[花邊] Cuban曾試圖要Jordan別跟巫師而跟小牛簽約

看板NBA標題[花邊] Cuban曾試圖要Jordan別跟巫師而跟小牛簽約作者
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來源: Yahoo Sports

Michael Jordan on the Mavericks? Mark Cuban tried to make it happen
Michael Jordan變成小牛球員?Mark Cuban曾嘗試過

Michael Jordan’s return to the NBA in 2001 was not a glorious one.
2001年Michael Jordan的回歸並不是那麼耀眼。

He remained a productive player at the end of his career as he averaged more
than 20 points in each of his two seasons with the Washington Wizards.

But at 38 and 39 years old, he had devolved into a volume shooter playing on
bad basketball teams that failed to eclipse 37 wins.

What if Jordan instead had joined a contender that had prime talent and
deployed his leadership and limited skillset in a more surgical fashion?

Mark Cuban tried to make that happen.
小牛老闆Mark Cuban曾試著想要讓這件事發生。

The Dallas Mavericks owner told Dallas’ 105.3 The Fan on Tuesday (h/t @ Mike
Fisher) that he tried to talk Jordan and his agent David Falk out of signing
with the Wizards in 2001. He had just bought his majority stake of the
Mavericks a year prior.
他在星期二的廣播節目上說,他在2001年的時候跟Jordan以及Jordan的經紀人David Falk談過,希望他可以不要跟巫師簽約。那年是Cuban成為小牛主要擁有者的隔年。

“The day he signed with the Washington Wizards to come back, David Falk —
that’s right when I was buying the Mavs — said ‘why don’t you go meet him?
’” Cuban said. “So I went to David Falk’s office and all the papers were
right there. And I was trying to convince MJ to not sign them and to do
something with the Mavs.”
「當Jordan決定回來打球跟巫師簽約的那天,他的經紀人David Falk--那時候我剛買了小牛--他說,『為何你不跟他談一下呢?』」Cuban說。「所以我就去David Falk的辦公室,然後那些文件都已經在那邊了。然後我試著說服MJ不要跟巫師簽,來小牛打球。」

What would the Mavericks have looked like with Jordan from 2001-03? Pretty

The 01-02 Mavs featured Michael Finley, Steve Nash and a 23-year-old Dirk
Nowitzki just coming into his prime. They finished 57-25 and lost in the
second round of the playoffs to Chris Webber’s Sacramento Kings.
2001-02賽季的小牛有Michael Finley,Steve Nash以及23歲剛進入生涯黃金期的Dirk
Nowitzki。他們那年戰績57-25,在季後賽第二輪輸給了Chris Webber領軍的國王。

Steve Nash was still in Dallas the next season as the same core led the
Mavericks to a 60-22 record and a Western Conference finals loss to the
eventual champion San Antonio Spurs.
隔年,Steve Nash帶領的同樣陣容的小牛季末拿下60-22戰績,但是在西決輸給了最後拿下當年總冠的馬刺。

Could Jordan in a limited but more precise role have helped the Mavericks
over the hump to cut short the Shaq-Kobe dynasty in 2002 or steal a title
from Tim Duncan’s Spurs in 2003?
能力有限但是角色更明確的Jordan能否幫助小牛度過難關,讓Kobe-Shaq王朝在2002年就終止嗎?還是可以在2003年從Tim Duncan的馬刺手上偷到一冠嗎?

Would Jordan have accepted anything but a starring role?

It’s all moot, of course. There was no chance Jordan’s comeback was going
to land anywhere but in Washington. He orchestrated his own return to the
court as the part owner and president of basketball operations of the Wizardsin 2000. There was a reason former Chicago Bulls head coach Doug Collins was
on the Wizards sideline.
當然,這一切都只是假設。Jordan回歸NBA不可能會跟巫師以外的球隊簽約的。在2000年,他安排好了他的回歸,除了成為球員外,他也是巫師的部分所有權人以及球團營運總裁,這也是前公牛總教練Doug Collins會在巫師場邊的原因。

But Jordan on the early 00’s Mavs makes for a fascinating what-if.

MJ+Nash+Finley+司機 這樣的陣容幾冠?


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jtch 05/06 10:22Nash防守太差會被交易掉 Dirk會被嘴到崩潰

Hohenzollern05/06 10:25當時巫師隊老闆給喬丹操盤GM才說服成功

Bainite 05/06 10:27會氣氛吧 哈哈

ILLwill 05/06 10:27這樣老喬一定要打3號,其實也比較適合他的老膝蓋

Embiid5566 05/06 10:28神不需要抱腿

Hohenzollern05/06 10:29不然他直接回公牛隊就好 話說第二度復出之前在公牛

Hohenzollern05/06 10:29練球被R.Artest撞傷 只好晚一個球季復出

eipduolc 05/06 10:51獨行俠

phianswer 05/06 10:56老喬在巫師2年都打SF啊

scatman 05/06 11:03Finley年輕的時候還被老喬秀了一下基本動作的差異

scatman 05/06 11:04感覺老喬如果去小牛會嘴DIRK太軟 Finley當年怎麼被

scatman 05/06 11:04他電 NASH沒防守 整隊開始氣氛

KaientaiDojo05/06 11:10獨行俠魔人哦

Yui5 05/06 11:23老喬去巫師當GM的記得?真的沒比較好。

sunnyyoung 05/06 11:23如果庫本讓喬丹變合夥人 說不定就成功了

leophior 05/06 11:27MJ在巫師打球是當老闆兼主角 去小牛打工當配角幹嗎

rxvt 05/06 11:31limit比較像是形容因著角色定位而被限制住

ellis5566 05/06 11:47新人德佬會被嘴到崩潰

givered 05/06 11:53小牛沒給股份吧,不然老喬搞不好會點頭

TomBoHu 05/06 12:13結果還是被巫師老闆戲耍

toeic900 05/06 12:20這些討論都多餘的,巫師喬是球員兼主管

williamsf1 05/06 12:26

williamsf1 05/06 12:26叫你老闆出來賭

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zxriffey 05/06 15:49lbj,38.39...大概就組不到腿了

sam123343 05/06 16:51LBJ38.39大概還是能開坦克車輾進去..

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cleoly59406805/06 17:19

selamour 05/06 18:55球員兼總管 自己討厭的人自己賣XD

kkjjkkjj 05/07 00:59這只是炒新聞