[外絮] 聯盟下季計畫:82場比賽 減少觀眾數及旅行

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時間推噓22 推:23 噓:1 →:14

來源: Yahoo Sports

NBA’s reported goal next season: 82 games, in market, with fewer fans,
reduced travel
據報導 聯盟下季目標: 82場比賽,在地打,減少觀眾數以及旅行

The NBA bubble looks like a one-hit-wonder.

While the NBA’s restart bubble in Orlando has worked and allowed games to
take place, it’s not how the league wants to move forward. When the NBA
returns next season — which is not happening before Christmas, and sources
told NBC Sports is more likely to be in February — the goal is not to do it
in a bubble format.

Instead, the hope is to do it in-market, with reduced fans and reduced
travel. To start to get things closer to a typical season.

All that was told to teams through calls with owners on Thursday and GMs on
Friday, reports Shams Charania of The Athletic.
根據The Athletic記者Sham Charania報導,這些消息是在星期四的時候以電話方式通知球團老闆,在星期五時通知球團總管。

Everything is in flux still for the next NBA season, including the salary
cap, which has yet to be set.

Already the 2020 NBA Draft has been pushed back to Nov. 18, with the start offree agency delayed as well. While Christmas was mentioned as a potential
start date, there is a strong push from some in ownership to wait until
February or later, allowing a chance for more games with fans in the seats.
Fan attendance accounts for 40% of NBA revenue, Adam Silver has said.
2020的選秀已經被延到11/18,FA交易時間也是延後。儘管有提到聖誕節是可能的開季日,有一些球團老闆努力想把時間延到明年二月甚至更遲,藉此希望有機會可以打有更多有觀眾的比賽。聯盟主席Adam Silver說觀眾入場佔聯盟40%的收入。

There are challenges with the later start. For one, the Tokyo Olympics will
take place next July — with dozens of NBA players expected to compete on the
huge international stage. Would the NBA use an NHL-style Olympics break in
the season? If so, the NBA season could run so late the league struggles to
get back on a preferred schedule for the 2021-22 season.

Whenever the season tips-off, owners want to play a full 82-game schedule
after taking a financial hit this season due to the coronavirus. And they
want as many fans as they can have in the building for those games.

Team general managers have noted an uptick in the quality of play in the
bubble and think the reduced travel has something to do with it. They have
discussed the idea of a homestand schedule — teams would stay home to play a
team a couple of times in a row, reducing travel — but that creates its own

None of this is set yet. Adam Silver will be patient, gather as much
information as he can, and not make a decision until he has to. As he has
done throughout this process.
一切都還在未定之天。主席Adamn Silver將會保持耐心,盡可能的蒐集資訊,等到必須做決定的時候再做定奪,就如同這一次他所做的一樣。

沒疫苗前大概都不太可能在地打或有觀眾 隔壁棚沒事今天就又球員確診


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Aggro 09/12 15:33學棒球 兩隊一次打二連戰四連戰這樣嗎?

chaulove 09/12 15:35感覺可以折衷吧 不用打到82場

noahlin 09/12 15:35NFL都開放觀眾了 NBA大概很難忍受這個錢不賺

noahlin 09/12 15:35但打到82場真的是沒必要 一堆輪休 60場就夠了

f22313467 09/12 15:35就取消跨聯盟比較方便 東區西區自己打

nkfcc 09/12 15:38要公平大概也是同區二連戰而已。能少移動一點也好。

iamaq18c 09/12 15:38就是要打到那麼多才賺得到那麼多 一定不想減少場次

dwiee 09/12 15:40減少移動是好事

ilanese 09/12 15:42打連賽OK啊!減少球員因移動的疲累。

Francix 09/12 15:43場次就是錢,減少場次就是減少所有人的錢,不太可能

walter74122509/12 15:44打連賽算是折衷下的好辦法

walter74122509/12 15:45但是跨區的話 一整季沒幾場 就不太可能連賽了

walter74122509/12 15:45除非一次打光

iamaq18c 09/12 15:47三連戰 如果有衝突的話 感覺會一直打架XDDD

peter080808 09/12 15:51棒球模式等聯賽確實有看頭 連交通費都省不少

koae50 09/12 15:51門票要賺呀

peter080808 09/12 15:53二連戰 三連戰可以減少移動日 82場賽程應該可以早

peter080808 09/12 15:5310天打完

mcucdfeijai 09/12 16:01這樣的話會有更多輪休吧xd

l2l 09/12 16:02一次二連戰還行 四連戰可能第三四場收視率都掉光了

coiico 09/12 16:03減少舟車勞頓最簡單的做法就是減少比賽場次

Redchain 09/12 16:09減少場次對有些球員生涯累積成績很不利啊

KobeNi 09/12 16:14一樓好主意

sylviehsiang09/12 16:16MLB:誰說四連戰會掉收視?

ghostxx 09/12 16:20希望球員們這樣密集賽程身體還能保持健康

ralfeistein 09/12 16:55其實不錯 幾連戰換減少舟車勞頓的時間

susuplay 09/12 17:12乾脆每個組合打一次三戰兩勝系列賽贏的有積分好了

jrfish 09/12 17:15沒門票錢賺超傷的,以一場10000人算,就算觀眾少,

jrfish 09/12 17:15一場應該也有三四百萬的收益,大市場更多,然後還

jrfish 09/12 17:15有人想要罷賽,真是腦袋有問題

scott68680 09/12 17:39學棒球啊,一日兩戰,還延長到半夜

AWSMD 09/12 17:44支持連打 不然nba移動真的太多

kobest 09/12 17:47金塊主場沒用了

leevarchu 09/12 17:592月開始打然後打滿82場 這要怎麼塞啊 滿頭問號中

BLABLA007 09/12 18:04疫苗還沒出NBA講什麼幹話

qpeter 09/12 18:15梅花座 同區同組 B2B 在地二連戰

rony98 09/12 18:38場次打太少的話 球員累積歷史數據有差

hanson3211 09/12 23:35這樣一弄,LBJ很多生涯數據就不能累積了