[情報] 在嘴綠踢Chriss後 他們之間的詭異關係

看板NBA標題[情報] 在嘴綠踢Chriss後 他們之間的詭異關係作者
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來源: ClutchPoints

Warriors’ Draymond Green’s prior kicking incident led to awkward
relationship with Marquese Chriss
勇士嘴綠之前踢過Marquese Chriss導致兩個人有詭異的關係

Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green does have a history of kicking
people during basketball games and his now teammate Marquese Chriss was
actually one of his victims.
勇士嘴綠在他的生涯中有著踢人的歷史,而他現在的隊友Marquese Chriss也曾經是受害者之一。

This, of course, made for one awkward encounter when Chriss joined the Dubs
prior to the 2019-20 NBA regular season.

Back in his rookie year with the Phoenix Suns in 2016-17, the 22-year-old
high leaper actually dislocated his finger while defending Green in their
138-109 loss to the Warriors.

Green was attempting for a 3-pointer and was fishing for foul when he managedto kick Chriss during the possession. Chriss was in visible pain after
jamming his finger and had to leave the court shortly after.


Four years later, Chriss found himself looking up to Green now that they wearthe same uniform. In an appearance on the Runnin’ Plays Podcast on Sunday,
the 6-foot-9 slotman opened up about his initial reaction upon being
teammates with Green.
Running Plays Podcast節目,在節目中他講到他與一開始與嘴綠同隊時的反應。

“It was surreal for me because, honestly. I didn’t know whether he liked me
or not,” Chriss admitted.

“He went up for a three and he was trying to draw a foul, and I backed up,”
Chriss added. “And he tried to shoot it in his leg swung up and I put my
hands behind my back and tried to move my hands out of the way, and his foot
caught my pinkie, and it just dislocated my pinkie to the side.”

Chriss joins the likes of James Harden and Steven Adams, who have all been
kicked by Green at one point in-game. He has since let bygones be bygones,
but Chriss revealed that his mom is still not too fond of the controversial
Chriss成為與James Harden跟Steven Adams同樣都被嘴綠在場上踢過的受害者名單。他

“My mom was mad,” Chriss said. “My mom holds a grudge… She was mad.”

Green’s mentorship, meanwhile, has certainly had a positive impact on Chriss
’ resurgence for the struggling Dubs this season. He’s been one of the few
bright lights for the league-worst Warriors, notching 9.3 points and 6.2
rebounds in 59 games this season.


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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 05/25/2020 15:23:56

swayoung 05/25 15:24一輩子是朋友了

alfonsosoria05/25 15:29快比嘴綠強ㄌ

kooyoo1144 05/25 15:29傳授學弟招式 妳各位懂了嗎= =

AterPin 05/25 15:31被踢的還要管對方喜不喜歡自己喔

kane840104 05/25 15:33

gt12345 05/25 15:38NBA沙瓦郎-追夢綠!

fxp87117 05/25 15:38勇迷最愛的人體工學阿,發paper都能得諾貝爾獎了

newtypeL9 05/25 15:42場均9.3分是不是比嘴綠高啊

cil56796 05/25 15:44會喜歡這種隊伍的都是哪些人阿

puro 05/25 15:47Chriss是不是有點M

Bao 05/25 15:48少林功夫好耶

NCTUEE80080805/25 15:50還有戳眼 o.o

ClutchShot 05/25 15:57只是不想得罪方丈而已吧...

conqueror50705/25 16:09我以為沙瓦郎只存在於神奇寶貝當中,沒想到現實世界

conqueror50705/25 16:10居然也有

live147222 05/25 16:14受害者反而要想對方會不會喜歡自己…

kevinduh4 05/25 16:19為了工作忍忍吧 嘻嘻 你在勇士藍圖中ㄛ

smalldata 05/25 16:26不要學壞喔

zixo6318 05/25 16:37我記得Chriss新秀當年不是大一嗎怎麼會是22歲?

DPP48 05/25 16:39嘴綠運氣好,沒遇過抓蛋蛋的

eric131204 05/25 16:40鷹爪門的站出來

Kazmier 05/25 16:56嘴綠就是史上最過譽球員

yowhatsupsli05/25 17:00LBJ鼠蹊受傷也是因為你拉的

NCTUEE80080805/25 17:09

ksk0516 05/25 17:14亂推人的去勇士剛好,綠師父傳授幾招吧重返農藥

pi020412 05/25 17:44我記得Chriss也是火爆浪子...

lucifiel161805/25 17:56舔共思維,原諒加害者

nuggets0916 05/25 18:24Chriss很中二啊

max52001 05/25 18:57廢話 腿帝都被罵成抱腿婊子惹 他敢說嘴綠怎樣

nikesb 05/25 18:59人在江湖 身不由己。為了飯碗 幹話得講。

KUSUHA0707 05/25 19:43比姆斯強踢個幾腳臭了嗎 嘻嘻

graphict 05/25 19:43這踢技真的要練過才行

ralfeistein 05/25 19:51勇士少數的亮點 然後附上雙單 嘲諷感滿滿

jb0110 05/25 20:43髒綠,打球還打人啊

lsslz 05/25 21:29再不爽也不敢講 不然要沒合約了

LiamMcMorrow05/25 21:59原諒加害者應該去跟魅日的人說吧?

jacksun 05/25 22:44勇迷跑去嘴零輪了 不會來這篇啦XD

OnePiecePR 05/26 00:11那張圖笑死

z45678915 05/26 00:44飛腿郎

Gsun 05/26 01:03Chriss也好不到哪裡去 臭味相投而已

sycc 05/26 05:26毀人不倦

shadya1227 05/26 06:23邊踢腳邊投球 怎麼看都只有故意踢人而已啊

holyhelm 05/26 08:17嘴綠dirty play高光也太噁 聯盟縱容這種人繼續打球

s95115260 05/26 08:23嘴綠當時的說法是腰腹力量太強,所以會抬腿,不是故

s95115260 05/26 08:23意的,奇怪怎麼現在都不會了

xm3k0828 05/26 09:26甲味濃

JackSmith 05/26 11:21嘴綠這種咖小用髒話譙他真的不過分

jason38152 05/26 21:34嘴綠最髒沒有之一

lys666 05/26 22:31沙瓦朗 笑死

pieceofcake 05/29 17:47兩個蠻搭的