[花邊] 停賽後第一天LBJ做啥:看跟Wade的空拋影片

看板NBA標題[花邊] 停賽後第一天LBJ做啥:看跟Wade的空拋影片作者
時間推噓推:120 噓:9 →:37

來源: ClutchPoints

What LeBron James did on first day off since NBA’s coronavirus suspension
聯盟因冠狀病毒停止季賽後第一天 LBJ做啥?

The NBA suspended its season as the threat of the novel coronavirus
(COVID-19) continues to intensify. Much like the rest of the league, Los
Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James had some downtime on his hands to stay
at home with his family.

James, 35, used the break to reminisce about some of the good old days with
his good buddy Dwyane Wade during their time together with the Miami Heat.
The four-time MVP enjoyed a film session with his son Bryce over breakfast.
35歲的LBJ用了這空閒時間來回憶他之前跟他的前熱火好兄弟Dwyane Wade的美好時光。在早餐的時候,LBJ跟他的兒子Bryce一起享受了那些打球片段。

The King shared the moment on his Instagram stories, as the father-son duo
bonded over LeBron and D-Wade’s amazing alley-oop highlights.

“Man we had more lobs in 4 years than the history of franchises itself,”
James wrote and tagged Wade.

LeBron James, of course, infamously took his talents to South Beach in the
summer of 2010, joining his 2003 draft mates Wade and Chris Bosh. Apart from
winning back-to-back championships in 2012 and 2013, the James-Wade duo
electrified the league with their unparalleled athleticism and unselfish play.當然,在2010年LBJ有著那"把天賦帶到南灘"的惡名,加入他的2003同梯Wade跟Chris

Wade officially hung up his sneakers last season and now works as an analyst
for ESPN. James, on the other hand, looks like he hasn’t lost a single step
in his 17th year in the league.

James is once again an MVP contender, averaging 25.7 points, 7.9 rebounds,
10.6 assists, and 1.2 steals in 60 games before the NBA suspended its season.LBJ再度成為本季MVP的角逐者,在停賽前總共打了60場比賽,場均25.7分,7.9個籃板,10.6次助攻,以及1.2次抄截。

The hiatus brings a cloud of uncertainty to James and the rest of the Lakers
squad, considering they already clinched a playoff spot and is one of the
favorites to win it all this year.


