new handshake with D’Angelo Russell has LA
Twitter fired up
湖人明星LBJ跟D'Angelo Russell的全新慶祝手勢讓鄉民大樂

D’Angelo Russell led the Los Angeles Lakers to a scorching start on Tuesday
night as they took on the New Orleans Pelicans in a marquee matchup. The new
Lakers point guard came firing out the gates, leading LA to a 14-0 start
against their opponents. LeBron James was in attendance watching from the
sidelines and he definitely approved of Russell’s hot start.

LeBron and Russell busted out their new handshake as both stars were hyped
with the Lakers’ strong start. Apparently, James also has ice in his veins:
的,LBJ也有"Ice in his veins":

It’s great to see both LeBron and D-Lo fired up, and unsurprisingly, it
evoked the exact same emotion among Lakers fans on Twitter:





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laptic 03/15 13:15pneumo:捏

pneumo 03/15 13:16捏屁捏

laptic 03/15 13:16:(

matsuwu 03/15 13:16老漢記手勢神扯...應該至少上百種都能記住

lin512 03/15 13:16Russell太神啦

saturday556603/15 13:16火力全開 請好好享受

laptic 03/15 13:17但說回來,一波的開始、予定?

GenesisXD 03/15 13:17氣氛真不錯 不知道可以持續多久

thindust 03/15 13:17好在兩個russel有個成材

f22313467 03/15 13:18這個Russell比較強

fidelity77 03/15 13:18會投三分的Russell真香

Zante 03/15 13:19等到連敗的時候就變拳頭了

Sessyoin 03/15 13:19

osiris34 03/15 13:23我們不要龜龜了

a3221715 03/15 13:25LeGesture

gg8n8nd34ss 03/15 13:25這不是Dlo剛出道在湖人就有的慶祝動作嗎

sw9294 03/15 13:26有外線的控球真香

bfsbfs 03/15 13:28這不是dlo本來的動作嗎 只是加前面的擊掌

s9415154 03/15 13:31一直覺得這慶祝動作挺帥的

pen13ex 03/15 13:31這是他的舊招牌啊,所以才用在擊掌裡

ljm87 03/15 13:31早就跟Russell說三分練好很重要

hiyida 03/15 13:32抓到了 5年老湖迷

hin88188 03/15 13:33這個才是真正的Russell

gold33 03/15 13:35一直覺得這個手勢不會有爭議嗎? 有點像在打毒品欸

corner0111 03/15 13:35當初有打藥負面觀感 現在又拿來用

ohmyya 03/15 13:36想吃剉冰錯了嗎

WBYY 03/15 13:36好幾年前爛大街的動作啊

ntusimmon 03/15 13:37米國鄉民大樂 NBA版鄉民不開心

Saynai 03/15 13:39把腿接上

LEBR0NJAMES603/15 13:39這個Russell比較強

NUMB43 03/15 13:40這個羅素真的香

ginopun1047703/15 13:40ice in my vein真的他媽超帥

k2215777 03/15 13:42又不是勇士隊 哪會隨便就拳頭招呼

nokumakun 03/15 13:43他的招牌動作啊 新人年就有了

try107799 03/15 13:44這是Dlo出道的招牌動作...

YellowTiger 03/15 13:44就dlo的招牌動作 放到慶祝手勢裡

Magic0312 03/15 13:45且爆發且珍惜,姆斯復出倒數了

ginopun1047703/15 13:47我覺得dlo慶祝動作是所有人裡面最帥

lilxwxrld 03/15 13:50我大Dlo最近新聞超多

lehueerfy31 03/15 13:50這種文可以po 去版

camera08 03/15 13:53連我都記得這他出道就有的動作

mib999888 03/15 13:58以前這個動作就帥到爛了

kobegary34 03/15 13:59

Childishan 03/15 14:04老詹真的是擊掌研發師 連攝影師都有

wii128 03/15 14:04在勇士太囂張就要被前輩學長飽以老拳了 還擊掌

s50101 03/15 14:20老漢不當火影忍者可惜 什麼手勢都會

bakedgrass 03/15 14:23

cktony 03/15 14:29nba球員要記戰術還要記手勢

ptychodera 03/15 14:29這個才是我要的Russell 之前送錯了

wwf1588 03/15 14:36冷血殺手

Allencash 03/15 14:41送錯還比較貴

u832u03s84 03/15 14:57御前侍衛

pippen2002 03/15 15:16D.Russell G 32:47 5-15 <---差點罪人呢!!

Satomisan 03/15 16:23這動作超中二 不知道怎麼想出來的

pf775101 03/15 16:58要記住一大堆各種擊掌手勢也不容易

horstyle041103/15 17:14這很容易記吧 就吸毒打針阿

loki94y 03/15 17:21樓上笑死

horstyle041103/15 17:39就是這樣所以大多才不會比吧

horstyle041103/15 17:42ice in my vein 冰毒在我靜脈裡

sexycute 03/15 18:13龍心大悅

sexycute 03/15 18:15Russell真香…我說會投三分那個

GT47 03/15 18:19不會投三分的羅素我們可是不要的

gangrel 03/15 18:43湖人的球隊吉祥物有點噁

xjapan329 03/15 18:59

bbbruce 03/15 20:46

HSKAO 03/15 21:10感覺腳傷好很多了XD

AdaDaDj 03/15 23:03又要蹭年輕球員了

elvita 03/15 23:29Dloading