[花邊] Anthony Edwards 賽後採訪全文

看板NBA標題[花邊] Anthony Edwards 賽後採訪全文作者
時間推噓64 推:65 噓:1 →:19


Q: What are you seeing defensively right now that has made it harder
for you guys to string stops together against them?


A: They make tough shots going into that third. I think the second
quarter hurt us, at the end of the second quarter. It started off with me, a
stupid turnover, but I think we gave ourselves plenty of chances to win that
game tonight. We just made a few mistakes.


Q: Is this the kind of team that is just going to capitalize on any
little mistake that you make? How do you kind of make sure that you're clean
and precise?

金塊是否是一支能利用你所犯的所有小錯誤的球隊嗎? 你要怎麼確保自己保持精準?

A: I mean, they got the best player in the world, and he's got the ball
the entire game. So anytime you make a mistake, he sees it. So, I mean, it's
hard to beat that.


Q: Anthony, did you have any words with Jamal or any of the Nuggets at
the end of the game there?


A: Oh, yeah, yeah. I just told his ass that's what we love that. Keep
talking that. That's what we like. Well, I love it, you know. So, you know,
he didn't say nothing back, but I'm pretty sure he heard me. They heard me.
Yeah, we live for that.


Q: How do you sleep after games like this? Like, how, how do you sleep
after games, Game 3 and games like this?

今晚你會怎麼入睡? 我是指,在像G3或今晚這樣失利的比賽賽後,你是怎麼入睡的?

A: I mean, the same that I sleep after the first two games. It's no different,it's a series. I mean, we won two games, but we didn't think it was gonna be
easy. I mean, this is, like I always say, these are the defenders. I said it
after Game 2. They're not gonna lay down. Um, they're gonna punch, and we're
gonna punch back. And, um, and they beat us up tonight. The last two nights,
they beat us up, um, in the fight. And, um, that's okay. You know, we'll be
all right. We'll bounce back, figure it out next game, and we'll be ready again.

Q: What was the biggest difference for you individually tonight versus
Game 3?


A: No difference, I was just aggressive tonight. Yeah. Game 3, I, I only
took, like, 14 shots. Yeah. Which is not myself.

沒有不同,我今天只是打得更積極而已。G3我大概只投了...14球? 這不是我的風格。

Q: Now it's a three-game series. How do you avoid the ebbs and flows, flying
high after 2-0 and then dropping 2-0 here? How do you keep an even keel and go into it knowing that you're two wins away?


A: I don't know. Yeah, that's a good question. I don't know. The last time itwas 2-2, I think it was Memphis series, and that didn't go well for us, so
I think we ought to do something different than we did last time.


Q: And did you notice something defensively with them that enabled you, no
matter who was on you, that you could get to the basket, you could get your
shots off? Was it something that you saw maybe in film in the first three
games that you capitalized on tonight?

你是否注意到金塊在防守上的策略,讓他們今天不管派誰防守你,你都能成功切入或投籃得手? 你是不是在前三戰的影片中看到了什麼讓你今晚能加以利用?

A: No, I think I was just aggressive, man. I think that was the main thing. Ididn't let it stop me.


Q: Karl was struggling early. I think he missed his first seven or eight shots. As a teammate, do you encourage him? Do you want him to keep being
aggressive? Do you want him to let the game come to him? How do you encouragehim to do that?

KAT今天開局很不順,我記得他應該投丟了他的前七球或八球,作為一名隊友你有鼓勵他嗎? 你希望他繼續積極出手嗎? 你希望在比賽中讓他順其自然發揮嗎? 你會怎麼鼓勵他?

A: I mean, he's a superstar. You get paid to put the ball on the rim, so I
always tell him, don't you ever stop shooting the ball because you miss five
or six shots. I don't give a damn. In order for us to win, we need you to
score, and I'm just happy he was aggressive the entire night. That's a win forus tonight, him being aggressive throughout, having an off night, I guess.


Q: The last thing. You were guarding Jamal. You were guarding Jokic. There was a point in the fourth quarter, I think it was nine minutes left. You just
looked tired. You called for a timeout. How do you conserve your energy whilestill playing with energy when you're out there for 40 plus minutes?


A: I got to figure it out. I'm young, so I guess I can look tired and still be effective out there. I definitely was a little tired, a little gassed, but I'll be all right.


Q: You guys had the series up to, and then you had a few days to kind of try
to be patient and get back to playing. And now Denver has the momentum of theseries winning two in a row. What's the difference having to turn around and
play right away?


A: I like it. I think the three days hurt us actually. Yeah, I think after
those two wins, they gave us like three days off or four days before we play
again. And I don't really like that at all. But I think that's why we came out sluggish game three. But I don't think they got any momentum. I mean, we wontwo games, they won two games. At this point, it's just whoever win two games. So I don't know how people look at it, but I look at it like I'm happy. We arecompeting at the highest level. And I'm smiling about it because I'm happy. I'm ready to go play. If we play tomorrow, I'll be ready. So it's going to be






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※ 編輯: darren2586 ( 臺灣), 05/13/2024 20:28:15

Watersmanpow05/13 20:27個性

FFMay 05/13 20:28太成熟了吧

AirRider 05/13 20:28心態很好,保持競爭性

f77928 05/13 20:29怎麼跟2:0的時候比起來客氣那麼多?我還是喜歡你桀

f77928 05/13 20:29驁不遜的樣子

allyourshit 05/13 20:30反觀 輸球就跑掉的山羌..

