[花邊] 灰熊預計下個賽季在主場退休Tony Allen

看板NBA標題[花邊] 灰熊預計下個賽季在主場退休Tony Allen 作者
時間推噓12 推:14 噓:2 →:14


Tony Allen is expected to be the third Memphis Grizzlies player to have his number retired with the team reportedly set to honor the former All-NBA defender.

Allen told The Commercial Appeal's Damichael Cole that his No. 9 will join Marc Gasol's No. 33 and Zach Randolph's No. 50 in the rafters at FedExForum at some point during the 2024-25 season.

The Grizzlies were planning to retire Allen's number during the 2021-22 season but he asked the team to delay the honor while he dealt with a federal charge for allegedly being part of a multi-million dollar health insurance fraud scheme. Allen and his wife, Desiree, pleaded guilty and were sentenced to community service and three years probation.

Between 2010-17 Allen, aka. "The Grindfather," was a three-time NBA All-Defensive First Team member and was twice named to the Second Team. He was part of the franchise's "core four," along with Gasol, Randolph and Mike Conley, that made seven straight playoff appearances and reached the 2013 Western Conference finals.

Allen also won the NBA title in 2008 while a member of the Boston Celtics.

The Grizzlies are also planning to release a documentary on Allen's journey from Chicago to the NBA around his number retirement ceremony.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Allen said. “Hopefully, I have a box of tissue with me.”

Tony Allen 在效力灰熊期間

如果沒有07年的扣籃不知道tony Allen 能不能成為明星球員


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e2167471 05/08 02:49他也算獨角獸了 進攻破到防守補不回來

EZ78 05/08 02:52詐保仔

Mikufans 05/08 03:01在灰熊期間詐保

Qorqios 05/08 03:02

leevarchu 05/08 03:10他的詐保事件算是落幕了嗎?

Mikufans 05/08 03:12落幕了他監管3年外加社區服務

GBF8U572 05/08 04:15防守等級 進攻系隊等級的快攻上籃放槍

GBF8U572 05/08 04:15*頂級

k960674 05/08 05:08他中距離跳投其實命中率還算過得去

rex9999 05/08 06:01退休背號Tony Allen和Vlade Divac一樣荒謬

DM24Tim 05/08 06:41文章中間是不是重複一段?

sampsonlu91905/08 07:11恭喜Allen 對球隊有貢獻的人被榮退,我覺得沒問題

sampsonlu91905/08 07:11啊 我甚至覺得灰熊也該榮退Pau Gasol的背號

ju851996 05/08 07:24詐騙咖退三小

yusuke362 05/08 07:42詐保給箭頭

mark11422 05/08 07:55請問07年扣籃是什麼事?

TimmyJiang 05/08 08:08大加索就 ....尷尬定位的存在,拿了新人王也幫球隊

TimmyJiang 05/08 08:08在交易包裡拿到小加索

TimmyJiang 05/08 08:10但不要說拿冠軍這種高標準,他連季後賽拿到一勝都有

TimmyJiang 05/08 08:10困難

TimmyJiang 05/08 08:11踢妹和瓜哥這兩個長年被笑麥一輪瓜一輪的臥龍鳳雛當

TimmyJiang 05/08 08:11大哥時也沒有季後賽年年剃光頭

s1031629 05/08 08:1607那次扣籃重傷後,從潛力跳跳人逐漸往防守專精

s1031629 05/08 08:17扣籃落地意外Acl吧

Frobel 05/08 09:49大gasol 在灰熊季後賽12:0是嗎?

ROCArmy623 05/08 10:52

ILLwill 05/08 12:10我覺得Gasol和Rahim都能退,算元老

ShaoMing315 05/08 21:42最尷尬的是TA那個扣籃還是死球狀態下沒人防守時,

ShaoMing315 05/08 21:42大傷後自主進攻能力整個不見,窮人版Wade直接破產

ShaoMing315 05/08 21:43,真的是不要去做不必要的消耗。