[外絮] 能否長出投射能力?西門:我知道那會出現的

看板NBA標題[外絮] 能否長出投射能力?西門:我知道那會出現的作者
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來源: CBS Sports

76ers' Ben Simmons confident he will develop an effective shooting game: 'I
know it's going to come'
76人Ben Simmons有信心他會培養出有效率的投球:「我知道那會發生的。」

Before the NBA season was suspended indefinitely due to the coronavirus, Ben
Simmons was dealing with a lower back impingement and it was unclear when he
would return for the Philadelphia 76ers' playoff push.
在NBA賽季因為武漢肺炎疫情導致無限期停賽前,Ben Simmons正在處理他的下背問題,那時還不清楚他到底會不回來的及在季後賽開始前回到隊上幫忙。

While the league remains optimistic about having a postseason, it's unclear
when it would even begin. What we do know is it would start much later than
mid-April, as originally scheduled. This delay could work in Philadelphia's
favor, as it gives Simmons not only additional time to heal, but to also workon his shot. Even when Simmons returns healthy, questions regarding his lack
of a perimeter game and how that impacts the team will quickly resurface.

The importance of Simmons developing some semblance of a jump shot in order
for him to reach his full potential as a player, and for the Sixers to reach
their full potential as a team, has been well documented. Sixers All-Star
center Joel Embiid has had conversations with Simmons about stepping out of
his comfort zone for the good of the team. At one point during the season,
Sixers head coach Brett Brown even thought about benching Simmons if he
continued to refuse to shoot.
有關Simmons培養出一些投射能力對於他是否能完全的發展以及對於球隊的發展的重要性是很明確的。76人中鋒Joel Embiid曾和Simmons討論過,要他踏出舒適圈,這是對球隊有幫助的。一度在本賽季中,76人教練Brett Brown甚至想過若是他繼續拒絕投射,會考慮讓他坐板凳。

"I told Ben, 'If you aren't willing to shoot, then do I just bench you?
Because I can do that,'" Brown said, via Jackie MacMullan of ESPN. "We could
have gone that route or continue to coach him as it relates to spacing. We
worked on the ability to use it as a choice to shoot the 3, catch and go, getin the paint, or find someone else. This was all discussed. I opted to take
this path. I think only down the road will we be able to truly assess if it
was the right one."

Simmons, himself, says a little too much focus is placed on his shot -- or
lack thereof -- causing him to shy away from shooting and instead focus on
the areas where he already thrives. However, Simmons also understands how
important it is that he expands his range in order to open things up for the
rest of Philadelphia's offense, and he is confident that that part of his
game will develop in time as he becomes increasingly comfortable spacing the

"Some people put so much emphasis on it," Simmons said of his shot. "It's a
little too much. It made me back check and say, 'Let me focus on what I'm
good at.' There are things I do on the court where nobody can stop me, when
I'm putting up steals, assists, scoring in the paint.

"I know it's going to come. It's a matter of me being comfortable doing it,"
Simmons continued. "Some of that is getting the reps in. I can take a hook
shot from the elbow, because I've done it so many times, I'm confident it
will go in. It's second nature. With 3s, it's never been like that. I've got
to make it a point of emphasis. I could be one of those guys shooting 30
percent right now. But I'd rather be one of those guys shooting 40 percent."

The fact is that Simmons is going to have to be alright with some misses.
He's not automatically going to become a 40 percent shooter from distance.
You have to crawl before you walk, and up to this point, Simmons has barely
even tried to crawl. However, before he injured his back, Simmons had
expressed a willingness to try to expand his range, even though that
willingness wasn't necessarily reflected in his play as he had attempted justsix 3s on the season.

"I feel like I want to take [3s] now," Simmons said prior to his back injury."As opposed to being asked to force them up. It could be during the playoffs.I've prepped so much for it, when I do it, it will work."

Before Simmons can try to expand his range, though, he has to get back out onthe floor. The good news there is that the Sixers do expect to have Simmons
healthy and available should the season ultimately resume, according to

"He's feeling strong," a member of Simmons' camp said, via ESPN. "The
original restrictions were very limiting, but all of them have been removed.
He would probably need another scan, so the doctors could officially clear
him, but there's been no setbacks. He's dying to get out there."

Getting Simmons back out on the court is the first step for the Sixers, and
the fact that he appears to be healthy is a solid sign for the franchise. Thenext step will be to again try to grow his comfort with his perimeter shot,
something that Brown has tried to do time and again. Perhaps the extended
break has given Simmons an opportunity to work on his shot, both physically
and mentally, and maybe he will finally be more willing to pull the trigger
if and when play is ultimately resumed.



