[情報] Andre Drummond將會待在騎士

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Andre Drummond to pick up option to stay with Cavs

Two-time All-Star Andre Drummond says he plans to pick up his player option
that will keep him in Cleveland for another year.

Drummond, who was traded to the Cavaliers by the Detroit Pistons in February,has a $28.75 million option for the 2020-21 season.

He said on Tuesday's episode of the ESPN podcast Le Batard & Friends --
STUpodity that he "definitely" will be in Cleveland next season.

"Yeah, it's going to be hard to give up, so you can count on me being in
Cleveland still," Drummond said when pressed on whether he plans to exercise
his option.

"I definitely will be in Cleveland."

The Cavaliers traded guard Brandon Knight, forward John Henson and the lesserof Cleveland's and Golden State's 2023 second-round picks to acquire Drummond.

Cavs general manager Koby Altman said in February that picking up Drummond
was worth the gamble even though he could become a free agent this summer.

"For us, I think in terms of his age and what he brings to our team,
absolutely we consider him a potential long-term play," Altman said.
"Obviously he has a player option that, if he picks up, we think we're in
good shape in terms of our cap space. There's no better money spent than
Andre Drummond if he does pick up his player option."

Drummond在ESPN的podcast「Le Batard & Friends -- STUpodity」裡面提到,他將會執行2020-21賽季28.75M的球員選擇權。



騎士隊交易了後衛Brandon Knight、John Henson和2023的第二輪選秀權換到Drummond。




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※ 編輯: willywasd ( 臺灣), 06/24/2020 02:08:29

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MK47 06/24 02:17一定的吧 不然去哪裡拿28.75M.....

tfoxboy 06/24 02:17不然要去種棉花麼

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JoeChang556606/24 02:51這年頭長人薪水低,又難找坑,不跳合理

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SEVEnMonth 06/24 12:04三塔真的不會太擠嗎ww

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NewShiisDog 06/24 12:44不能種棉花 不然挖鑽石好了

NewShiisDog 06/24 12:45還是賣毒品

Leaflock 06/24 14:24熱血三塔

peter4503 06/24 14:50抓猛QQ

atelier 06/24 15:19PTT上本來就是選擇性 例如客家XX 這種岐視有少過嗎

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