Re: [情報] 活塞攤提Dedmon和McGruder

看板NBA標題Re: [情報] 活塞攤提Dedmon和McGruder作者
時間推噓 6 推:7 噓:1 →:8

※ 引述《e920528 (Evis)》之銘言:
: 消息來源:
: 內容:
: Cap mechanics for Detroit
: Waive-and-stretch on:
: Over 5 seasons
: Dewayne Dedmon $2.7M per
: Rodney McGruder $1.0M per
: Jerami Grant goes into the room created
: 活塞攤提Dedmon跟McGruder,為簽下Grant創造空間
Detroit clearly targeted players that had a second year non-guaranteed with the goal to use the waive-and-stretch provision (over 5 seasons vs. 3) to create cap space.

Less of blow financially compared to a player that had one year (ex: $12.8M Trevor Ariza over 3 seasons).
活塞這樣攤提 感覺還蠻聰明的
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ChenWay 11/21 15:22活塞在自由市場開啟前明明就有薪資空間

ChenWay 11/21 15:22簽一些中鋒搞到自己沒有薪資,然後再來神操作攤提?

ChenWay 11/21 15:23還被logo爺搶四支二輪,看不懂

kafing89 11/21 15:24活塞就跟之前尼克一樣亂丟人亂簽人

ivo88114 11/21 15:24活塞的簽約看不懂

ivo88114 11/21 15:25這個薪資操作還比較能理解

DuoDuokk77 11/21 15:28活塞可能把大個子都簽來 季中可以變賣換籤

withouttalk 11/21 15:32 Logo不是要

withouttalk 11/21 15:32這樣嗎?

LuckyoPuppy 11/21 15:36閉嘴哥真的很煩,都失敗了的交易案一直貼

Ten6666 11/21 15:51先弄來一堆中鋒 突然又覺得中鋒好滿然後裁掉???

withouttalk 11/21 15:51 Pelinka?

withouttalk 11/21 15:52拆解金塊快艇?

withouttalk 11/21 15:58

withouttalk 11/21 15:59

designboy 11/22 10:37結果湖人找Dedmon XD