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k8952000 04/22 14:13我很確定我上NBA前就不會投籃 投不進怕被罵咩

ls61412 04/22 14:15我就怕被罵啊

Bigcookie2 04/22 14:20其實練不出來 也算是明星球員 只是在季後賽

Bigcookie2 04/22 14:20可能無法走太遠

JahillOkafor04/22 14:28不然就多投中距離唄 Wade DDR中距離都很準

powerlin 04/22 14:30你不會投籃為什麼不早講,阿我就怕被罵咩

sunnyyoung 04/22 14:31在平行宇宙裡

TimmyJiang 04/22 14:36來猜猜是Zion先把左右手得分練起來還是西門先學會三

TimmyJiang 04/22 14:36

ray17606 04/22 14:39好啦不投射那就吃壯一點扛禁區啦

Playonenight04/22 14:48從一開始就沒有投籃喔 我不知道他在幹嘛

sam86716 04/22 14:59可是你要出手啊

chogosu 04/22 15:03學櫻木阿,只投進關鍵球布局

utcn92 04/22 15:04這就中二病啊

jack1993199304/22 15:07拿Wade比?

Kenshin0707 04/22 15:11我~知~道~我的未來不是夢

roger262390004/22 15:14Zion會先長出投射

cowbay5566 04/22 15:20先會罰球再說吧

linearppt 04/22 15:34他太自傲了,沒辦法忍受被嘲笑、被奚落,另一方面

linearppt 04/22 15:34覺得投不進很丟臉,但過不了這一關,終究就是很強

linearppt 04/22 15:34的二把手而已,我會覺得很可惜,加油吧

stkoso 04/22 15:37介於能與不能之間

xm3k0828 04/22 15:45阿我就怕被笑阿

MONGA7 04/22 15:45都被放投了還不投 隊友真的會氣死

dinochen68 04/22 15:47DH 都投的比你多了

kyleliu2000 04/22 15:47到底自傲什麼...76人想走得遠 鉛筆西門要挑一個交

kyleliu2000 04/22 15:47易掉

TooGodLa161604/22 15:51你知道我等三分等了多久嗎?四年啊

bigbigcc 04/22 15:55那你要投阿 別搞中二了

legend1125 04/22 15:57小朋友鬧牌氣,你們越要我投我偏不投

legend1125 04/22 15:57他覺得自己不投三分就是全明賽了,為什麼還要投

blackdevil 04/22 16:00有空擋也不投,那是不是也不能怪隊友不跑戰術

meatmm 04/22 16:01想升級成有3分投射能力的話要先儲值喔(下張大約get)

opwin 04/22 16:07球兒的三分都長出來了

teruhyde12 04/22 16:10你去年也這樣說,放羊的小孩誰信

heyjude1118 04/22 16:11發生在平行宇宙

heyjude1118 04/22 16:12拍個怪物奇兵3,用特效比較快

a3221715 04/22 16:12#TrustTheProcess

Bakran 04/22 16:58多出手就會進了(公園大叔跟我說的

ss3752 04/22 17:01這心態挺要不得的…

dwiee 04/22 17:02隔壁的到退休拿不出雷茲 西門會不會到退休也沒投射

dwiee 04/22 17:04不過他沒投射 就進明星賽了 自己覺得也沒差了吧

GGGGH 04/22 17:05鉛筆一定覺得他是不敢投球的小貓

FragrantJo 04/22 17:08真的就是個遜咖,能力說多強也沒有,擔當和心態又幾

FragrantJo 04/22 17:08乎看不見,真的交易還比較快,一直不上不下有意思

FragrantJo 04/22 17:08

tassadar1 04/22 17:13介於會出現跟不會出現之間

rm76 04/22 17:26她說將~來會找到的

lkk88 04/22 17:36真的練出來 我們再討論 ok? 心理有病的傢伙

peterw 04/22 17:47這中二度爆表了吧?

Nokia5269 04/22 17:56好屁....

SELEX 04/22 18:20超廢 怕命中率太差就不敢投 這樣算什麼明星球員

leo755269 04/22 18:49何時決定加入NBA? 我:我知道那會出現的

CLawrence 04/22 19:22(練習賽的時候)

starcry 04/22 19:54噗 鄉民嘴人遜咖

Mits5190 04/22 19:57永遠都只在沒打球時才用正式比賽怎麼都不用

bIuceC 04/22 20:03你投籃練不出來你要先講啊(?

Ten6666 04/22 20:14你不投然後覺得它會出現 佛系練球?

fantasyscure04/22 21:00下輩子

new122851 04/22 21:56DDR都比他敢投

GOOGOOfish 04/22 22:20someday oneday

JOGIBA 04/22 22:22西門:啊我就怕被罵啊

mmk 04/22 22:56心理素質太差了老大 鬍子 龜龜投不進繼續投不放棄

fd263fd263 04/22 22:59現在球季提前結束正是開發投籃的時間啊

svchost6 04/23 00:09西門:卑鄙源之助

gydiaw 04/23 07:51結果是臉皮薄怕丟臉..

rl55586 04/23 08:22就是知道命中率不高 才不投

SULAjardin 04/23 13:41西門:我哪知道會出現?

ks96021019 04/24 02:06靠小樣本湊到40%哦 還在作夢

lolive 04/27 08:13阿我就怕被罵咩