[花邊] 在去勇士前 Matt Barnes差點就去NFL打球

看板NBA標題[花邊] 在去勇士前 Matt Barnes差點就去NFL打球作者
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來源: Yahoo Sports

Matt Barnes was on verge of NFL pursuit before Warriors offered chance
在勇士給他機會前 Matt Barnes正在考慮要去打NFL

Matt Barnes wasn't guaranteed or promised anything in his NBA career.
在Matt Barnes的NBA生涯,他從沒有被保證或被答應過甚麼。

In fact, the former Warriors forward nearly left hoops in 2006 to pursue

"I was on the verge of trying to jump into the NFL," Barnes recently
explained to Warriors broadcaster Bob Fitzgerald. "I was still working out --basketball and football -- during the summertime because basketball hadn't
really seemed to hit.
「我正在考慮嘗試跳槽NFL,」Barnes最近接受勇士播報員Bob Fitzgerald的訪問時說到。「那年夏天我籃球跟足球都有在考慮,因為我的籃球那時真的似乎沒有甚麼發展。」

"I had played four years up to that point and bounced around -- been on a
handful of teams -- and just really wasn't getting a fair shot."

Barnes was selected in the second round (No. 46 overall) of the 2002 NBA
Draft, but spent his entire rookie season in the G League with the
Fayetteville Patriots.
Fayetteville Patriots球隊。

He didn't make his NBA debut until Jan. 19, 2004 when the Clippers gave him ashot with a 10-day contract.

Barnes signed with the Sacramento Kings in October 2004, and appeared in 43
games before he was traded to the Philadelphia 76ers in February.

That brings us to the summer of 2006.

"I was in Sacramento (his hometown) at the time. Baron Davis called me (and
said), 'Hey, we're gonna have an open run at the facility (in Oakland). If
you're not doing nothing, come down.' I wasn't doing nothing. Hopped in my
car, drove down an hour and a half.
「我那時候是在我的家鄉沙加緬度。Baron Davis打電話給我,說:『ㄟ~我們在奧克蘭的訓練場館有個對外開放的練習賽,若是你沒有事情要做的話,就開車下來吧!』我那時沒有事可做,所以我就跳進我的車子裡,開了1個半小時到那邊。」

"Played well -- not knowing that Nellie (Warriors coach Don Nelson) was
watching the whole time upstairs through the offices. We finished playing, hecomes down, tells me I played well (and asks) where I'm going to camp. I was
just like, 'You know coach, I don't really have any plans.'
「我那次打得不錯--我那時不知道Nellie(當時勇士教練Don Nelson)整場就坐在上層辦公室看。後來比賽完,他下來跟我說我打得不錯,問我有要去哪個訓練營嗎。我那時候跟他說,『教練你知道嗎?我現在甚麼計畫都沒有。」

"He told me, he's like, 'I can't promise you anything. I think we have 16
guarantees and 19 people coming to training camp, but if you play like you
did today I'll give you a chance.' And that was the first time a coach reallyhad a conversation with me. That's all I needed.

"(I) made the team and continued to use the games as practices and eventuallyworked my way into the lineup. The rest is history. That's kind of when I putmy name on the map."

Over 76 games (23 starts) during the "We Believe" 2006-07 season, Barnes
averaged 9.8 points, 4.6 rebounds, 2.1 assists and 1.0 steals, while shootingnearly 37 percent from deep. In 11 playoff games, he averaged 11.1 points,
5.7 rebounds, 2.4 assists, 1.5 steals and shot over 42 percent from 3-point
在2006-07年勇士"我們相信"(We Believe)的球季,Barnes打了76場比賽,有23場先發,場均9.8分,4.6個籃板,2.1次助攻,1.0次抄截,三分命中率是37趴。在季後賽,他的場均上升到11.1分,5.7個籃板,2.4次助攻,1.5個抄截,三分命中率來到了42趴。

After one more season with the Dubs in 2007-08, Barnes played for the PhoenixSuns, Orlando Magic, Los Angeles Lakers, Clippers, Memphis Grizzlies and

He returned to the Warriors in early March 2017 after Kevin Durant sustained
a knee injury, and became an NBA champion.

The 40-year-old currently co-hosts a fantastic podcast with Stephen Jackson
called "All the Smoke," and he is terrific as an analyst on TV.
40歲的他現在跟Stephen Jackson一起主持一個有名的Podcast節目"All the Smoke",另外他當電視球評也做得很好。

It's crazy to think how different his life could have been had he not picked
up BD's phone call 14 years ago ...
14年前他若是沒接到Baron Davis的電話,他的人生會如何改變,這真的很難想像。



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leg0125 05/29 16:11我以為他是要去打老漁

FAYeeeeeeee 05/29 16:13超高接球員

YU0158 05/29 16:13"他從沒有被保證或被答應過甚麼" 難怪

njunju 05/29 16:23難怪打球很硬很耐撞

asakura0907 05/29 16:26

payton711 05/29 16:51刺青超帥

k22015987 05/29 17:11不是去MLB嗎

skynate 05/29 17:37超喜歡這類的球員~ 有非常好的職業態度

skittles 05/29 19:12紅襪勝利組牛棚,可是當closer很抖…

cmid05 05/29 21:42他真的是不錯的綠葉

jeter8695 05/29 23:48樓樓上跑錯棚

ATand 05/30 00:59在湖人的時候好像當過林來瘋的背景...哈哈