[花邊] Wade評論76人新人Tyrese Maxey的表現

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NBA legend Dwyane Wade reacts to Sixers rookie Tyrese Maxey’s big game

Ky Carlin / Yahoo! Sports

Philadelphia 76ers rookie Tyrese Maxey certainly turned some heads on Saturday.The 21st pick in the 2020 NBA draft was forced to play a high number of minutesdue to the team missing so many players due to health and safety protocols and he put on a show on Saturday afternoon.
76人新人Tyrese Maxey在週六的比賽嶄露頭角。因為隊上多名球員受到聯盟的健康與安全管制而無法出賽,讓Maxey有了高出賽時數的機會,而他也把握了機會。

Maxy put up an impressive stat line of 39 points, seven rebounds, six assists, and two steals in a predictable 115-103 loss to the Denver Nuggets. Maxey joinedAllen Iverson in the Sixers rookie record books with his highly impressive game.Maxy繳出了令人驚艷的39分、7籃板、6助攻和2抄截的成績單,雖然如預期地以115:103不敵金塊。Maxy加入了Allen Iverson在新人年寫下的76人隊史紀錄。

The rookie out of Kentucky even caught the eye of Miami Heat and NBA legend Dwyane Wade. The future Hall of Famer gave Maxey a lot of love for his performance on his Instagram story.
這位來自肯塔基大學的新人甚至得到了Dwyane Wade的關注。這位準名人堂也在Instagram上表達了對Maxy表現的讚賞。

Maxey was not at all very happy with his performance as he was more worried about getting the win, but in the dire circumstances, he had a helluva performance.He now will have to carry it over to the next one on the road against the Atlanta Hawks on Monday as the team will still most likely be shorthanded for the time being.




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