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Miyanishi25 03/13 14:069

henrykiki 03/13 14:06回憶過去

KiniroMosaic03/13 14:069

james049240 03/13 14:069

kuaiphoto 03/13 14:07真愛

OPPAISuki 03/13 14:07看老婆的影片

ngilisigoa 03/13 14:079愛最美

adana 03/13 14:07

Siika 03/13 14:099

sasaki3630 03/13 14:09甲爆

funnyrain 03/13 14:09知道生日影片後韋后會生氣 連忙安撫我皇真的很會

Kyrieisme 03/13 14:11看了很多長傳球 長長99

Dorae5566 03/13 14:11休一個月後季後賽打灰熊,對喇叭真是幸運

AtDe 03/13 14:129是為你

interact 03/13 14:134Gay

hank61910 03/13 14:13常常99

aasaasaas94703/13 14:13開始回憶起當年

coollonger 03/13 14:16真愛

powyo 03/13 14:169偉

MG1211 03/13 14:17先安撫韋后 不然看到AD生日歌影片肯定要吵架了

stayforever 03/13 14:18很會

mikado2 03/13 14:19哈哈

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/13/2020 14:19:56

ciafbi007 03/13 14:21愛的9是你

IAMGRICE 03/13 14:21Dora留言真可愛,不然要打誰比較不輕鬆?現在老八就

IAMGRICE 03/13 14:21是熊熊啊,

scatman 03/13 14:219分

google60411 03/13 14:22天長地9

CYHyen 03/13 14:22MPV mutil-propose vehicle

CYHyen 03/13 14:23歐幹我打錯了是 purpose 總之中譯那邊MVP打成MPV了

謝謝指正 已修

lkk88 03/13 14:23真愛

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/13/2020 14:26:48

togetfree 03/13 14:289分

paradoxQ 03/13 14:29好想再回到那些年的時光

f22313467 03/13 14:30難怪wade灌籃大賽那麼嚴格 每個都當LBJ在評

DuoDuokk77 03/13 14:30我詹乃一代詹皇 後宮佳麗 左擁右抱 小事小事

deanisme 03/13 14:31詹皇連看個影片都是新聞 偉哉

edison1003 03/13 14:32當迷片看捏

OGCOGCOGCOGC03/13 14:34真愛

tgmrvmle 03/13 14:349愛還是最美,美的東西往往太早枯萎

oadas 03/13 14:349是越陳越香

vvnbear 03/13 14:35這個雙人組真的強,類似位置的組合真的只有MJ+Pip

vvnbear 03/13 14:35能叫板了,雙人都是攻守一體又互搭互補的,很少

Georgebuy 03/13 14:36還是只能給9分

Magic0312 03/13 14:36怎麼不看2011總冠,因應時事看看咳嗽仔啊

ChildX 03/13 14:38給這空拋9分

skylion 03/13 14:38LBJ本來穩破賈霸記錄

camouflage1003/13 14:389是愛你愛著你 不離不棄

leftavoid 03/13 14:389愛還是最美

skylion 03/13 14:39現在成未知數了

king114206 03/13 14:41一起咳嗽怎可不看一下

y36987412 03/13 14:42怎麼不自我隔離 是想傳給家人?

Y1999 03/13 14:44真愛

DerLuna 03/13 14:47這個灌籃我給9分

ja1295 03/13 14:50放假看老婆影片 真愛

ELV420 03/13 14:519分

a22122212 03/13 14:53看A片的概念

CMPunk 03/13 14:55那個阿雷u我給九分

okc5566 03/13 14:56真愛

mitchellwei 03/13 14:56kappapride

s98091028 03/13 14:589

ayuro 03/13 15:00兒子你看電視上那個人很厲害吧

fatbobo 03/13 15:01我怎麼只記得打輸德老

jakewu1217 03/13 15:049分

hyc0725zz 03/13 15:079是要回味

HardDDDD 03/13 15:09……9分

js52666 03/13 15:09偷尻?

sk2sk2sss 03/13 15:11為啥無法?

sk2sk2sss 03/13 15:11美國一天的檢測能力應該很高吧!?

sk2sk2sss 03/13 15:11推錯文,拍謝

turnpoint 03/13 15:122011就咳嗽了,神伏筆?

iliyu 03/13 15:149分

a3119967 03/13 15:16

ARCHER2234 03/13 15:18甜蜜的9分

jorden 03/13 15:249分

dengjyun 03/13 15:24可愛加PG的鋒線組合 怎麼沒有這種精彩演出的感覺

i376ers 03/13 15:259的迫降

jacklinjia 03/13 15:299

s310143 03/13 15:29可愛跟lbj比? 人家歷史坐二望一可愛????

s310143 03/13 15:30有沒有前50我是不知道啦

gdjean 03/13 15:30看影片尻9次

s310143 03/13 15:31可愛走暴龍戰績差不多 lbj走騎士變1x勝隊伍怎比

s310143 03/13 15:32當年熱火lbj走也爆了喔

snow5566 03/13 15:32還不是體能球 LBJ頂多34歲就要退休了

heacoun 03/13 15:349這樣愛那愛你愛你隨時都要一起

Antares 03/13 15:35lbj家看起來沒很浮誇

ray10133 03/13 15:399

mattfan 03/13 15:41以LBJ財力那台電視尺寸小了一點

Pedro74 03/13 15:4299神功

mattfan 03/13 15:43老實說他們配合的很好是因為偉德的傳球都很到位LBJ

mattfan 03/13 15:43空接很輕鬆

RadioMan 03/13 15:439是愛你愛著你

Kenshin0707 03/13 15:46Curry+KD呢?

