[專欄] Joshua Primo goes to the San Antonio

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來源:The Athletic
作者:By Kyle Tucker Jul 30, 2021


Joshua Primo goes to the San Antonio Spurs: Here’s what they’re getting


So you’re a San Antonio Spurs fan and you just heard they took an Alabama player 12th overall in the 2021 NBA Draft. That sounds pretty good, right? The Crimson Tide won the SEC, after all. Maybe it’s Heisman winner DeVonta … wait, nope, wrong sport. OK, but that basketball team was crazy loaded too.

馬刺隊的球迷們,聽說他們在 2021 年的 NBA 選秀中以第 12 順位選中了一名阿拉巴馬州球員。這聽起來不錯,對吧?畢竟,Crimson Tide 贏得了 SEC。也許是海斯曼獎得主DeVonta……不,搞錯了這是籃球,馬刺真的太瘋狂了!

There was Herb Jones, SEC Player of the Year and Defensive Player of the Year. And John Petty, who led the league in made 3-pointers and smashed the school record for 3s in a career. Former McDonald’s All-American Jahvon Quinerly led the conference in 3-point percentage and won SEC tournament MVP. And Jaden Shackelford, an All-SEC guard who led Alabama in scoring. So many stars to choose from.

Alabama 可是有Herb Jones,SEC 年度最佳球員和年度最佳防守球員。而John Petty則是全聯盟投進最多三分球的球員,並打破了校史紀錄。以及前麥當勞最佳球員 Jahvon Quinerly ,他的 3 分命中率為分區領跑者,並贏得了 SEC 錦標賽 MVP。最後還有Jaden Shackelford,SEC 的全明星後衛,全隊的得分王,一切任君挑選。

“But as it turns out, Josh Primo might be the best pro of them all,” Tide coach Nate Oats says. “He sacrificed a little bit of himself for us. His numbers could’ve been a lot higher if he went somewhere else. He could’ve thrown a fit when he wasn’t getting a ton of shots or wasn’t starting. But he just kept doing whatever it took for us to win, and it ended up working out for him too. It just goes to show that when you play your role and contribute to team success, you prove your own value in the process. Without him, we don’t win the SEC. Without us doing that, he probably doesn’t get drafted as high.”

“不過呢,Josh Primo 也許才是是他們陣中最好的球員呢, Nate Oats 說。 “他確實為我們犧牲了某些東西,假如他去其他地方,他的數據絕不僅僅於此。他大可在沒有得到大量出手甚至僅做為替補時大發脾氣。但他做的僅是竭盡全力為我們贏得勝利,而這也讓他成長了不少。

The Spurs took Primo, a 6-foot-6 wing from Toronto who reclassified to play college basketball a year early and does not turn 19 until Christmas Eve, less for what he is now than for what he can be down the road. He started 19 games in college, averaged 8.1 points and 3.4 rebounds, sank a respectable 38.1 percent from3-point range. But the stroke looks pure, and he’s a good athlete who shows promise as a switchable defender and has a little wiggle as a secondary ball-handler.

馬刺選擇了這位來自多倫多,今年底才滿 19 歲,跳級NCAA的側翼,Primo。他在大學的19場比賽,場均得到 8.1 分和 3.4 個籃板,且三分球命中率高達 38.1%,雖然技巧層面還很稚嫩,但他是一名可靠的轉換防守者,並且能作為球隊第二持球點。

Primo made Canada’s U19 World Cup team as a 16-year-old in 2019, blew up as a prospect at the Basketball Without Borders camp in February of 2020, made the SEC All-Freshman team at Alabama last season and then turned heads at the NBA Combine in June.

