[情報] 教練穿著&口罩規定

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NBA coaches are no longer required to wear a sports coats during games, sources tell @ZachLowe_NBA and me. Coaches must wear business attire (no track pants during games). Coaches must wear facemasks during games, sources said.

Coaches must wear masks at all times with limited exceptions when at team facilities or arena, during team travel and during practices and games, sources tell ESPN.



The NBA and NBCA also agreed to continue the practice of more casual game
attire, no longer requiring coaches to wear sports jackets, sources said.
Coaches voted more than 2-to-1, sources said, to allow for wearing polo
shirts in games, sources said. Coaches must wear business attire, such as
dress shirts, pants, socks and shoes, sources said. Polo shirts count as a
dress shirt. The NBA will disallow sweat-pants and jogging pants.

1. 西裝外套:可不穿
2. Polo衫:ok
3. 運動服:不ok



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EZ78 12/09 09:04教練不是本來就要穿正裝嗎@@

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 09:05泡泡期間有放寬的樣子

percy90723 12/09 09:06泡泡似乎都穿運動服比較多

EZ78 12/09 09:07泡泡感覺是怕你沒那麼多件吧 回原本的應該就回歸正

EZ78 12/09 09:07常了

qazqaz69 12/09 09:07泡泡期間幾乎都看到polo衫

woocool 12/09 09:08泡泡穿那樣很好啊

timmy8818 12/09 09:08戴口罩要怎麼吼球員跟裁判

x7x8xxxx 12/09 09:08以前練習也要?

EZ78 12/09 09:09練習當然不用啊 有時候教練也要下去動欸

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 09:12配戴小蜜蜂就能吼了

djar0611 12/09 09:12摔口罩吃T

htggh556 12/09 09:14申請教練帶大聲公的權力

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 09:14其實我比較好奇:裁判會不會改用電子哨,然後要帶口

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 09:14罩(x

qw99992 12/09 09:14這樣"HIT ME"裁判抓不到了

MK47 12/09 09:15那教練要練手語 在場邊用手語CALL戰術

Pinky555 12/09 09:17球員戴頭盔啊 戰術用哀配下就好

MK47 12/09 09:17像NFL那樣嗎XDDD

SULICon 12/09 09:25Thib:這樣我武功直接被廢一半

bang71013 12/09 09:35乾脆穿防護衣 都高危險群

ken720331 12/09 09:58帶耳賣打球好了

highwayshih 12/09 10:05戴口罩就不會微笑吃T了

alasutolu 12/09 10:05戰術頭盔?太鼓達人表示:

lwei781 12/09 10:06可以打鼓?

hanway 12/09 10:08第一行:不用穿西裝外套

pippen2002 12/09 10:13第一行 :是不用再穿運動服?

EZ78 12/09 10:23Sports coat是西裝外套


wolfwang 12/09 10:29可以偷賣髒話

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 10:33下面有一段被截掉了

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 10:33我補一下

sunnyyoung 12/09 10:50穿燕尾服不是更好

driftcreator12/09 11:09英文理解錯誤。這講的是教練可以不用著西裝外套

driftcreator12/09 11:09開放商務休閒服裝(如Polo衫+卡其),但運動褲NG

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 11:12business attire不包含polo衫吧?

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 11:14Polo衫應該是business casual類,半正式

driftcreator12/09 11:19Context. Zach Lowe刊了完整文章, 去翻翻吧

SCLPAL 12/09 11:25還好不是踢正步喊口號(?!

※ 編輯: LuckyoPuppy ( 臺灣), 12/09/2020 11:29:18

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 11:30嗯,polo衫特別例外提視同dress shit,所以ok

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 11:33但polo衫還是算business casual類,woj寫的business

LuckyoPuppy 12/09 11:33 attire是不包含的。

aifighter 12/09 11:53我覺得上賽季穿POLO衫蠻讚的 比較像隊伍

ksk0516 12/09 12:50管真多,叫教練穿球衣啦還可以賣一波