[花邊] 國王老闆:員工跟球員薪水可以選擇用比特幣

看板NBA標題[花邊] 國王老闆:員工跟球員薪水可以選擇用比特幣作者
時間推噓19 推:22 噓:3 →:19

來源: TalkBasket

Kings owner says players will be offered the option to be paid in bitcoin

The Sacramento Kings are set to become the first National Basketball
Association’s franchise to offer a bitcoin payment option to all players and

“I’m going to announce in the next few days that I’m going to offer
everyone in the Kings organization, they can get paid as much of their salaryin bitcoin as they want, including the players,” a co-owner and chairman of
the Kings, Vivek Ranadivé, said on Monday.
「在這幾天內我將會宣布,我會提供每一位在國王隊裡的員工,包括球員,他們可以選擇用比特幣來支付他們的薪水,」國王隊老闆兼任主席Vivek Ranadivé在星期一的時候說。--


"Isn’t this literally the announcement"

"What about Dinwiddiecoin"

"Dinwiddie to the Kings this offseason."

"Dinwiddie is gonna demand a trade to Sacramento ASAP"



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starxls 04/06 11:55整天搞東搞西 不好好提升戰力 堅持惡搞球隊 下去

lowl99 04/06 12:06還好啦,Musk也都收比特幣了

bores 04/06 12:09現在老闆們的興趣就是炒比特幣

msarthur 04/06 12:09籃網有給丁丁比特幣吧

guitarcho 04/06 12:09

James78923 04/06 12:09國王老闆:脫手~

Bibby33 04/06 12:10國王快被雷霆追上了...

tailsean 04/06 12:22準備脫手XD

mightymouse 04/06 12:28用比特幣有辦法查稅嗎?

randykaku 04/06 12:36公鑰私鑰要是被盜 也求助無門的貨幣(?)

yoyoman0529 04/06 12:40印度阿三北七膩

a3358826 04/06 12:53一樓罵得好

wtl 04/06 12:54NFL已經有球員收比特幣當薪水 這是一個趨勢 記得NBA

wtl 04/06 12:55某幾隊也收比特幣買門票

tokiki123 04/06 12:58丁丁也是比特幣

Miyanishi25 04/06 13:07假鬼假怪

melzard 04/06 13:09可是這會有問題吧? 球員在薪資上限的計算上怎麼處理

melzard 04/06 13:10合約一樣用美金 但是實質支付的時候用即時匯率?

justgetup 04/06 13:17哪會有問題

justgetup 04/06 13:17就只是少了球員從拿到薪水去買比特幣的過程

justgetup 04/06 13:17而且中間還能避很多税 操作正常會比原本直接領美金

justgetup 04/06 13:17多拿很多

starchiang 04/06 13:23貧窮限制想像

darkMood 04/06 13:24拿垃圾還可以避稅,有這種好事,笑死

kkb512sk 04/06 13:33不如說分派股息好了,變成激勵獎金算進團隊薪資內,

kkb512sk 04/06 13:33聯盟也可以收稅

kkb512sk 04/06 13:34買賣雙方合意,聯盟同意就好,球迷管這麼多幹嘛,又

kkb512sk 04/06 13:34不是你出錢XXD

horstyle041104/06 13:59美國用比特幣發薪水是不是可以省很多?

ya01234 04/06 14:11避稅感覺超好用...

lwei781 04/06 14:34州稅?

roger262390004/06 14:52可以避稅的話政府會下來查吧?

KyGrA 04/06 15:02很難查吧 口頭協議10m 私底下錢包轉30BTC啊XD

faelone 04/06 15:11帳上打得跟私下給的不一樣怎查,比特幣能查帳?

yt010004 04/06 15:22區塊鍊上面都有紀錄

randykaku 04/06 15:24這是felony 確定要這樣玩 玩一次沒事 玩一百次一千

randykaku 04/06 15:25次呢? 一個人口風不緊就會死一串 我認為不會逃啦

hacker10158 04/06 17:06事實就是可以避掉重稅

answermangtr04/06 22:07如果這樣避開稅 只是加速比特幣死亡

answermangtr04/06 22:07老美絕對不會放任不管

Tullio 04/06 23:23球不用打了直接去挖礦...

kaiyu1 04/07 00:42噓的人484貶低別人,自認聰明高尚呢

xerophil 04/07 07:10傻了才在此時選用bitcoin領薪,幫人脫手而已

ken720331 04/07 10:46領了馬上賣?