[外絮] 誰是Nico Harrison? 認識獨行俠的新GM

看板NBA標題[外絮] 誰是Nico Harrison? 認識獨行俠的新GM作者
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Who is Nico Harrison? Meet the Nike executive who's close to taking over
Mavericks' front office

The Mavericks appear to be taking an unconventional route in hiring their
next general manager.


ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski reported Thursday that the team is "progressing" onan agreement to bring Nico Harrison to Dallas as its next president of
basketball operations. Wojnarowski also reports that Jason Kidd is close to
becoming the Mavs' new coach.

根據WOJ的報導獨行俠即將與Nico Harrison達成協議成為他們的籃球事務總裁,同時
Jason Kidd也將成為他們的新任總教練(現在兩人都確定加入了)

While Kidd is familiar to Mavericks fans, Harrison is not. In fact, the Nike
executive doesn't have any NBA experience, so it would seem that owner Mark
Cuban is taking a leap of faith by hiring him.

雖然獨行俠的球迷對於Kidd已經非常熟悉,但Nico Harrison並不是,實際上,這個Nike的高
層並沒有任何NBA的經驗,但Mark Cuban顯然對他有非常大的信心才雇用他

So, who is Nico Harrison? Here's what to know about him as he prepares to
make the transition from being one of the top people at Nike to being the
head honcho in Dallas' front office.

所以到底誰是Nico Harrison,這邊就來簡介一下這位要從Nike高層轉換到獨行俠管理層的是何許人也

Who is Nico Harrison?

Harrison told Carol Schmidt of MSU News in 2016 that he was hired by Nike as
an NBA representative on April 2, 2002.

所以到Nico Harrison到底是誰,他曾在2016年跟媒體說他在2002年時被Nike指派為和

He began his career with the company as a Southwest U.S. marketing rep,
working to promote stars like Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili, but
in his second year at the company he became the marketing liaison to Kobe


Harrison developed a strong relationship and friendship with Bryant, and his
work to revamp Bryant's image helped him climb the ladder at Nike. He has
cultivated relationships with NBA players during his time as a marketing


In more recent years, Harrison has put himself on the NBA map with his
connections to players. According to ESPN's Tim McMahon, Harrison has a
strong relationship with Mavericks star Luka Doncic and has been pursued by
other teams for front-office roles.

近年來,因為他和球員間的關係,他一直都在NBA球隊的鎖定名單,根據Tim MacMahon的說法,他和Luka Doncic的關係也十分良好,而且一直有NBA球隊希望他能加入管理層

Harrison had remained at Nike in spite of that interest, but now it appears
that he's ready to jump to the league.


Lakers forward Jared Dudley said it would be "a big play" if the Mavericks
could land Harrison.

湖人前鋒Jared Dudley認為如果獨行俠如果能聘請Nico Harrison是非常傑出的一手

Harrison is an outside-the-box option, but if Doncic and other players acrossthe league are as confident in Harrison as Dudley appears to be, then the
move could pan out. Either way, Cuban seems willing to give the Harrison-Kiddpairing a go.


補幾個其他人對於Nico Harrison的看法

Nico Harrison has been pursued for several front office jobs in recent years
but thus far remained at Nike. He’s well respected and well connected to
many of the game’s best players.

Nico Harrison近年來一直被各隊的管理層延攬,但他還是選擇留在Nike,他非常受到尊敬且和許多頂級球星都有建立關係

Harrison is one of the most respected execs in the footwear industry, and wasKobe Bryant’s longtime sports marketing manager during his career.

Nico was also instrumental in Luka’s shift from Nike to Jordan in Fall 2019.


Wow congrats brotha


Dallas' approach, if it can succeed where other teams have failed in luring
Harrison away from Nike, is an offshoot of how various agents have moved intofront offices. Relationships and a strong rep, especially for a team that hasstruggled in free agency, hold undeniable appeal


Haven’t met anyone-player, coach, etc.-who doesn’t like Nico Harrison. He’
ll be able to talk with anyone in the room. Obviously strong relationships
with a lot of stars and important people in the game from his Nike gig.
Definitely worth outside-the-box thinking from Dallas.

聯盟中沒有任何一個球員、教練等等不喜歡Nico Harrison,他可以和任何人溝通,和聯盟中許多球星和重要人士都有良好的關係,這個跳過框架的人選對於達拉斯是值得的

Jason Kidd has had a long relationship with Nike and he and Nico Harrison
know each other well.


For Mavs fans that don’t know Nico, he played D1 college ball and has been
in a role where he decides which players Nike pursues and elevates. He was
Kobe’s guy at Nike. Players love him. He knows basketball talent and is an
honest, straightforward pro. Basketball lifer!




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melzard 06/26 13:47Nike的面子果實持有者

wishxuso 06/26 13:49能幫77找到幫手就太好了...

vince4687 06/26 13:51這篇不錯 比昨天有個犢迷在那邊孤芳自賞好多了

mhkt 06/26 13:52看來是人和高手 我是希望你獨管理層能夠好好的運

mhkt 06/26 13:52作啊……

OnlyKobe24 06/26 13:53希望今年能找個真正的二把手

pneumo 06/26 13:56有外絮有翻譯就是要推

GeeBen 06/26 13:56丹佛之後的Kobe是他救回來的?

※ 編輯: jackal44748 ( 臺灣), 06/26/2021 13:59:21

CDIAMOND 06/26 14:01cuban要放權不要插手了

ringtweety 06/26 14:02希望能讓我犢在自由市場提升些額外的吸引力

danielyuyu 06/26 14:05感謝翻譯

stja 06/26 14:08

GiantChicken06/26 14:11公關高手

ken720331 06/26 14:12提高FA的吸引力

a11011788 06/26 14:16傀儡GM

aesdfqty 06/26 14:19:加入小犢 我給你滿滿Nike合約

yusuke362 06/26 14:26NIKE的手又深入聯盟更深層了

andrewyllee 06/26 14:42niconiconi

ecbytesan 06/26 14:46good

sponge88 06/26 14:47希望能幫達拉斯在選秀跟自由市場有所成就

jason88633 06/26 15:00台灣也有人認識Nico的啊

tomoti 06/26 15:04以下開放NIKE牌的球員優先招募...

tatata 06/26 15:15人脈和風評極佳

rome1234 06/26 15:45公關GM,用來招募球星?

korzen 06/26 15:49庫班面子很大喔 撈到一個各隊都想要的

clean123 06/26 15:53有人和再來就是看隊形打造囉

mightymouse 06/26 17:08不過這個經歷感覺更適合當球員經紀人

google60411 06/26 17:32這人超大咖…

swingingbear06/26 18:40反正 小牛的管理層跟招募人員也沒辦法更差了吧

a0930167500 06/26 18:46都說新GM很屌 越來越期待休賽期有什麼動作了 尤其

a0930167500 06/26 18:46我們現在籌碼爛到哭

drcula 06/26 19:24我覺得搞不好聯盟高層和nike也有幫忙,讓77可以招

drcula 06/26 19:24攬好的助手,平衡一下西區戰力,順便捧一下新明星

drcula 06/26 19:25不然以前我獨捧著頂薪和免稅優勢,也招不到人來

SCLPAL 06/26 21:59以前面子多薄阿QQ

yeustream 06/26 23:01有意思.希望能做出成績

a509170123 06/27 00:33厲害了ㄛ 希望小犢繼續保持這個風氣

airandy1102 06/27 01:12要幹大事了