louise13 03/13 15:49死不捐錢

Vaan 03/13 15:50是誰在敲打我窗...

nastycurry 03/13 15:51....

josh17 03/13 15:559

slimak 03/13 15:568甲9

zsp9081a 03/13 15:59邊咳嗽邊看啊 九分

ApAzusa126 03/13 16:00舊愛還是最美

samuelass 03/13 16:01好奇電視前那根木頭做啥的

MaroonSheran03/13 16:04到底要AD還是wade

mchotdoggy 03/13 16:139

linisthebest03/13 16:16

ganhua 03/13 16:2299999

anoymouse 03/13 16:23

tttttttiger 03/13 16:25好基友

Ensidia 03/13 16:29這兩人是不是最強組合不好說 但絕對是最華麗最好看

champhon 03/13 16:329分

z1231002 03/13 16:33皇帝家真是樸實無華 反觀台灣吊車大王

defreestijl 03/13 16:359分

powg 03/13 16:37

TonyYo 03/13 16:479

stark841117 03/13 16:48永遠忘不了WADE那個橫跨全場的長傳 傳的超到位

lyt5566 03/13 16:559

shinfu99 03/13 17:06懷念11咳嗽仔兄弟?!

b19900127 03/13 17:14姆斯真的老了,開始老人症回憶當年勇

zzyzx 03/13 17:16lebron 6, wade 9 69快攻

DarkHolbach 03/13 17:19這個空拋我給9分

gbgbdavidlee03/13 17:20樓下推文沒有9我自墮

doclin 03/13 17:26NBA神龍寺兄弟

imret 03/13 17:31電視也買太小台

joeytoast 03/13 17:36

chang860708 03/13 17:459

dalipkid 03/13 17:479

weslee 03/13 17:51尻尻?

matsuwu 03/13 17:55這個搭配真的華麗組合

s66449 03/13 18:01

www2967 03/13 18:03以前國中無法天天看老大毆肥三連霸

xkiller1900 03/13 18:03真愛

www2967 03/13 18:04後來大學看來無雙二人組四年,最美好的時光...

www2967 03/13 18:05常常一場比賽都好幾球無雙灌籃 很爽

smooth2mj3 03/13 18:209/10

bigbug6024 03/13 18:33然後給他9分

wpd 03/13 18:37熱火隊球衣明明給10分

iamaq18c 03/13 18:389分

adidasair1 03/13 18:4299

john91018 03/13 18:469

a8628989 03/13 19:11天長地9

a3221715 03/13 19:53天長地9 6+3=9

gangrel 03/13 20:04

o0991758566 03/13 20:099

BusterWu 03/13 20:199是想你了

OyAlbert 03/13 21:49想回到過去

zero955185 03/13 22:09Wade.avi

jhihheng 03/13 23:229 4狂

ypoa 03/13 23:23在我心中在沒有人代替你的D-wade

ypoa 03/13 23:24我決定愛你一萬年

lovetina 03/13 23:24 這張吧~~

chi12345678 03/13 23:2799999999999999999

tetsu2008 03/13 23:479

sinben 03/14 00:5999999999

Vincehsun 03/14 03:019分

chinfu1222 03/14 03:38電視好小

sky781125 03/14 07:21自慰

op520ptt 03/14 09:17拿的助攻王要打*

liafree 03/14 09:209

Eric60203 03/14 09:379是愛你

Strasburg 03/14 09:50WADE對這則動態興奮的打出9分

odanaga 03/14 11:129愛還是最美

fantacliff 03/14 11:40真愛

jimmy70359 03/14 15:14可惜給了9...

jimmy70359 03/14 15:15

funeasy 03/14 16:59呷百二

tetsu2008 03/14 17:563+6=9

nolie1228 03/14 21:189

muvowen 03/15 00:239是要wade!

maxint 03/25 12:04真愛