[外絮] 從錯誤中學習的賽爾提克,5場輕取熱火

看板NBA標題[外絮] 從錯誤中學習的賽爾提克,5場輕取熱火作者
時間推噓12 推:21 噓:9 →:21

作者:Chris Herring, ESPN Senior Writer
May 2, 2024

The Boston Celtics pounded the short-handed Miami Heat 118-84 on Wednesday toknock out their longtime rival in five games and advance to the Eastern
Conference semifinals.


In taking the series, Boston avenged its 2023 conference finals loss to Miami, which was a No. 8 seed.


"That's how it should be -- we should be learning from our mistakes and things we could've done better and applying it to the next season, because we're
trying to have a different outcome this year," said Celtics star Jayson Tatum, adding that the victory was necessary for Boston's maturation as a team.


This first-round matchup ended almost exactly the way it started, with Bostonconnecting early from deep while the Heat struggled from outside. The Celticsdrilled 16 3-pointers and hit 40% of their tries while Miami was 3-of-29 from3-point territory.


The series itself was never truly in doubt, even after a record-breaking
shooting performance from the Heat in Game 2. Erik Spoelstra's club, realizing it would need to launch more 3s to stay competitive, hit 23 of its 43 triples in that contest to stun Boston and its fans 111-101 and tie the series 1-1.

即使在熱火隊用破紀錄的投籃表現拿下Game 2之後,這個系列賽的走向仍從未真正被質疑過。Spo的教練團意識到需要更多三分球來維持競爭力,並在該場熱火投出了23-43的三分,終場以111-101震驚了波士頓以及其球迷,將系列賽追平至1-1。

But those 23 makes in Game 2, a franchise playoff record, were more than the
21 Miami would hit over the final three games of the series combined. In fact, the Celtics trailed for just 56 seconds total during their four victories inthe series.


Offense was consistently hard to come by for the Heat, who were missing
starters Jimmy Butler (knee) and Terry Rozier (neck). Rookie starter Jaime
Jaquez Jr. (strained hip flexor) missed Game 5 as well. Miami finished with
fewer than 90 points in each of the last three games.

對於少了Jimmy Butler(膝蓋傷勢)和Terry Rozier(頸部傷勢)的熱火來說,他們的進攻一直難以得手。先發的新秀球員Jamie Jaquez Jr.(髖屈肌群傷勢)也錯過了Game 5。邁阿密最後3場的得分都未超過90分。

Bam Adebayo paced the Heat in Game 5 with 23 points and six assists.

Bam Adebayo在Game 5中為熱火拿下了23分6助攻。

Boston, on the other hand, looked locked in during its first game this
postseason without Kristaps Porzingis, who suffered a right calf strain that
will keep him out for at least the next week.

另一方面,波士頓在這個季後少了Kristaps Porzingis的第一場比賽看起來仍十分專注。Kristaps Porzingis目前受到右小腿拉傷的傷勢,這將使他至少缺席下周的比賽。

Guard Derrick White starred again Wednesday, scoring a game-high 25 points two nights after he torched Miami for a career-best 38. His 13 3-pointers in thepast two games are the most by a Celtics player over a two-game postseason
span, according to ESPN Stats & Information.

後衛Derrick White在週三的表現再次亮眼,在前一場轟下生涯新高38分並擊敗熱火之後,再次拿下全場最高的25分。過去兩場他投進13顆三分,是賽爾提克球員中最多的。

White's emergence illustrates why Jaylen Brown feels it's too simplistic to
suggest that Brown and Tatum need to do more offensively with Porzingis out.

White的爆發說明了為何Jalen Brown認為「在Porzingis受傷期間,Brown和Tatum要在進攻端付出更多心力」這樣的看法太過於簡單。

"I think we just have to continue to play our game like we've been doing our
whole career and continue to show our growth by trusting our teammates," Brown said. "I think if we're going to win, we're going to win as a team."


Boston now awaits its second-round opponent. The fourth-seed Cavs lead the
fifth-seeded Magic 3-2 ahead of Game 6 in Orlndo on Friday.