Primo在 2019 年 16 歲入選了加拿大 U19 ,並且在 2020 年 2月的籃球無疆界中展露頭角,上賽季入選了SEC的新秀第一隊。然後,他在今年六月投入了NBA 選秀聯合試訓。

“We knew he wanted to play in the NBA and believed he was good enough to do that someday, but we thought he was more like a two-and-done,” Oats says. “It was a win-win situation for us, though. If he stays, that’s great for our team. If he goes, that’s great for him that he reached his dream in just one year — and helps us in recruiting. I think he’s the youngest player in this class, and when you talk about drafting on upside, he’s that. But a lot of times when those guys don’t end up reaching their potential, it’s because they’re low-character kids with a bad work ethic. He’s the opposite of that. He’s the guy you’re drafting with the hope that he’ll be great in a couple years who’ll be doingeverything he possibly can to make sure he is great in a couple years.”

“我們知道他想在 NBA 打球,也相信他足以做到這一點,但我們原先認為他至少會待到大二球季”Oats說。 “不過,這對我們來說是一個雙贏的局面。如果他留下來,那對我們的球隊來說很棒。如果他投入選秀,不僅對他來說是夢想成真,並能幫助我們打響招牌,以招募更多潛力新秀入隊。


If you want to envision Peak Primo, go watch the first nine minutes of Alabama’s game at Auburn on Jan. 9. On his way to 22 points, five rebounds, three assists, two steals and a block, Primo scored 14 of the Tigers’ first 16. He splashed four 3-pointers in that opening blitz. It was just his 12th college game.

Primo的極限在哪裡?去看看 1 月 9 日阿拉巴馬州在奧本的比賽的前 9 分鐘吧 他在9分鐘內得到 22 分、5 個籃板、3 次助攻、2 次抄截以及一個火鍋,他得到了老虎隊開局16分中的14分,開場4記三分球。而這只是他的第 12 場大學比賽而已。

“On the road against our biggest rival, a freshman comes out totally locked inand ready to go and takes over the game,” Oats says. “I know a couple of things about Josh at the next level: He definitely won’t be afraid, and he’s goingto make shots.”

“每次對陣我們最強大的那些對手時,這名新生總會跳出來並接管比賽,”Oats說。 “至

Oats actually knows a third thing about the San Antonio’s latest draft pick: Primo is tough as hell. He sprained his MCL — it looked much worse than that — when his left knee buckled during the SEC tournament quarterfinals in March. He sat out the next three games but returned to play 40 total minutes against Maryland and UCLA in the NCAA Tournament, producing 16 points and six rebounds duringthe Tide’s first Sweet 16 run in almost 20 years.

“There was already a lot of NBA buzz about him. He could’ve easily just said,‘I’m done. I’m going to make sure my stock stays high. I’m not coming back a
nd risking it,’” Oats says. “There was some talk from his camp about shutting him down. But he just did not want to do it. He fought it. He wanted to help his team, and he went all-in with the trainer to get back and play. The fact thathe wanted to be part of that run, to be out there with his teammates instead ofprotecting his own interests, kind of reminds me of Jaylen Waddle for our football team.”

Oats教練能確定關於這位馬刺新秀的第三件事情就是:Primo他非常堅韌,在 3 月份的 SEC 錦標賽四強賽中,當他的左膝扭傷了內側副韌帶(事實上看起來比那要糟糕得多)。在接下來他缺席了三場比賽,但在 NCAA 錦標賽中對陣馬里蘭州大和UCLA的比賽中,他總共上場了 40 分鐘,在Tide近 20 年來的第一場甜蜜 16 強中得到 16 分和 6 個籃板。

“(受傷)那時候已經有些關於他選秀的討論。他本可以輕鬆地說,我仁至義盡了,接下來我還要投入選秀,不可能回來冒險。’”Oats 說。 “學校已經在討論是否就讓他關機,但他就是不想這麼做。他決定站起來奮戰,正因他想幫助他的球隊,他與訓練師全力以赴想回到比賽中,他想成為那些征途的一部分,和他的隊友站在一起,而不是確保自己的選秀價值,這讓我想起了Jaylen Waddle為他的球隊所做的事。”

Waddle, a star wide receiver and eventual No. 6 pick in the 2021 NFL Draft, broke his ankle on Oct. 24 last season. He returned to play for the Tide in the national championship game in January.

