[花邊] Adebayo幫單親媽跟兩對雙胞胎付一年房租

看板NBA標題[花邊] Adebayo幫單親媽跟兩對雙胞胎付一年房租作者
時間推噓推:127 噓:2 →:14

來源: HeatNation

Bam Adebayo paid for family’s entire year of rent to help single mother
avoid eviction
Bam Adebayo幫忙一個帶著兩對雙胞胎的單親媽付一年的房租,避免他們被趕出家門

By Brad Sullivan

Miami Heat big man Bam Adebayo displayed his philanthropic side on Wednesday
by giving a single mother of two sets of twins in Miami a whole year’s worth
of rent to avoid eviction from her home for the next year.
星期三的時候,熱火中鋒大個Bam Adebayo展現了他慈善的一面,他幫忙了帶著兩對雙胞胎的單親媽媽付了一年的房租,避免他們在來年被趕出家門。

“It’s gotta be No. 1,” Adebayo told Complex exclusively. “Just helping
somebody like that, in that situation, and all the negative situations that’
s happened to her the last couple of months, that’s definitely top of my

Travillia Bogan’s financial situation has been negatively affected over the
past two years because of the effects of an auto accident.
Travillia Bogan因為車禍的關係,在過去兩年在經濟上受到嚴重的打擊。

In addition to paying Bogan’s rent, Adebayo will also use the money that he’
s donating to improve both the landscaping as well as the decor inside the

Adebayo says the mother conveyed her happiness not through words, but throughsheer tears of joy.

“You could feel it through tears of joy,” says Adebayo. “There was no
conversation. It was pure joy for her and her family. They’re not getting
evicted for Christmas.”

Within the past few months, Adebayo’s own financial situation has improved
to the point that he was able to offer such generous help. He recently signeda five-year contract extension worth up to an estimated $195 million.

Adebayo presumably isn’t done with his philanthropy in the years ahead,
which makes his gestures almost as exciting to watch as his play on the court.Adebayo大概在未來這段期間不會只有做這次的善行,所以他在場上的表現以及場外的行為都一樣令人期待。

“Through all this philanthropy that I’m doing, I hope that I spark one kid
to change his decision-making, his lifestyle, or who he’s hanging with,”
says Adebayo. “To go from being in the streets and me doing something
special for them that can shift their whole mindset. That’s all I can ask

一個捐阿舍乾麵 一個幫助地方媽媽



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bbbruce 12/20 10:48有錢真好

oralboralb 12/20 10:48聖光隊

forever920fv12/20 10:48推阿爹

yiersan 12/20 10:49

whatahw1 12/20 10:50

smik 12/20 10:51這咖白的發光,快跟聖誕老人一樣了

hotpamsko 12/20 10:51推 慈善

honher 12/20 10:52阿爹燿輝

camelot0603 12/20 10:52推個

JustWinslow 12/20 10:53阿爹不要真暖

FAYeeeeeeee 12/20 10:53聖誕老爹

tonyparker1812/20 10:53聖光爹...

zxcvbnm1793 12/20 10:56聖誕老爹

everettofu 12/20 10:56聖誕阿爹

A0908 12/20 10:59阿爹好暖

purplebfly 12/20 11:00做好事給推吧

vgil 12/20 11:02推阿爹

MattiaPasini12/20 11:03阿爹不要暖男

HarunaOno 12/20 11:03

TDC19685 12/20 11:05阿爹 我不想努力了

return7683 12/20 11:05軍愛民 民敬軍

dndqjsmp 12/20 11:05推善心♥

SSS0227 12/20 11:06聖光火

chenliu0716 12/20 11:08善事推

benrun 12/20 11:10阿爹 我不想努力了XD

RobertI3 12/20 11:13熱火隊真的令人敬佩,吃著阿舍乾麵的我推文(^口^)

KobeisMVP 12/20 11:14推!

YDSK 12/20 11:15善事給推,也希望阿爹哥能持續打出符合身價的成績

IkariD 12/20 11:18

freedomZ 12/20 11:20

a3504121 12/20 11:27

krara 12/20 11:28推阿爹

eric050692 12/20 11:33感人推QQ

td770715 12/20 11:36

zombierick 12/20 11:36好人推

NiaosongLBJ 12/20 11:38

sxzc 12/20 11:40好樣的阿爹

ghostl40809 12/20 11:42好人啊QQ 今年美國還有暴風雪欸

wildzeon 12/20 11:42美國今年聖誕很多家庭都很難過,真的大推!

a00110661 12/20 11:43

www2967 12/20 11:45阿爹 在認養就變乾爹了ˊ

cookiey 12/20 11:46暖男5555

paul51134 12/20 11:49吉巴該是在冬天送熱咖啡了

gerg 12/20 11:51

kuiyy 12/20 11:56大推

frankmaki 12/20 11:57聖誕阿爹~~~

erosha 12/20 11:57聖誕阿爹

try107799 12/20 11:57

MotleyCrue 12/20 11:58熱火隊也要變成下一個聖光隊了嗎

ganlinlausu 12/20 12:00地方媽媽需要阿爹

namie810303 12/20 12:01地方媽媽需要幫忙

andy1018 12/20 12:01

stayforever 12/20 12:01地方的媽媽需要阿爹

Ucsmjc15 12/20 12:05邁阿密聖人隊

vltw5v 12/20 12:05阿爹照顧地方媽媽

jeffsu 12/20 12:06聖光啊

LMYuan0617 12/20 12:08

yogun 12/20 12:13

ocean921 12/20 12:13推善心

King5566 12/20 12:21阿爹我不想努力了

hank111807 12/20 12:25做好事推

blackflag 12/20 12:26推我大阿爹!

