[情報] 狀元熱門Anthony Edwards與Klutch Sports

看板NBA標題[情報] 狀元熱門Anthony Edwards與Klutch Sports作者
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Potential No. 1 NBA Pick Anthony Edwards Signs With Klutch Sports
狀元熱門Anthony Edwards與Klutch Sports簽約

Anthony Edwards, the potential No. 1 pick in the NBA Draft, has signed with
Klutch Sports Group.
今年選秀狀元熱門人選Anthony Edwards已經跟Klutch Sports Group簽約了。

Edwards had previously signed with Omar Wilkes of Octagon in late March, but
last week ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski reported that Wilkes had agreed to
become the head of basketball for Klutch Sports. That allowed Rich Paul to
expand his scope as the company's CEO.
原先三月底時Edwards是跟Octagon的Omar Wilkes簽約,不過上星期ESPN沃神報導Wilkes已經同意擔任Klutch Sports的籃球部門主管,這讓Rich Paul可以擴展他的領域,成為公司的執行長。

Wilkes also represents Trae Young and Cam Reddish of the Atlanta Hawks and OGAnunoby of the Toronto Raptors.
Wilkes也代表了老鷹的Trae Young,Cam Reddish以及暴龍的OG Anunoby。

Young has also officially joined Klutch, which also represents LeBron James,
Ben Simmons, Anthony Davis and Draymond Green.
Young也正式加入已經有LBJ,Ben Simmons,Anthony Davis跟Draymond Green的Klutch。

The 6-foot-5 Edwards is currently the projected No. 1 pick in the Draft, per, ahead of center James Wiseman and wing Isaac Okoro.
根據ESPN的資料,6呎5吋的Edwards目前被排在選秀第一,贏過中鋒James Wiseman跟側翼Isaac Okoro。

“One of the youngest players in the draft, Edwards turned in an up-and-down
season that featured some incredible highs and head-scratching lows,” ESPN’
s Mike Schmitz wrote. “Scouts would like to have seen more efficiency and
defensive intensity, but when he was fully engaged, he looked like the clear
No. 1 pick. In a draft that lacks starpower at the top, Edwards has arguably
the most complete resume and should be considered the front-runner to hear
his name called first.”
「這次選秀裡面最年輕的幾位新秀之一,Edwards本季表現高高低低,有讓人驚艷的表現,但也有讓人摸不著腦袋的時候,」ESPN記者Mike Schmitz寫到。「球探們想看到更多的有效率表現以及更高的防守強度,但是當他是完全專注的時候,他看起來就是個狀元人才。在這次選秀頂端沒有大明星狀況下,Edwards有著最完整的經歷,應該要被視為被第一順位選秀的熱門人選。」

Edwards averaged 19.1 points, 5.2 rebounds and 2.8 assists in his lone seasonplaying for coach Tom Crean at Georgia.
Edwards在為喬治亞大學教練Tom Crean打球的這季繳出場均19.1分,5.2個籃板以及2.8次助攻。



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jordanlove 06/29 10:29選完交易湖人 穩了

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qazqaz69 06/29 10:38加入富堡,每天飽飽

CW4 06/29 10:39Wiseman離開NCAA時就和Excel Sports簽約了

FAYeeeeeeee 06/29 10:43富堡要狀元加一了嗎

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whu946102 06/29 12:17?

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nwohippo 06/29 12:572K都出銀河卡了...

kilmmy149 06/29 13:00加入富堡 價格公道

NanaoNaru 06/29 13:16future lakers

cofactor34 06/29 13:24誰說我不練小將的......給我電話☎

willie05280006/29 14:08NCAA節奏比NBA慢很多,得分也比較低

DuoDuokk77 06/29 14:43富保什麼都有了 衝擊總冠軍(?

tbs7melody 06/29 16:38Nico Mannion呢?

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Myosotis 06/29 19:21妮可以經掉到 首輪末 ~ 二輪 去了

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