[花邊] Nash跟Marjanovic的#StayAtHomeChallenge

看板NBA標題[花邊] Nash跟Marjanovic的#StayAtHomeChallenge作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:6

來源: ClutchPoints

Steve Nash, Boban Marjanovic joins toilet roll ‘Stay At Home Challenge’
Steve Nash跟Boban Marjanovic參加了踢捲筒衛生紙的"Stay At Home Challenge"

Current NBA big man Boban Marjanovic and former star point guard Steve Nash
are among those in the basketball community taking part in the “Stay At Home
現役大個子Boban Marjanovic跟前明星控衛Steve Nash是籃球界裡幾位參加"Stay At HomeChallenge"的名人。

The movement–which was started in part by MLS defender Tommy Thompson of the
San Jose Earthquakes, is meant to encourage people of the world to remain
indoors in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic that has devastated
countries around the globe.
這活動的發起,一部分是由美國足球聯盟San Jose地震隊球員Tommy Thompson所發起,主要是想要在中國肺炎病毒肆虐全球時,希望可以鼓勵大家待在家裡。

Though it was popularized by soccer stars both at home and abroad, both
Marjanovic and Nash are partaking, fittingly using a role of toilet paper–
which is suddenly an item of very high demand worldwide–as their juggling
material of choice.

Boban showed off some decent footwork and dexterity before launching the ballinto orbit:


Nash’s participation should hardly be a surprise. After all, he is an ardent
soccer fan and also did some commentating for Bleacher Report during last year’s UEFA Champions League:
Nash參加這挑戰應該不意外,畢竟他是熱中的足球粉,在去年足球歐洲冠軍聯賽時他還為Bleacher Report做評論:


Pretty good stuff from the two-time MVP. The kids are always a nice touch.

Ideally, fun and goofy challenges such as these will raise awareness and
encourage people to stay as isolated as possible in order to curb the spread
of coronavirus.



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Yui5 03/20 10:55老衲當初罰球前都要舔下手,如果還是現役感覺很容

Yui5 03/20 10:55易中標。。

k1230588 03/20 10:5677也有發

UCAthena 03/20 10:56是Dragic先,標了Nash跟Luka,luka又標了boban

CCFACE 03/20 10:58GJ~

AJStyles 03/20 11:00老納罰球真的很噁嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔

mvpdirk712 03/20 11:03Jason Kidd也是啊,罰球送飛吻

st91184 03/20 11:04巨神兵好有喜感

amen123 03/20 11:09推岳父

vincent1985 03/20 11:11岳父的腿上功夫依舊風采

smalldata 03/20 11:12nash打足球可能也是頂級的

toneyney 03/20 11:13boban不愧是塞爾維亞人

CrazyRed 03/20 11:32Nash足球世家出身的 是說好怕踩到後面的小孩XD

kuku951 03/20 11:38中國肺炎

LiamMcMorrow03/20 11:41很故意……

robinkidd 03/20 11:41網球員也一堆腳法很好的

LKN555 03/20 11:48快搶衛生紙來拍片...

nash3000 03/20 11:48推nash

t13 03/20 11:56推Nash

gp03dan 03/20 12:12Nash前隊友,假摔功夫超爛(不會說是某個41號)

p20162 03/20 12:12小孩:??????

kkjjkkjj 03/20 12:29nash足球頂級?加拿大足球那麼爛

linchunan 03/20 12:35樓上在認真什麼啦......

mnb1234 03/20 12:36NASH要是還在打球 絕對是超級傳播者

e811222c 03/20 13:22

e811222c 03/20 13:22想到這球妙傳

Toy17 03/20 13:29老納跟Eddie Redmayne真的長好像

TwinkleFany 03/20 14:59大腳一踹

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/20/2020 15:22:50

JimmyBlue 03/20 16:53nash那篇的留言超好笑:誰會是第一個因為踢衛生紙受

JimmyBlue 03/20 16:53傷的球員呢?

ecck 03/20 21:58推Nash