RJBarret 12/20 12:35

iorittn 12/20 12:35可惡,好剌眼的聖光,我要變灰了

adway 12/20 12:35地方媽媽

Verlander35 12/20 12:36感動推

takechance 12/20 12:38聖誕柏油

misomochi 12/20 12:43阿爹要了

mikazeray 12/20 12:45推 真的很棒

Mentha 12/20 12:46雖然覺得很聖光但不得不說這關鍵字跟劇情架構真的

Mentha 12/20 12:46會害我忍不住想歪

a00049g 12/20 12:47被熱火圈粉惹

e67162003 12/20 12:49推阿爹暖男

vollenca 12/20 12:49推,願意提供協助。

JayceYen 12/20 12:52推阿爹

Kylol 12/20 12:52推阿爹

takechance 12/20 12:52阿爹:幫妳付一年房租,但這一年,嘿嘿~

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 12/20/2020 12:54:11

Derrick906 12/20 12:59

waiting1down12/20 12:59

payton0418 12/20 13:03熱心熱火隊

Fanlic 12/20 13:06take跟土條一樣自以為幽默

BlackXS 12/20 13:08好人好事給推

huyee 12/20 13:14好人給推

yinianlai 12/20 13:23好奇為什麼是用“兩對”而不是“一對”雙胞胎。

firemm444 12/20 13:26take是在分享自己的家庭經驗嗎 辛苦了....

TimmyLai 12/20 13:31

amo0717 12/20 13:35感人

starcry 12/20 13:36阿爹幫you

MILESPAUL 12/20 13:40簽大約並沒有迷失原本的初心 感動

darkdixen 12/20 13:41用兩對 因為她生兩次四個 兩次都是雙胞胎

EricTao 12/20 13:43乾爹

mark1516244 12/20 13:46推阿爹

cloudinair 12/20 13:47謝謝聖誕鬼父~覺得他有像莊凱勛

CKNTUErnie 12/20 13:48

MattOwl 12/20 13:48...

barry630621 12/20 14:08推聖誕老人

iminir2013 12/20 14:09

bigbeat 12/20 14:09聖誕老爹 我火加油

cayalst 12/20 14:21兩對就兩組雙胞胎沒問題吧

ddog1010 12/20 14:23做善事一定推

alwaysstrong12/20 14:27好事給推

LCHP 12/20 14:29

materu 12/20 14:57地方的單親媽媽

ryanCG 12/20 15:11

gt097231 12/20 15:31#鬼父 #地方媽媽

xru03 12/20 15:32

ckschaoyu 12/20 15:41推善心

ccds14725 12/20 15:52一對雙胞胎是兩個小孩還是四個小孩,我的國文越來越

ccds14725 12/20 15:52差了

d0922030 12/20 16:06一對不就是兩個

Xgaoifcc 12/20 16:34

monstertsai 12/20 17:15好心有好報

yutapon 12/20 17:31這個劇情真的滿容易歪的XD

bada 12/20 17:56阿爹不要 你結婚了沒 這邊有現成的(誤

blur13 12/20 18:01

ptt98105 12/20 18:04

ATND 12/20 18:06

shill1331 12/20 18:09推 不想努力了

preed 12/20 18:15做好事推

kuaiphoto 12/20 18:27邁阿密聖火隊!!!!!

ThisIsNotKFC12/20 19:10

josephpu 12/20 19:14

Arctica 12/20 19:22推爆

wynton 12/20 19:35

littlelinsyu12/20 20:10都發出天使光環了

WADE0616 12/20 20:16這位母親沒用言語表達她的喜悅

ya123yo 12/20 20:55

frank901212 12/20 21:15

miyagi7 12/20 21:16

Yhlin0827 12/20 21:31地方的媽媽需要援助

dyrlo 12/20 22:26聖誕老爹

ivan22809 12/20 22:33喬丹是黑色耶穌 阿爹是黑色老公公

BuzzerBeater12/21 00:31善事推

MrHeat 12/21 00:40推Adebayo

simonyeh200012/21 07:37

PTTakatsuki 12/21 07:53阿爹暖男

teramars 12/21 08:05推阿爹!

Uro5566 12/21 09:31

iamaq18c 12/21 12:37聖光阿爹!!!!!!!!!!!!

sbyo 12/21 13:06

jeffrey4105712/22 14:08聖光

IRPT001 12/22 17:25不鬼了

will520318 12/23 10:08阿爹爸岳