Game 6會在周五(美國時間)舉行。






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Weasley40 05/03 02:26第一次翻,有錯請告知><

OnePiecePR 05/03 02:27總冠軍賽 2:4 再次…

gn00152097 05/03 03:02其實青賽這種組成很難湊吧 沒有真正的超巨 但先發5

gn00152097 05/03 03:03隻都有全明星或接近全明星的水平 戰力均衡性比三巨

gn00152097 05/03 03:03頭更好 容錯率也更大

gn00152097 05/03 03:045隻只要有兩隻發揮正常或爆發基本上就很難輸

※ 編輯: Weasley40 ( 臺灣), 05/03/2024 03:15:23

※ 編輯: Weasley40 ( 臺灣), 05/03/2024 03:20:12

hanslins 05/03 03:39綠賽的經驗就大力出奇蹟

laexis 05/03 03:55沒有吉巴不用評啦

takechance 05/03 06:03公鹿都岌岌可危了,東區看不出有能威脅青賽的存在

takechance 05/03 06:05今年只看西區比賽,比較精彩一點

Playonenight05/03 06:22打殘陣需要學習什麼

karlwu 05/03 06:26所以也應該為健康道歉囉

coyoteY 05/03 06:44找到真大哥了

isequ 05/03 07:01賽提組成這陣容到底想怎麼輸熱火啦

Korgi 05/03 07:19少了KP那段的locked in這邊應該不是用來當受限的意

Korgi 05/03 07:19思..


Tamago1135 05/03 07:25教訓就是不要打健康的熱火才能贏

mepass 05/03 07:33今年兩隊實力是真的拉開太大

chinsong 05/03 07:51還是靠對方主力休息?

tt810309 05/03 08:35打熱火會變不健康

louisnight 05/03 08:38第一種子打第八 還要寫一篇出來吹

dfgdp322 05/03 08:43對面少雙箭頭算報仇嗎= =

popo5042001 05/03 08:46本來就該贏 熱火殘到不行欸 沒有什麼好勵志的吧

okichan 05/03 08:51拿冠再來吹

WinShot 05/03 08:53咦 當初風向好像不是這樣

IamJJ 05/03 09:06供三小 學習你馬 熱火先發都踏馬幾乎全躺了

hua0122 05/03 09:15被這種殘陣偷一場 不叫輕取吧

ebtspirit 05/03 09:19好笑耶,還沒開打前,某些球迷在說,黑八黑八,第二

ebtspirit 05/03 09:19場贏了,在那邊不要酸’不要讓我們贏下一場‘,現在

ebtspirit 05/03 09:19被4:1了,寫個感想文怎麼了?不是硬漢嗎?心這麼容

ebtspirit 05/03 09:19易碎?

evilraistlin05/03 09:23這陣容被熱火偷一場都不應該了...

narutotha 05/03 09:25笑死 一堆人整季都看青賽沒有認為熱火又要進總冠,

narutotha 05/03 09:26現在又跳出來說有什麼好得意的哈哈哈哈

hsienchelu 05/03 09:32打垃圾不用一篇 輸了才一篇

hsienchelu 05/03 09:32贏:打贏第八跩啥小

hsienchelu 05/03 09:32輸:老八傳奇 好強好猛

shaya1105 05/03 09:33笑死 明明就健康問題也能扯一篇

BlauWal39 05/03 09:44

※ 編輯: Weasley40 ( 臺灣), 05/03/2024 10:15:14

wiwyman 05/03 10:15輸一場已經輸了

hankchildren05/03 10:20哈哈 某些很氣 顯得令人鼻酸了

Aether13 05/03 10:26快笑死 熱火這陣容你賽贏系列還能發一篇

iamaq18c 05/03 10:33錯誤中學習 還真的是錯慘了 輸一場真的慘

Weasley40 05/03 11:28我火迷ㄟ

jcto04 05/03 12:13火迷幫推

Iamtitlehgm 05/03 13:07打個殘破陣容還能輸一場傷一星,這也能吹

wc4eva 05/03 14:21第一打第八欸老哥 對方主將還沒上==

MotleyCrue 05/03 14:42打贏三陣還被偷一場很丟臉欸

MRY 05/03 14:55過熱火 只傷了一個KP 非大傷。阿彌陀佛

MRY 05/03 14:55差點以為要斷手斷腳

choyourmilk 05/03 21:29學習個屁啊 沒吉巴你還能輸一場 這一輪其實是綠賽