[外絮] Clifford Robinson死因公布: 淋巴癌

看板NBA標題[外絮] Clifford Robinson死因公布: 淋巴癌作者
時間推噓34 推:34 噓:0 →:15

來源: Yahoo Sports

Clifford Robinson's cause of death revealed
Clifford Robinson死因公布

Former Trail Blazers big man Cliff Robinson died Saturday at the age of 53.
本周六前阿拓大個Cliff Robinson過世,享年53歲。

The 6-foot-10 big man played at UConn from 1985-89, where he helped the
Huskies win the 1988 NIT. He was a second-round pick (36th overall) by the
Trail Blazers in 1989 and spent the first eight years of his career in
Portland. Uncle Cliffy helped the franchise reach the NBA Finals in 1990 and
1992 and was the 1993 NBA 6th Man of the Year. In 1994, while with the Trail
Blazers, he made his first and only All-Star Game.

From 1989-97, Robinson averaged 16.2 points per game; and totaled 3,352
rebounds and 1,350 assists while in a Trail Blazers uniform.

On Saturday evening, the Robinson family released a statement, which includedUncle Cliffy's cause of death, Lymphoma:

Sham Charania推特:

Lymphomas are clusters of tumors that originate from lymph node and lymphoid

Robinson dealt with several medical issues over the past few years, includinga brain hemorrhage in 2018.

Cliff Robinson推特:
"It’s been a tough year for me. Between a stroke and getting a tumor removed
from my my jaw last week. I continue to stay positive. So if can do it,so canyou. Please keep me in your prayers. Love you all!"

Despite all of the adversity, Robinson remained positive and the outpouring
of support for Uncle Cliffy was palpable.

The loss of Robinson at the age of 53 is tragic and Rip City mourns his

Rest in peace, Cliff.

原來是淋巴癌 RIP


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MotleyCrue 08/31 16:17r.i.p.

drsung48 08/31 16:18這種不會拖太久 就是沒救了

snsd56 08/31 16:18以現代醫療科技 癌症不是可以控制了嗎?

sunchen0201 08/31 16:20淋巴癌很難醫,相當容易轉移。

peter211183 08/31 16:21淋巴癌聽說幾乎等於沒救,跟血癌一樣

peter211183 08/31 16:21他很容易轉移

buehrle 08/31 16:24淋巴癌分急性、慢性。急性手術一翻兩瞪眼,慢性其實

buehrle 08/31 16:25拖上10年。

monkeydpp 08/31 16:25淋巴癌超容易轉移的

miler22020 08/31 16:31唉 NBA LIVE06 超愛用他 用籃網隊

miler22020 08/31 16:31RIP

klaynaruto 08/31 16:35淋巴癌類型超多 不同型存活率也差很多

fp737 08/31 16:35以前打電動也很愛用他

dcoog7880 08/31 16:38R.I.P.

pan0531 08/31 16:40我爸去年也是 r.i.p.

sunnyyoung 08/31 16:40唉 好漢只怕病來磨

terop 08/31 17:00fuck cancer

apestage 08/31 17:003樓幾歲呀....

shwkz 08/31 17:03這麼有錢遇到癌症也是要躺

vgil 08/31 17:13淋巴癌前期沒什麼感覺 發現通常都後期了

no321 08/31 17:14我爸也是淋巴癌 發現也是晚期...:(

sam86716 08/31 17:16節哀

TimmyJiang 08/31 17:42可能3樓是坐旋轉門回來的未來人,他們的時代能控制

TimmyJiang 08/31 17:42癌症

Bainite 08/31 17:43RIP 大家都要好好照顧身體啊

cecil60735 08/31 17:45RIP

sampsonlu91908/31 17:58RIP 也感謝Uncle Cliff對籃球的貢獻 但這禮拜對不

sampsonlu91908/31 17:58少關心美式文化的人來說 還蠻難熬的 一連兩位指標

sampsonlu91908/31 17:58人物過世

hower111 08/31 18:06樓上幾位拍拍,注意自己的健康!

leo07251413 08/31 18:10原來那麼多人也喜歡在nba live 06用他 qq

nkfcc 08/31 18:37有些類型的淋巴癌已經有標靶藥物了。預後比較好。

bond30422 08/31 18:45看發現是哪一期吧~然後走得快慢,有沒有尊嚴也很

bond30422 08/31 18:45看命

Marytin 08/31 20:32超年輕,唉

howardyeh 08/31 21:02RIP...

Olowokandi 08/31 21:13小弟鍵盤腫瘤科醫師, 前面對淋巴癌的資訊錯誤多到有

Olowokandi 08/31 21:13點悲劇.....

sickle30 08/31 21:13家人也是淋巴癌走掉的 發現時都晚期了QQ

gohit 08/31 21:36那想請教糖果人 淋巴癌正確的資訊是什麼?

ray0122 08/31 22:11淋巴癌分很多類型,google就一堆了,淋巴癌在癌症

ray0122 08/31 22:11中算不難醫治的

finn138159 08/31 22:42QQ

SamDalembert09/01 07:42很久沒看到他 突然覺得KD跟他長得好像

Mezerized 09/01 09:30淋巴癌算是可以治癒的吧

Andy0315 09/01 10:00R.I.P

binbiny 09/01 10:18RIP 玩NBA LIVE的愛將

iamdahiphop 09/01 10:30錯 都白人黃人害的

GABA 09/01 11:01轉移很快無法預防 早點走說不定少吃點苦