Re: [情報] Ariza將無限期缺席比賽應對家庭事務,雷

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Blazers' Trevor Ariza denies allegations he abused 12-year-old son


By 美聯社消息

LOS ANGELES -- A Los Angeles judge has issued a temporary restraining order keeping the Portland Trail Blazers' Trevor Ariza away from his 12-year-old son after the boy's mother alleged Ariza had physically abused him.


Ariza strongly denied the abuse allegations, saying the boy's mother, his former girlfriend Lana Allen, had engaged in a long campaign to hurt his relationship with his son and to take away his visitation rights, according to court papers obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday.


譯:long campaign 比較像長期抗爭 , 我自己覺得比較像一直洗腦自己兒子,讓兒子做出不利Ariza判決,避免超譯,所以特別列出了

Allen alleges in documents filed Aug. 27 that Ariza punched his son in the arm and shoulder and put him in a choke hold on July 25 during a monthlong visitat Ariza's Los Angeles-area home.

Allen(Ariza前女友)於8/27的文件指控Ariza在月間的探訪日在Ariza LA的家中 打了小孩的手與肩膀,甚至對小孩鎖喉 。

The court filings allege Ariza engaged in similar abuse on previous visits and has violated a court order against using corporal punishment. Allen sent thepolice to Ariza's home during the visit, but their investigation was inconclusive, the documents said.


The filing called Ariza's actions "inexcusable; a parent should never punch and choke their child for any reason."
The restraining order is in effect until an Oct. 1 hearing on the matter. A subsequent trial over the boy's custody is also planned.



The court papers include a declaration from the 12-year-old saying he is afraid of his father and does not want to see him, and a photo of a bruised shoulder. Ariza's response alleges the boy's mother has been manipulating him into making such statements and has tried to prevent him from testifying in a neutral setting.


譯: 我問題我朋友,就是不讓他兒子出庭當證人,只透過書面作證的意思。

Ariza's attorney said Allen filed and withdrew a previous request for a restraining order in order to get the boy back to North Carolina, where she moved with him in 2018. Ariza says that move violated their custody agreement.


Ariza alleges Allen has repeatedly attempted to deny him his legally requiredvisits and has used the court process to keep his son away from him.




The documents said Ariza has been "denied the ability to put these allegations to rest and demonstrate that what is occurring here is in fact Mother's abuse of the minor child by her relentless, cruel ... alienation campaign and selfishly driven attempts to interfere in Father and son's relationship."


譯: 這段我看超級久,如果是完全相反的意思請大大指正

Ariza, 35, who is playing with his ninth team in his 15th NBA season, said inthe documents that he opted out of playing in the NBA bubble with the Trail Blazers, who acquired him from the Sacramento Kings in January, so that he could have the visit with his son, whom he hadn't seen since December.


譯: 時間序不知道是2019/7 虐待 還是2020/7 反正看起來就是各說各話。

Ariza previously told ESPN that "when there were options put on the table, and one of them was to have some time with my son, I chose my family ... my job is to be a father before anything else."
Ariza also has two younger children with his current wife.




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hisashilie 12/07 14:35ㄎㄅ這個真的要好好處理

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