Re: [花邊] LA實況

看板NBA標題Re: [花邊] LA實況作者
時間推噓20 推:22 噓:2 →:27



The Los Angeles Police Department said officers arrested 76 people during a downtown celebration after the LA Lakers won their 17th National Basketball Association championship.

Many of the arrests were for failure to disperse, five for looting and one for vandalism, said officer Drake Madison, a department spokesman.

Eight officers were treated for injuries and two members of the crowd were taken to hospitals after being injured by so-called less lethal munitions fired by officers, Madison's statement said.

The celebration by about 1,000 people was initially largely peaceful but 'unruly individuals' mixed into the crowd and threw glass, bottles, rocks and other projectiles at officers, police added.

The Lakers beat the Miami Heat 106-93 Sunday night in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, to win the NBA Finals in six games.

The sounds of fireworks immediately reverberated across Los Angeles and fans headed to Staples Center, the Lakers' home court, to celebrate - despite admonitions to stay away.
儘管有告誡過大家待在家中,但是滿城的煙火聲還是讓球迷們聚集到了Staples Center(湖人主場)外頭。

Videos posted online also showed cars doing 'donuts' and fireworks being set off in the street - which is illegal without a permit.

Social media footage also showed fans surrounding LAPD squad cars and banging on the vehicles, prompting police to take action and declare an unlawful assembly.社交媒體也捕捉到有球迷包圍並衝撞警察車,以迫使警方表態此為非法集會,並採取行動。

At least one person was seen being detained by officers dressed in riot gear amid the chaos.

Police and California Highway Patrol officers shut down ramps leading to the Los Angeles downtown area after crowds got out of control.

Witnesses told the Los Angeles Times that officers fired 'beanbag rounds' at one point, which sent some people running. Cops however, said they did not resort to using pepper balls or gas to try to disperse crowds, KNX 1070 News radio reported.
有目擊者告訴《洛杉磯時報》,有警方發射布袋彈。不過警方在《KNX 1070》上表示,他們並沒有使用煙霧彈或催淚瓦斯來驅離民眾。

A few officers on horseback worked to push the crowd away from Staples Center. Later in the night, the large gathering fractured into several groups.
一些騎警努力促使人們離開Staples Center,之後這場大型慶祝活動只剩下一些分散的團體。

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti had discouraged public gatherings to celebrate the win, instead urging fans to cheer on the team from home.

'As we cheer our @Lakers' 17th championship, please remember it′s still not safe to gather in groups,' the mayor tweeted, in reference to the coronavirus pandemic.




※ 引述 《XperiaZ6C (索尼)》 之銘言:
: 目前LA街上歡聲雷動中
: 希望大家慶祝的同時也做好防疫啊QQ
: 是說好多人被鏡頭拍到都大喊Kobe
: 好希望Kobe也能親眼見證這一幕
: 恭喜湖人總冠軍!


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※ 編輯: XperiaZ6C ( 臺灣), 10/13/2020 12:01:23

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PeterHenson 10/13 12:0276人

chink5566 10/13 12:02米國人真的人多智障也多

guess080505510/13 12:02艇:眼神飄移

pounil 10/13 12:03太自由了

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ken720331 10/13 12:04人多必有白癡

shwkz 10/13 12:04黑人嗎? XD

ad93 10/13 12:04道奇迷順便一起慶祝??

OGCOGCOGCOGC10/13 12:05沒說到膚色 不過我猜是...

CarpeDiemAL 10/13 12:05真的超多瘋子 昨天去一下趕快逃回家

taiwanalien 10/13 12:05快點抓馬力歐那隻!!

ken720331 10/13 12:06趁亂打劫真的是美國日常了吧

jeffsu 10/13 12:08美國人中標真的不易外 一堆不怕死的........

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s880st 10/13 12:081206657?s=20

s880st 10/13 12:091206657?s=21

lsslz 10/13 12:09有些人本來就不是為了慶祝 看到街上很亂就故意鬧

Joey1999 10/13 12:11船迷怎麼沒出來嗨

nnbak85551 10/13 12:12會在此時混在湖人迷慶祝隊伍中作亂的想也知道是誰..

nnbak85551 10/13 12:13Antifa嘛

nnbak85551 10/13 12:15趁亂打劫這種看多了,真的是人家在嗨就趁機砸窗搶劫

kem0606 10/13 12:17勇艇迷好了啦...

zero549893 10/13 12:17素質有夠差

Bob101301 10/13 12:18每年都會有吧

jokc7839 10/13 12:18黃色球衣嘛

followwind 10/13 12:19還在Antifa,是忘記2000年的時候G6打完後Staples Ce

followwind 10/13 12:19nter外面一樣鬧起來喔?XD

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a180310444a 10/13 12:21黑鬼又調皮了

swingingbear10/13 12:22任何地方穿黃球衣的迷都一個樣

mrporing 10/13 12:23憋太久了,藉機發洩

AbukumaKai 10/13 12:24大概一片黑壓壓 可憐

LukaDoncic 10/13 12:25美國很多人不安好心 趁亂打劫 讓很多事情偏離本質

zhijiahu 10/13 12:25今年會有冠軍遊行嗎

turnpoint 10/13 12:33洛杉磯唯一的NBA球隊奪冠欸,當然要慶祝

irvinglove 10/13 12:34要防疫應該不會再遊行聚集人潮了吧

jasonpttt 10/13 12:48美國就是一群暴民

jasonpttt 10/13 12:48難怪選出川普這樣的小丑

shwkz 10/13 12:50川普落選 中國會很爽 不行 對台灣來說不利

Blazeleo819 10/13 12:51用打砸搶慶祝==

Aggro 10/13 12:52哪裡不利 上一次中國挺川 當選爽得要死 結果咧

Aggro 10/13 12:52那邊用中國反應當選擇指標本來就很蠢 這麼信中國的

Aggro 10/13 12:52判斷力?

BS85 10/13 13:07gta5情節 上次洛城奪冠gta5還沒問世

pttask 10/13 13:14LA治安真的爛 去看球 車上東西還被偷 超幹

dcoog7880 10/13 15:48果然nba都是黑人在看的

whathappen 10/13 16:15樓上是黑人?

AngelMAyCry 10/13 22:03BLM的人混進去趁亂打劫吧