[花邊] 成人網站要給打閉門比賽球員VIP會員

看板NBA標題[花邊] 成人網站要給打閉門比賽球員VIP會員作者
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來源: ClutchPoints

Adult webcam site offering free VIP membership to NBA players in Orlando ‘

NBA players entering the “bubble” in Orlando, Florida will have limited
options for leisure activities, and one adult webcam site is offering a
solution to the matter.
NBA球員們將要去奧蘭多打閉門比賽,佛州也不會有太多的休閒活動可以選,所以有一家成人網站要為這個問題提供解決方式。 reportedly sent out an email blast on Thursday, offering the NBA
players and coaches free all-access VIP membership to its adult-themed

“, a leading adult entertainment webcam company, would like to
formally extend an offer to all participants in the NBA in Orlando a comped
VIP membership to its site,” the site’s offer read.

“Players (and coaches) who sign up via [email protected] and verify their identity
will be provided with a VIP membership and free tokens to the site which
would allow them access to’s roster of beautiful models 24/7. If
they are ever lonely or need some extra motivation before a big game, all
they need to do is use their VIP membership credential to log on to the site
and they will have an array of beautiful models at their disposal. They can
chat with them in private cam rooms via voice and video text. The models can
provide companionship, fun conversation, sexy stripteases, and more,” the
invite furthered.
「球員(及教練)若是經由[email protected]登入然後在核實身分後將會獲得VIP會員,有免費的

As enticing as the offer sounds, the continuation of the 2019-20 NBA season
is expected to be a family affair for most players and coaches. Athletes are
expected to bring their wife and kids in Florida throughout the duration of
their stay.

The league made it clear that Disney’s theme parks will be off-limits for
players and their families during the season. Even the usual card games will
be limited, to follow social distancing protocols.
聯盟很清楚的表示球員以及他們的家人在這段期間可以無限制的使用迪士尼主題樂園。一些撲克牌遊戲會有所限制,好遵循社交距離規定。’s offer, meanwhile, could be some sort of downtime for players
entering the bubble alone. This is not the first time an adult-themed site
tried to establish a connection with a sports team. CamSoda recently offered
UCLA $205 million to replace Under Armour as its official partner.
Cams.com所提供的服務可能對一些只有自己去打閉門比賽的球員會是一些輕鬆的選項。這不是第一次有成人網站想要跟運動團體牽上關係。CamSoda最近剛提供UCLA一筆2億500萬鎂的金錢,要把原本的官方合作夥伴Under Armour換掉。

The NBA, on the other hand, has yet to address if they will entertain’s generous offer.



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