[情報] Anthony Davis 計畫將在明日獨行俠戰復出

看板NBA標題[情報] Anthony Davis 計畫將在明日獨行俠戰復出作者
時間推噓22 推:24 噓:2 →:7

Anthony Davis is on track to make his return against the Mavericks tomorrow
and he's confident that the worst is over for him.

"I feel 100 percent healthy,"


"Initially, it was four to six weeks. And then looking at the scans and
testing it out. It took a longer process."


Anthony Davis on how the Lakers have played without him and LeBron James:

"This team has done more than we can ask for — each player — to make sure
that we stay in the fight."

(在沒有我和 LeBron的情況下)這支球隊已經做得比我們所能要求的更多,
- 每一個球員 - 都在全力確保我們湖人隊仍在競爭的行伍中。



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※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 04/22/2021 05:04:11

RainnieChen 04/22 05:10無限的四到六週終於結束了

Hsan 04/22 05:11終於啊

Hsan 04/22 05:11漫長的四到六週

special1990 04/22 05:13恐怖湖人回來了

Hsan 04/22 05:14還差LBJ呢XD

qazasd74185204/22 05:26雙AD連線

ericrobin 04/22 05:45獨行俠很適合拿來復健跟刷生涯新高 真的很會挑

Russ 04/22 05:46終於

cross980115 04/22 05:47那張Kuz圖的表情是怎樣XDD

bob2245656 04/22 05:59褲子:菜鳥學弟終於肯回來了是不是

ediotediot 04/22 07:00那張就是在說你各位阿

s66449 04/22 07:07會有點早嗎

qw30404224 04/22 07:18100% 各位小牛的注意點==

qw30404224 04/22 07:19抓猛還是打內線嗎 AD打大前?

jailkobe556604/22 07:19超越TD的抱腿仔又來囉

chenborruey 04/22 07:27恐怖我湖準備屌虐小牛

JustBecauseU04/22 07:39不是應該放這張嗎

Joey1999 04/22 07:39不然抓猛打後衛膩?

bemjamen123 04/22 07:41這麼早就有酸酸崩潰 嘻嘻

ChrisPaul03 04/22 07:41湖人試探了將近一整季

suballhome 04/22 07:41我犢最近7戰5敗 欺負我犢算什麼英雄好漢

lunsanity 04/22 08:02我獨內線大概要被尻爆了

zx7860601 04/22 08:56褲子:這麼菜講話還這麼大聲啊

LBJ23 04/22 09:09跟KD同時同時受傷 KD都復出又受傷又要復出了

SCLPAL 04/22 09:13刷富邦(X)

Sixxlife 04/22 09:19忍者龜的FG....

pippen2002 04/22 09:27然後先打15分鐘?

MessiWang 04/22 09:39我就問湖人怎麼

peanut7516 04/22 10:12KUZ:AD整季都沒出賽

c22501656 04/22 10:242個AD 樓下360:又在靠AD 姆斯不行了

Joey1999 04/22 11:23雙誒滴怎麼輸??????

hayoyo 04/22 12:02ad季賽都打大前居多啊 季後賽才比較常扛中鋒

a0930167500 04/22 14:45獨行俠:幹