[花邊] 吉巴正在申請"大臉咖啡"商標

看板NBA標題[花邊] 吉巴正在申請"大臉咖啡"商標作者
時間推噓65 推:71 噓:6 →:16

來源: Sun-Sentinel

Heat’s Jimmy Butler brewing up trademark protection for Big Face Coffee
熱火Jimmy Butler正在準備申請"大臉咖啡"商標保護

Move over Starbucks, Big Face Coffee soon could be moving into the

Because it’s getting real for Jimmy Butler, legal papers, and all.

The Miami Heat All-Star forward is in the process of working with a
Pittsburgh legal firm to trademark the name of the impromptu coffee shop he
set up in his Disney World hotel room amid the NBA’s quarantine bubble.

What started as a whim has turned into caffeinated capitalism — with a
little help from a friend.

"He put the sign up, because, just like everybody, he was going a little bit
stir crazy,” agent Bernie Lee told the Sun Sentinel. "And then Meyers tweets
a picture of it, and the next thing he knows, he has a business. Incredible.”「他把看板放上去,因為就像其他人一樣,他有時會有一點肖肖,」吉巴經紀人Bernie

As in Heat center Meyers Leonard posting a photo on Twitter of the signage
outside Butler’s door, one that Leonard actually soon deleted when Butler’s
room number could be detected.
熱火中鋒Meyes Leonard所PO的那張照片是吉巴掛在他房門上的看板,他很快就刪掉那照片,因為那張照片有照到吉巴的房間號碼。


From that moment, well before the Heat advanced to these Eastern Conference
finals against the Boston Celtics, the entrepreneurial spirit took over.

Included in the Sept. 4 trademark filing are the specifics of what began witha black marker on a whiteboard ordered from Amazon, with the legal filing

“The mark consists of The words BIG FACE over the words COFFEE, an asterisk
before the C in the word COFFEE, a smiley face design in the O in COFFEE, andan asterisk after the E in COFFEE, with a squiggly line below the word
COFFEE, and the words NO I.O.U.s in a white box beneath the squiggly line.”
「商標由"大臉"(BIG FACE)以及其下方的"咖啡"(COFFEE)所構成,COFFEE裡的C前面有加個星號,裡面的O會用一個笑臉,然後最後一個E後面也會有個星號,然後底下會有個曲線。然後在那曲線下面有個白色欄位寫著"禁止賒帳"(NO I.O.Us)。」

Lee said a proactive approach became necessary.

"Once the picture went out, I started noticing, I think we all started
noticing, people trying to like jump on it,” he said. "And I think before
somebody else did it, he definitely did it just to protect himself.

"And now it’s kind of growing an opportunity.”


The filing said the Big Face Coffee operation includes goods and services
such as "general apparel including hats and shirts,” "general housewares
including mugs and cups,” "general café items including coffee beans,
coffee grounds, candy bars, nuts, tea bags, loose leaf tea, sandwiches; bakedgoods including scones, muffins, cupcakes, bagels, cakes, cookies, bread,
scones, cinnamon rolls, muffins, marshmallow rice treats.”

But wait, there’s more, with the filing also including, "produce including
whole fruits, packaged, fruits, vegetables,” and, of course, “non-alcoholic
beverages including coffees, teas, sodas, seltzer, bottled water; alcoholic
beverages including wine and beer.”

So just a bunch of corporate and legal listings?



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icou 09/18 07:16Stopbucks

kokohu 09/18 07:17吉巴克要來了嗎

FragrantJo 09/18 07:181樓推

knok 09/18 07:18真吉巴

aatakeo 09/18 07:18還真的要賣喔?一杯20美不會太貴嗎?XD

dannyshan 09/18 07:19今年季後賽開始超巨 合理利用自己的爆紅啊

TimmyJiang 09/18 07:19離開園區後不太可能繼續用這個價格賣吧

RickyRubio 09/18 07:20Stopbucks

johnwu 09/18 07:20會不會已經有商標蟑螂了呢 XDDD

liafree 09/18 07:21等等,在軍中可以兼職?(誤

Joey1999 09/18 07:21吉巴克

f77928 09/18 07:21吉巴跟你來真的

edison999 09/18 07:23一樓有梗

ZihYaoLin 09/18 07:23一樓笑死

IAMGRICE 09/18 07:24一樓太神了

GODLP 09/18 07:24大臉還大屌 大屌咖啡

CW4 09/18 07:24XDD

PussySucker 09/18 07:25就前幾篇被推爆的梗還在一樓太神

mayzn 09/18 07:28被籃球耽誤的咖啡店老闆

peterw 09/18 07:29星巴克憟憟發抖ing

rp20031219 09/18 07:32吉巴克

arno6248 09/18 07:34一樓太強

seanmom 09/18 07:35吉巴大臉

Joey1999 09/18 07:36一樓那梗不是前幾篇的嗎?

