[花邊] Trump推特說美國人是勇士 然後鄉民開酸了

看板NBA標題[花邊] Trump推特說美國人是勇士 然後鄉民開酸了作者
時間推噓27 推:30 噓:3 →:28

來源: USA Today

President Donald Trump tweets 'WARRIORS' and everyone made the same NBA joke
美國總統Donald Trump推特上寫了"WARRIORS",然後每個人都講著同一個NBA笑話

In response to the current coronavirus pandemic and the way the American
people are handling it, President of the United States Donald Trump sent out
a tweet meant to remind the scared and vulnerable populace of this great
nation that they are, indeed, a resilient and determined lot.
對於目前美國處理武漢肺炎疫情的方式,美國總統Donald Trump在推特發文,本意是要提醒這偉大國家裡面這些受驚嚇的民眾,大家應該是個強悍意志力堅強的民族。

Instead of bothering with, oh, say, 52 tweets sent out in one morning to helpus shore up our resolve and get through the next several months of more
quarantining and self-isolation, Trump this time kept his message to the
American people limited to five words and a very effective use of ALL CAPS.

“The American People are WARRIORS!”

Of course, everyone made the same 3-1 NBA joke on Twitter, but that doesn’t
make it any less hilarious.

"That must be why I feel like we blew a 3-1 lead "

"Explains us blowing a 3-1 lead against the virus. "

"well, we are blowing a 3-1 lead right now "

"Yep. We’re about to blow a 3-1 lead."

"In that case, 2020 is the Cavs and we just blew a 3-1 lead. "

Are we, as a nation, about to blow a lead against the coronavirus because we’re reopening states too early? Possibly! Others will argue we never had a
lead to begin with.

At any rate, calling people “warriors” just sets them up to be
unnecessarily martyred by using false military narratives. We’re not heroes
or warriors, and no one should have to sacrifice their health and safety in
order to get a hair cut or see a ballgame.

Honestly, the only thing you can do with a tweet like this is make jokes.



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Kazmier 05/13 10:25勇士就是位在左膠大本營啊

vincecarterx05/13 10:32廁所又要爆滿了 XDDD

frank8233 05/13 10:32樓下噓the跨和四年三亞

charlie01 05/13 10:34其實也可以說像騎士啊XDD

ciafbi007 05/13 10:34那疫苗就是KD惹

tailsean 05/13 10:35美國在防疫根本沒有3-1領先過吧

OPPAISuki 05/13 10:38黃子韜表示:

AhirunoSora 05/13 10:39真的要比喻的話 比較像後兩年的騎士被壓著打

coolrr 05/13 10:45沒人喜歡住廁所吧

downtoearth 05/13 10:45應該說 中國在爆炸時 全世界都是3:1 只是除了

downtoearth 05/13 10:46亞洲 歐美都不當一回事..

lsslz 05/13 10:52美國什麼時候領先過 4-0還比較貼切

OPPAISuki 05/13 10:54確診人數逆轉勝

kimo6414 05/13 11:14二月的時候算3-1吧,然後把自己好牌都玩掉

wx190 05/13 11:24總亞軍

asd831129 05/13 11:34是今年抽狀元的勇士吧

Diehardx 05/13 11:36什麼時候美國領先了

ea712918 05/13 11:39勇迷又要跳腳了

ignativs 05/13 11:40二月前中國疫情嚴重,未來經濟堪慮,歐美國家不在乎

ignativs 05/13 11:41現在中國經濟重啟 歐美還在對抗病毒

stocktonty 05/13 12:04勇士:關我屁事

yesido330 05/13 12:06應該要補個KD勇才對

Aggro 05/13 12:18美國我記得很早就收到情資

micbrimac 05/13 12:24像騎士是冠軍賽一直輸嗎XDD

micbrimac 05/13 12:24怎麼勇士贏比較多冠軍 好像比較丟臉一樣 真是奇怪

iamaq18c 05/13 12:32XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

kutkin 05/13 12:32川普真是大人大量 不計較curry不來

kutkin 05/13 12:32還用勇士當梗

Gentile 05/13 12:32勇士就是輸給RMBJ 川普這樣是說要輸給中國嗎

Luvsic 05/13 12:37好像美國有領先過一樣

eh07 05/13 12:42是J.R. Smith

magamanzero 05/13 12:46二月的時候 3-1 不過這場比賽是注定輸的 別想多

newtypeL9 05/13 13:05哈哈哈,提到勇士先提3-1

Wishmaster 05/13 13:09躺著也中槍XD

tommica33 05/13 13:16今年的勇士還差不多

iori2968 05/13 13:42防疫KD在哪?

meson 05/13 14:14快點隔海水桶啊

ooplus 05/13 14:26當初禁中國航班就是3-1啊 後面我就不多說

jorden 05/13 14:58XDDDDDDDD

paulabxz123 05/13 15:07中國爆炸的時候 美國如果認真要守一定守得住 問題是

paulabxz123 05/13 15:07他沒有要守

magamanzero 05/13 15:10他守不住的 他的歐洲隊友一直往自己籃框投籃

magamanzero 05/13 15:11要怎麼守 他敢把他的歐洲隊友都ban掉嗎XD

magamanzero 05/13 15:13如果當時所有國家跟著一起ban中國 那還有機會

magamanzero 05/13 15:14沒有的話 就注定爆掉了 這算是全球化的代價

sy4826951 05/13 16:06廁所爆滿中

fantasyhorse05/13 16:26美國守不住要先怪歐洲那群豬隊友..

allssddaa 05/13 16:48美國應該以為冠軍只要五戰三勝 所以二月就在慶祝奪

allssddaa 05/13 16:48冠遊行

allssddaa 05/13 16:50mag大 ban全球有什麼不敢的? 最後還不是得ban 有腦

allssddaa 05/13 16:51沒腦而已 台灣還是不爆掉前就ban了

corlos 05/13 17:04一輪勇

ZaneTrout 05/13 17:17川普就是失誤Curry

airandy1102 05/13 17:35擁咪哭泣

kaede0711 05/14 00:07哈哈哈

hwlxxx 05/14 08:57台灣是全世界都爆掉的時候才全ban的,一開始也只有

hwlxxx 05/14 08:57ban中國

Childishan 05/14 15:543-1一輩子不會忘

Childishan 05/14 15:55不過我覺得美國比較像2018的騎士欸 而川普就是jr

Childishan 05/14 15:55 哈哈

ljmk1246 05/14 23:02笑死 這種總統