aifighter 05/13 20:30他講話的樣子看起來都很好笑 不討厭的屁


samsam80821 05/13 20:31超讚

ABiao0220 05/13 20:31看來下一場要拿50+才會贏球了

kim1214 05/13 20:32心態很棒 未來是你的

JOKIC 05/13 20:32下個門面就是你了 但現在還是我XD


ppbro 05/13 20:32這場已經夠神了

※ 編輯: darren2586 ( 臺灣), 05/13/2024 20:33:25

lion01123 05/13 20:32第四節看得出來他是真的累了

kobest 05/13 20:34G2小丑看起來快累死了 G4是蟻人快累死 真.冠軍戰

balabalaba 05/13 20:38華仔加油!

ifyoutry 05/13 20:38這人是真的會講話。

feng990719 05/13 20:39得體

jacobsophy 05/13 20:39推整理!今年季後賽很圈粉

NukAnah 05/13 20:39推整理

PunkGrass 05/13 20:41推 真的挺喜歡他的 很有球星該具備的氣質

PunkGrass 05/13 20:42長得不帥 但言行看起來就是很討喜 又很自信

RicFlair 05/13 20:42這種發言確實算成熟得體 不用球咪整天亂吹

Ydarvish 05/13 20:42AE一年比一年更進步了 而且不只是球技心態也成熟很

Ydarvish 05/13 20:43多,不管這輪系列賽最後結果如何相信對他來說都會

Ydarvish 05/13 20:43是非常難得的經驗

windown 05/13 20:43那我來翻翻金塊的 XD

yellow528 05/13 20:43我還蠻喜歡Edwards在必勝球探裡嘴人的嘴臉,根本就

xo45527788 05/13 20:43

yellow528 05/13 20:43是本人沒在演XD

tarantula32 05/13 20:44

swingingbear05/13 20:44真的夠屁但很討喜 他會是未來看板的

joe51408 05/13 20:44推推

kutkin 05/13 20:46#全都怪我

XDKab1g0n 05/13 20:47如果是老大或MJ

XDKab1g0n 05/13 20:47大概會直接叫Towns下半場在板凳上積極進攻

ki523898 05/13 20:51發言真的是又狂又得體 很難辦到

ohmypan 05/13 20:53推一個 讓我這30+的老人圈粉了 加油!!!!!

whhw 05/13 20:56

chenliu0716 05/13 20:59太成熟了吧??這樣益全怎麼扛

hilemon 05/13 21:02他桀驁不馴比較多在場上 場下發言都蠻討人喜歡的

monkey6 05/13 21:04推心態和發言 打球也很帥

sxzc 05/13 21:04這是從AE腦迴路說出來的話嗎 owow

amare1015 05/13 21:05AE是一個讓人喜愛的球員!

MK47 05/13 21:09他就很會講幹話 但認真的問題都很成熟

STRO 05/13 21:13偶爾臭屁,但是這種正經場合講話又得體,真的有大將

STRO 05/13 21:13之風

bagaalo 05/13 21:17軟糖趕快硬起來!

ZaneTrout 05/13 21:28AE就是NBA未來的臉

starlighting05/13 21:33推翻譯 推AE

GimmeTempo 05/13 21:34華仔!

cowbaya 05/13 21:36

samuel0330 05/13 21:38

a22122212 05/13 21:39未來是你的

cloud6666 05/13 21:46成熟,未來是你的

jacky1205 05/13 21:54真的帥 希望灰狼可以晉級 加油

Nokia5269 05/13 21:54團購球衣了

momo7426 05/13 22:02訪問影片他最後離開時看了一下數據表還感嘆了一下

momo7426 05/13 22:02Aaron Gordon~很大氣

rayli1224 05/13 22:08場下成熟 場上激情 巨星風範

elnacongo 05/13 22:18

spa790jury4805/13 22:25敢不敢再更圈粉一點

mark11422 05/13 22:26<你今晚要怎麼入睡?>XDDDD

heyamo123 05/13 22:33

babyalley 05/13 22:35Ant心態挺好的 加油

atari77 05/13 23:44這人球技也真的很強而且穩當 打法真的很喬丹 拉桿又

atari77 05/13 23:45會飛又是切入會閃 未來巨星

bluesix4722 05/14 00:32

DareJ 05/14 01:26是不是輪流在客場贏球

wc4eva 05/14 01:31感謝整理

allyourshit 05/14 02:10Q:你今晚要怎麼入睡? A:想著莫神仙的屁股就能睡得好

Hiara 05/14 02:14一直蠻喜歡AE,但不喜歡KAT

tmac713 05/14 03:17

Giovinazzi9905/14 03:42這麼討厭休息?建議去尼克

tallolz 05/14 05:25超不像22歲,特別評論KAT那段,說得真好。

evan700607 05/14 07:06

evan700607 05/14 07:06推xd

shaon 05/14 07:23得體 繼續保持

yi33168 05/14 08:18看到那個賽程真的傻眼,蠻認同他說的。

k952gfjk 05/14 08:38要散發聖光到什麼時候?狼迷已經暴增了☺

iamaq18c 05/14 08:49很得體 真的越來越圈粉!

ohya111326 05/14 09:04超成熟的發言

mrblue53453 05/14 10:17太得體了

liuman 05/14 10:43長得很帥吧

tingx2 05/14 12:36推土推

weebeer626 05/14 12:37推推