[花邊] Kobe曾跟龜龜說他應該拿得分王 不是KD

看板NBA標題[花邊] Kobe曾跟龜龜說他應該拿得分王 不是KD作者
時間推噓58 推:66 噓:8 →:20

來源: Yahoo Sports

Kobe Bryant Reportedly Told Russell Westbrook He Should Be Winning Scoring
Titles Over Kevin Durant

據報導Kobe Bryant曾告訴Russell Westbrook 他應該拿下得分王 不是Kevin Durant

We all know about Kobe Bryant's fierce competitive spirit, which was on full
display when he reportedly tried sow dissent among the Oklahoma City
Thunders' young core during the 2012 Olympics.

First, some backstory. The Thunder had established themselves as the NBA's
team of the future heading into the 2012 Olympics. Kevin Durant had just won
the scoring title while Russell Westbrook and James Harden helped lead the
team to the NBA Finals, where they lost to LeBron James and the Miami Heat.
Although it was clear that Harden, Westbrook, and Durant were a powerful
trio, Bryant and his Lakers—who had recently added Dwight Howard and Steve
Nash—had title aspirations as well. To help this mission, Bean started did
his best to disrupt the Thunder's core in the hopes of straining the
relationship between Westbrook and Durant.
先解釋一下前因。雷霆那時候把他們球隊打造成聯盟的未來,準備去打2012奧運。KD那時剛拿下得分王,而在Russell Westbrook跟James Harden的幫助下率領雷霆打進總冠,最後輸給了LBJ率領的熱火。雖然Harden-Westbrook-Durant三人組是很強,當時Kobe的湖人也剛得到了Dwight Howard跟Steve Nash,也是對拿下冠軍有所期待。為了達到這個目的,Kobe使盡全力想要打破雷霆核心,希望可以離間Westbrook跟KD的關係。

"In 2012, what I remember with Kobe was he spent a lot of the – or he spent
some of that – Olympics with Russell Westbrook telling Russ, 'You know, you
should be winning scoring titles. I don’t know why you’re letting Kevin win
scoring titles. You should be the one winning them,'" ESPN's Adrian
Wojnarowski recalled during a recent episode of his podcast. "Anything he
could do to plant a little seed of dissent with two teammates, it was pretty

And maybe it worked. KD left the Thunder in 2016 to join the Warriors where
ball-sharing and spacing were an emphasis, and the Thunder never won that
title they once seemed destined for.



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allse1032 10/09 11:35老大

brian199524 10/09 11:37老大使出離間技

LuckyoPuppy 10/09 11:37超前部屬,毀掉競爭對手的球隊

ganlinlausu 10/09 11:38八奇領域

deanisme 10/09 11:38真是奧步

unexpect 10/09 11:39結果兩人真的因球權拆夥了XD

brian0612kkk10/09 11:39不愧是老大

tatata 10/09 11:39就同事間的反話幹話啊 就像跟Tmac說休假不去健身房

whathappen 10/09 11:40老大也懂二顆子彈

silly276017610/09 11:40然後龜龜就信了

shao729 10/09 11:41KD勇的推手

Lmkcat 10/09 11:41計畫通

LABOYS 10/09 11:42一球殺三士

web946719 10/09 11:42讓子彈飛一會兒

dwiee 10/09 11:44一球殺三士

live147222 10/09 11:44然後到13賽季,龜龜的出手真的比KD多

TheoEpstein 10/09 11:44老大

shasen1235 10/09 11:45KB:當年對付我和老歐的招真好用

ganbaru 10/09 11:45他跟歐肥也是這樣分手的吧

a222317168 10/09 11:48好日子要來了

class21535 10/09 11:48心機老大 還故意跟T-MAC說沒有要健身

power41 10/09 11:48老大!

Gsun 10/09 11:51老大:當年我也是被前輩這樣賽弄的

lwei781 10/09 11:51計畫通

ILLwill 10/09 11:52智將

jtch 10/09 11:52Kobe:你最像我

RamonJames 10/09 11:55Kobe:Westbrook 100%像我

eternity000510/09 11:56沒算到湖人打不進總冠軍賽

ooxxman 10/09 11:56烏龜開始了濫投亂打之路,KD離開時龜龜曾說自己會改

LiamMcMorrow10/09 11:57一球殺三士XDDD

mmmn52332 10/09 12:02雷霆: 乾....

sept9048 10/09 12:03老大果然懂最像自己的人 一個離間直接爆炸

JoshuaTang 10/09 12:07老大是不是入侵龜的第三層夢境植入一個取得得分王

JoshuaTang 10/09 12:07的執念?