MinuteMan 09/18 07:37每一篇都要有梗一次

LeehomLee 09/18 07:38一樓的梗是抄前幾篇的 尊重原創給箭頭

Gsun 09/18 07:39不錯 跟老爸一樣有頭腦

BruceChen22709/18 07:40笑死 stopbucks

kullan 09/18 07:42Stopbucks太好笑了XD

JayceYen 09/18 07:44我很懷疑到底有幾個球員喝過 哈哈

hank13241 09/18 07:44因為是其他篇就提過的,給箭頭

dindaofay 09/18 07:44一樓非原創,是抄前幾篇的梗

lepidoptera 09/18 07:45大吉巴臉

ePaper 09/18 07:46一樓神

bigbug6024 09/18 07:51推一樓

Bernael 09/18 07:52stopbucks到底有什麼梗?

ATand 09/18 07:53就...Stop!..Bucks

LeehomLee 09/18 07:54剛推錯 補噓

PonyTail090109/18 07:55真的吉巴了

crystal666 09/18 07:55stopbucks超好笑

KnightLee 09/18 07:56就幹掉公鹿 stopbucks

francois106 09/18 07:56士官長兼開小蜜蜂 兩頭賺

h916041 09/18 08:01老爸賣鞋子,兒子賣咖啡~

klaynaruto 09/18 08:06如果在熱火主場 真的吉巴親自賣 600鎂應該銷路也不

klaynaruto 09/18 08:06錯啦

klaynaruto 09/18 08:06不對啦600台 20鎂 打錯

jesuscries 09/18 08:12一樓可以

vgil 09/18 08:13開在密爾瓦基會被砸店吧

iverson7761 09/18 08:17真的是來賺錢的

jitr601 09/18 08:35有梗ㄟ

b2305911 09/18 08:37一樓可以喔

yutete 09/18 08:37stopbucks 超好笑啊

seiya1201 09/18 08:48感覺上不是真的要開店 而是避免有心人士擅自用大臉

seiya1201 09/18 08:49咖啡跟隨便打著吉巴的名號趁亂做生意吧

eric6616 09/18 08:50一樓抄的啦

ptt98105 09/18 08:531F 哈

w9 09/18 08:591F不就抄樓下沒幾篇的梗顆顆

bada 09/18 09:08順勢發展副業 吉巴元年

erosha 09/18 09:12有人說是抄的還有人再推……

Circlekid 09/18 09:13某樓英文真D爛

sinben 09/18 09:23他有時會有一點肖肖XDDDDDD

mike0612 09/18 09:27吉巴好吉巴

somanyee 09/18 09:28應該可以爆紅熱銷一陣子,然後就下坡

lovetina 09/18 09:34吉巴克!!!!! wwwww

hasroten 09/18 09:36小中大都是20鎂 坑阿XDDDD

yiersan 09/18 09:40副業不錯啊 至少比一堆亂花

yiersan 09/18 09:40好多了

yiersan 09/18 09:41炒起來 高點高價賣給大咖的 賺一筆

kate0426742609/18 09:41推ㄧ樓

shauima 09/18 09:46Stopbuckets 更嚇人點

benboy 09/18 09:47以吉巴開個咖啡店可以的XD

cool34 09/18 09:53Stopbucks是在嗆公鹿嗎? 哈

chinhan1216 09/18 09:55一樓神推文

jackjoke200709/18 10:00Stopbucks咖啡

AixStyle 09/18 10:091樓!

Childishan 09/18 10:15一樓推

williamlo 09/18 10:18抄梗

King5566 09/18 10:23用梗而已 是一堆人沒更新 怪一樓ㄛ

yen01916471 09/18 10:29stopbucks會被威州抵制...

dalipkid 09/18 10:29一樓好屌

Wall62 09/18 10:32被籃球耽誤的商人吉巴

LeonGreen 09/18 10:56不跟爸爸的路

dcoog7880 09/18 11:08STOPBUCKSXDD

yzak4763 09/18 11:27大中小杯全部20鎂是怎樣.....逼人買大杯XD

YouKnowMe 09/18 11:531樓也沒說他想出來的 噓的在崩潰什麼

PussySucker 09/18 12:14你也是噓ㄟ 而且你犯版規 笑死 氣爆www

Nikeee 09/18 12:14神之子咖啡館

TonyYo 09/18 12:42推一樓

pony95159 09/18 12:52出差打球又創業 真的很吉巴ww

SEVEnMonth 09/18 13:05有沒有人有吉巴信箱,可以把一樓的創意分享給他

monstertsai 09/18 13:06其實他可能沒有跟隊友收錢吧!前面可能就是為後面開

monstertsai 09/18 13:06店鋪梗。

ctes940008 09/18 13:13神之子