[情報] 先驗貨?有球隊表示要先看Oladipo打球再談

看板NBA標題[情報] 先驗貨?有球隊表示要先看Oladipo打球再談作者
時間推噓32 推:32 噓:0 →:18

來源: Yahoo Sports

Report: Teams want to see Victor Oladipo play before trading for him
據報導有球隊想要在談交易Victor Oladipo前想要先看他打球

Victor Oladipo trade rumors — to the Lakers, Nets, Clippers, Bucks, Knicks,
and others have been mentioned — are thriving among fans and pundits.
Victor Oladipo的交易乳摸--提到的有湖人,籃網,快艇,公鹿,尼克以及其他隊伍--在粉絲以及球評間傳的沸沸揚揚。

However, in the real world, teams are being far more cautious after watching
Oladipo play last season. Zach Lowe of ESPN has the details.
不過,在現實的世界,對於看到Oladipo上季打球的狀況後,有興趣的球團們是非常小心的。ESPN的Zach Lowe報導:

"Other teams are monitoring the Oladipo situation, but several of them would
like to see Oladipo in action before engaging Indiana, sources say. Oladipo
has struggled since his leg injury in January 2019, but he’s only 28 and two
years removed from an All-NBA season — and on an expiring contract, which
might deflate his trade value. If you don’t give up too much now, letting
Oladipo walk after the season (in the worst case) doesn’t kill you. If
Oladipo recovers 90% of peak form, any team that trades for him has a leg up
on re-signing him (or extending him) through his prime."

After being traded to Indiana (as part of the Paul George deal), Oladipo had
a breakout, All-NBA season. He looked like a max player, but the next season
he ruptured his quadriceps tendon. Last season played in 19 games and, while
there were strong stretches, he has a long way to go to get back to his peak
form again.

That said, even this Oladipo is a solid player who could help a contending
team. Oladipo makes $21 million this season — wants his next contract to be
a max — and reportedly wants out of Indiana (something he denies). He works
as a third option on a contender, yet because his deal is expiring it doesn’
t mess with 2021 cap space. There will be genuine interest in him.

It just may be closer to the deadline. Unless the Pacers and Oladipo can
figure out a contract extension (not likely, but possible).

Expect a lot more Oladipo rumors out there. Just know a deal may be a ways



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JerrieRip 11/06 11:26Ola加油啊

matsuwu 11/06 11:31溜馬想辦法讓ola好好打到季中

matsuwu 11/06 11:31在想辦法換好貨回來

zsp9081a 11/06 11:33居然是才28歲,以為超過27歲媒體就會開始斤斤計較

zsp9081a 11/06 11:33

humbler 11/06 11:33借轉溜馬版 謝

humbler:轉錄至看板 PACERS

11/06 11:33

Bigcookie2 11/06 11:35希望他不要被傷痛打敗....

Kidd0502 11/06 11:40ola有點可惜啊 當初打出來

Kidd0502 11/06 11:40結果卻受傷了

nuturewind 11/06 11:43先讓帝寶唱首歌也行啊

a3770709 11/06 11:47這樣將就是想去湖人了啊 褲子馬可以換 Green 還是留

a3770709 11/06 11:47著吧

harrybbs 11/06 11:52溜馬沒有很積極續約Ola

harrybbs 11/06 11:55傷後季後賽確實有很多疑慮

melzard 11/06 12:00尤其下一個賽季對球員負擔可能特別大,傷病疑慮球員

melzard 11/06 12:01出手搶下前應該多想想

KKB 11/06 12:01頂下去 很可能下一個牆哥

hermionex 11/06 12:03green+kuz+cook 剛剛好

hermionex 11/06 12:03我湖小虧

melzard 11/06 12:04笑死你拿一個到期約去換另一個到期約

melzard 11/06 12:05而且還是一個退化的綠,誰會跟你換啊

IkariD 11/06 12:05先高歌一首

Kalata 11/06 12:07薪資不對等怎麼換 湖人要換 Green一定是要包出去的

o0991758566 11/06 12:07打得好還是可能會交易 他要大約溜馬不一定想給

swingingbear11/06 12:07一定不是尼克

jack1993199311/06 12:09本來就是 他復出也沒有打多好 怎還敢要大約

JameerNe1son11/06 12:09好啦都交易給湖人,然後湖迷再說綜藝軍團不是大團

atmmaxing 11/06 12:16樓上自己腦羞什麼 綜藝團不是你們取的嗎

atmmaxing 11/06 12:16吸毒軟糖 Myboy 草莓獸 大腸麵 康樂股長JR 還有呢

Kidd0502 11/06 12:17湖人的萬用包又出現了XD

LuckyoPuppy 11/06 12:2927樓記憶修改大法

willian930 11/06 12:38某樓做賊的喊抓賊

lgates 11/06 12:38窩咬煙排

Aggro 11/06 12:38合理 他復出表現下滑太多

JoshSmith 11/06 12:42泡泡圈有打

pejawade 11/06 12:51綜藝天團我記得是2018-19湖?

Joey1999 11/06 13:14阿這季開季就一堆人酸富保全餐,綜藝團,撿快艇不要

Joey1999 11/06 13:14的不是嗎?奪冠就惱羞啦?

Joey1999 11/06 13:17被可愛卡半天最後只能簽回KCP 麥基 軟豆那些還被湖

Joey1999 11/06 13:17酸笑多慘呢

whathappen 11/06 13:23笑完天團被打臉就裝死,然後繼續無限跳針,最近沒東

whathappen 11/06 13:23西酸了又把走步、RMBJ拿出來嘴,對了,還有買票XD

alanpoio 11/06 14:11受傷前真的很未來呀

superivan 11/06 14:20湖人啦 哪個不湖人

a840901 11/06 14:25都奪冠了還有湖迷酸綜藝天團,要求真多XD

liusim 11/06 14:39痛兩年了 風險很高啊

hbkhhhdx200611/06 14:42綜藝天團不是湖酸在叫的嗎,怎麼推到湖迷身上了

nkfcc 11/06 18:49又籃網?交易球隊名單萬用包?

HSKAO 11/06 19:20本來就要小心 萬一換來空氣怎麼辦XD

OFWGKTA 11/06 21:09蒙面歌王