Mondesi2006 10/09 12:09KB是因為以前也有人這樣跟他說過嗎

SS159 10/09 12:10老大ㄉ曼巴蛇毒!!

l2l 10/09 12:11是要他不要管戰績 硬拿嗎?

lonelytea 10/09 12:13唬小

rs813011 10/09 12:15全面啟動

PeterHenson 10/09 12:16根本挑撥吧 果然計畫通

rs813011 10/09 12:16老大在第三層夢境瘋狂打鐵

h129875230 10/09 12:18老大!

williamsf1 10/09 12:20Once an idea has taken hold of the brain,

williamsf1 10/09 12:20it’s almost impossible to eradicate.

williamsf1 10/09 12:20這部我看過

openbestbook10/09 12:22Inception

f22313467 10/09 12:25龜龜就沒外線的老大

EXUAN 10/09 12:26老大:龜龜你要瘋狂打鐵大家才會忘了我打鐵時的樣子

louisxxiii 10/09 12:36老大XDDDD

template 10/09 12:38龜直到今日仍深信不疑

melzard 10/09 12:40智將!!!!

smallrayray 10/09 12:40The挑撥

amazingwow 10/09 12:41年輕人終究是年輕人 歐肥老大都玩過一輪

sallyhelp 10/09 12:42好日子要來了

orange7986 10/09 12:42the 挑撥

gametv 10/09 12:45一球殺三士XDDDD

jenchieh5 10/09 12:49老大!!!!!!!

u9596g12 10/09 12:54老大這反間計有點厲害

tank1982 10/09 12:55推樓上的一球殺三士

hasn8620 10/09 12:56根本不是要挑撥 實話

corlos 10/09 12:58歐肥:

LasagneYum 10/09 13:01別說啦!那幾個曼巴傳人早就被寄生迷捨棄了。

TomBoHu 10/09 13:02諸葛kobe

LasagneYum 10/09 13:04社會是很現實的。沒利用價值的西河,曼巴迷打最兇

WADE0616 10/09 13:13布笑 露黑齒

TomBoHu 10/09 13:15難道我始終都是你計畫中的一環嗎?那些鼓勵我的溫暖

TomBoHu 10/09 13:15都是假的嗎?西河跪在地上流淚,空蕩的健身房充斥著

TomBoHu 10/09 13:15心碎的聲響,但這些問句已經得不到解答....

Jason0813 10/09 13:34老大:那個龜已經沒用了

heacoun 10/09 13:39效果十分顯著

dcoog7880 10/09 13:42老大

dannyshan 10/09 13:57kobe可能被活塞或馬刺嗆過歐尼爾才是老大XD

KarlTowns 10/09 14:07計劃通

KarlTowns 10/09 14:07計劃通

Shinpachi 10/09 14:15全面消費

bill6613 10/09 14:21計畫通

corlos 10/09 14:25可是kobe這個不傳球的會叫人刷大三元(傳球)嗎wwwwww

iNicholas 10/09 14:41效果極佳?2012講完,然後四年後KD才離開...

katanakiller10/09 14:47老大高招

ronale1104 10/09 15:01大三元都拿了

jacky123ooo 10/09 15:12老大的曼巴蛇毒計劃

freshbox7 10/09 15:22見人說人話,見鬼說鬼話

kediflower 10/09 16:05原來龜龜是智力比較低的武將 容易中計

FiveSix911 10/09 16:30

oklagg 10/09 18:33智將

awj32jo 10/09 18:48真的計畫通

Godmyfriend 10/09 19:00卑劣自幹打鐵王

Utopiasphere10/09 19:52LBJ:幹,就你害我到現在追不上你的五冠

KadourZiani 10/09 20:31Kobe 就是鍾佳播二哥。對三弟說

coffee112 10/09 21:48笑死

tweence 10/10 02:23XD

CW4 10/10 09:49智將老大

iamaq18c 10/10 12:10原來是老大害他們分離的.....

littlegreen 10/10 12:37老大:敵人的敵人 就是朋友