[花邊] Josh Hart炫耀他房間裡的電玩設備

看板NBA標題[花邊] Josh Hart炫耀他房間裡的電玩設備作者
時間推噓47 推:48 噓:1 →:21

來源: ClutchPoints

Pelicans’ Josh Hart shows off his gaming setup in Orlando hotel room
鵜鶘Josh Hart炫耀他在奧蘭多旅館房間裡的電玩配備

As the NBA players get acclimated to their new “campus” digs at the Wide
World of Sports at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, New Orleans
Pelicans guard Josh Hart—a noted gamer—has set up one essential aspect of
his temporary home at The Yacht Club hotel.
隨著NBA球員逐漸習慣他們在奧蘭多迪士尼世界的新"場館",鵜鶘後衛Josh Hart--大家都知道的電玩粉--在他入住的"遊艇俱樂部飯店"裡的房間,把他的生活"必須"給設立好了。

Hart showed off his (modest) gaming set-up for the time being, which featureda dual-screen situation with “Call of Duty” ready to go.
Hart炫耀了他目前的電玩設備,有著雙螢幕,"決勝時刻"(Call of Duty)已經可以準備玩了。

“Necessities!! (Pending how strong this Wi-Fi is)”, Hart tweeted on


In addition to multiple exuberant tweets about Christian Pulisic and his
beloved Chelsea, Hart has been providing some live updates and reaction to
the Orlando bubble.
除了寫很多推特有關Christian Pulisic(足球員)以及他喜愛的Chelsea足球隊以外,Hart也提供了一些在奧蘭多的現場實況更新。

On Tuesday, he mentioned that he was “Going to try and get a stream in

Hart is, predictably, not the only player bringing a full gaming set-up to
Disney World. The Pelicans guard playfully roasted Phoenix Suns’ center
DeAndre Ayton’s…dedication to his craft. “Lmaooo he got the whole monitor
in his hand,” Hart quote-tweeted late Tuesday night.
Hart被預期不會是唯一一個會把整套電玩配備帶到奧蘭多的球員。他開心的嘲諷了一下太陽中鋒DeAndre Ayton對於他設備的投入。「笑死我惹~~他手裡拿著他的螢幕~~」星期二Hart在他的推特上寫到。


In response, Meyers Leonard of the Miami Heat replied “Wait til you see what
I’m pulling up with … Full wooden crate for my @ORIGINPC, 1 monitor fully
protected and a massive traveling bin full of every streaming accessory”.
熱火Meyers Leonard則是回應,「等到你看到我的配備你就知道了~~全木架子好放我的
ORIGIN PC主機,一個全機保護的螢幕,以及一個超大旅行桶,裡面有所有要做實況的配備。」

Hart then clowned Leonard (and implicitly Ayton), noting that his players areallowed to receive packages whilst quarantined in Orlando. “Man idk why yall
acting like we can’t get packages…if yall don’t just ship stuff there lol,
” he wrote.

Of course, that message also indicates that Hart’s current gaming may
improve, and it’s safe to assume Hart will happily post any upgrades to
social media.



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aesdfqty 07/09 11:02這一代就是一堆被籃球耽誤的電競選手

lsslz 07/09 11:05年輕一代打電動正常 再五年就是手遊pk了

vincent1985 07/09 11:06LBJ動態:已連上WIFI

YqYq5566 07/09 11:07星海哥表示:菜雞互啄

CW4 07/09 11:11XDDD

KobeMamba 07/09 11:12笑死 不知道星海哥fps類的強不強

CW4 07/09 11:14自己提著螢幕真的蠻好笑的

ahadears 07/09 11:15姆斯:那個..可以借我WIFI嗎?

sunnyyoung 07/09 11:16是來打球還是來打電動的

cidcheng 07/09 11:17Ayton真的一直自己拿著,太陽拍登機前他就拿著了

qaz940233 07/09 11:19跟我電腦配置差不多xD

RevanHsu 07/09 11:20從炫耀車子鋼圈bling bling 變成炫耀電腦RGB bling

RevanHsu 07/09 11:20 bling

kenyun 07/09 11:20他可能以為他資料都存在螢幕 而不是旁邊很熱的箱子

hacker10158 07/09 11:20不能趴趴造當然是打電動啊

CW4 07/09 11:20我聽說CJ McCollum有安排運輸送收藏的好酒到奧蘭多

yowhatsupsli07/09 11:21gif

yowhatsupsli07/09 11:22g30dw05kx6p.gif

essential01507/09 11:23有種秀最後生存者2

PussySucker 07/09 11:27怎麼有人偷渡手遊糞game 嘔嘔嘔

a3221715 07/09 11:33McGee cod玩得不錯

Kidd0502 07/09 11:35手裡拿螢幕真的超好笑XD

jyunwei 07/09 12:01如果資訊教育略差真的可能覺得他的存檔都在螢幕裡

jyunwei 07/09 12:01XD

ghostxx 07/09 12:06Meyers之前實況開很勤

statics0000 07/09 12:07好像大學生搬宿舍

cn0341 07/09 12:15不要打不好又摔鍵盤餒

Xhocer 07/09 12:21其實大家也都還只是20幾歲的年輕人啦XD

uverock 07/09 12:31星海打過瓦羅藍,看起來還行,大概還是會被 Leonar

uverock 07/09 12:31d吊打就是了

kazzak16 07/09 12:38沒事 詹皇也手拿PS2過

gogojazz 07/09 13:03可能出門前還在玩,螢幕只好自己拿了

lousen0068 07/09 13:15booker準備好了

TonyYo 07/09 13:26現役的球員,組一個電玩隊好像有搞頭XD

new122851 07/09 13:32三十左右的一代是炫車和雪茄 二十初的是炫電動玩具

new122851 07/09 13:32

wydada1207 07/09 13:37KAT:我也準備好了

frank0707 07/09 13:47星海哥還代言電競呢

kobe142435 07/09 14:11還好吧 啊不就下班後的休閒娛樂

klaynaruto 07/09 14:34有沒有神人分析一下Ayton那個螢幕是什麼等級的東西

klaynaruto 07/09 14:34

samuel98027507/09 14:45看Ayton的螢幕散熱孔我猜是ACER的

CMPunk 07/09 14:47二十左右的nba球員雖然會打電動但是也是炫車啊 你

CMPunk 07/09 14:47看西門跟booker

enemyli 07/09 14:52手扛螢幕真的很鬧

madyoungN 07/09 16:22推推推

jc224 07/09 17:02CoD 是目前最紅的槍戰嗎? 感覺NBA全都玩這耶~

jc224 07/09 17:03虹彩六號、49、CS都過氣了嗎 Q_Q

xerophil 07/09 17:11Ayton XD

Aggro 07/09 17:16Ayton你加油點啊 Booker都帶妹結果你帶螢幕-w-

Wall62 07/09 17:33看Ayton 拿螢幕有種喜感

raku 07/09 18:52這一代球星打電玩,開直播很正常

raku 07/09 18:53BF搞自爆之後(又是被SJW搞爛),CoD天下無敵了...

kkjjkkjj 07/09 19:19打電動至少比把錢給前妻跟私生子好多了吧

sampsonlu91907/09 19:29是說難怪湖人把他送出去嗎 練電玩比練球還勤快

DamnKobe 07/09 19:39cod一直都很紅吧

Tawara 07/09 20:23星海哥 笑而不語

kobest 07/09 20:40字母哥不是玩pubg嗎

humormike 07/09 20:52拿螢幕好好笑

dixieland99907/09 21:40重點是他還有弄直播...

freshbox7 07/09 22:23靠 帶螢幕出門

ralfeistein 07/09 22:38大哥你是來開實況的嗎XD

F16V 07/10 02:03Roccat Vulcan 121 aimo 不知道什麼軸

iamaq18c 07/10 12:29XDDDDD

Arctica 07/11 12:37爽爽der

saschui 07/11 14:4690年代 喬神:看我全套高爾夫球具 現代:看我全套電

saschui 07/11 14:46玩...

SmallPon 07/15 16:52回六樓 星海哥fps是有水準的 Valorant也有鑽石