(關於Waddle, 是一名明星外接手,並最終在 2021 年 NFL 選秀中排名第 6,上賽季於 10月 24 日腳踝骨折。而他在1月份的冠軍賽中回到了比賽。)

“Those guys didn’t have to come back after their injuries,” Oats says, “but
they both did because they care about winning.”

So your team drafted a guy from Alabama. That sounds pretty good, right?






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emptie 07/31 02:03我一直覺得馬刺近年的操作 有點像賭徒輸了一筆大的

emptie 07/31 02:03之後(跟可愛鬧翻)繼續往期望值更低的地方去下注

emptie 07/31 02:03想要一次扳回來但一次一次地失敗以後籌碼也越來越

emptie 07/31 02:03

jyekid 07/31 02:04今年底才滿19歲

謝大大 我修一下

jyekid 07/31 02:06今年AGG DDR離隊後就可以專心練新人跟累積天分了

※ 編輯: slamblock15 ( 臺灣), 07/31/2021 02:08:27

ya870323 07/31 02:15老實說我覺得二輪應該選Greg Brown,剛好禁區缺天

ya870323 07/31 02:15賦,而且也能丟發展聯盟磨練

tanga666 07/31 02:16這麼強 一定能打五後衛陣容 go spurs go

crownschou 07/31 02:17不是說他不好 應該是馬刺不該再選後衛了...

amdvega 07/31 02:18這隻選完當下都在問這誰?然後孤狗相關資料 ok身材

amdvega 07/31 02:18很普通 馬上點開大學數據 很爛 再找嗨賴賭他可能是

amdvega 07/31 02:18球風吸引人的體能仔 結果全是定點三分 體能身材數

amdvega 07/31 02:18據都不行 總之找不到任何選他的理由 之後再來個半

amdvega 07/31 02:18月板開過刀的消息 很難想像今天馬刺球迷的心情

crownschou 07/31 02:19我一個馬刺迷朋友已經爆氣一整個早上了

amdvega 07/31 02:20再選一隻後衛也得有個理由吧 選Keon或穆迪都找的到

amdvega 07/31 02:20理由 畢竟體能身材就在那邊 這隻真的看不懂

jyekid 07/31 02:20這位置就挑潛力高風險高 養不出來就認了 至於後衛

lonetwyl 07/31 02:20感覺啦…馬刺對於禁區可能就是想自由市場挑能用的

lonetwyl 07/31 02:20。然後後衛就真的是大熔爐看誰能脫穎而出

jyekid 07/31 02:21小白或莫雷也不是未來扛棒 出簽或球員划算就交易了

amdvega 07/31 02:23我刺迷朋友研究三個月選秀 整天拿Kai神棍JJ比較個

amdvega 07/31 02:23半天 Keon跟穆迪被他嫌東嫌西 今天人快瘋了

Hohenzollern07/31 02:25自從馬刺老闆把球隊交棒給老婆(後來離婚)以及他們

Hohenzollern07/31 02:25的孩子

Hohenzollern07/31 02:26球隊操作方式就大相逕庭

vvnbear 07/31 02:30吹捧文章!選到一個不錯的,但問題是值不值這順位

TVXFQ 07/31 02:33別吹啦 亂選就是亂選

leo07251413 07/31 02:33小提醒一下XD DeVonta的V要大寫 然後Waddle當時是

leo07251413 07/31 02:33腳踝骨折 不是單純扭傷


vinc4320 07/31 02:43科科 我就看馬刺的下一個基石什麼時候來哈哈哈哈哈

vinc4320 07/31 02:43哈哈哈

※ 編輯: slamblock15 ( 臺灣), 07/31/2021 02:47:37

RandyPerseus07/31 02:51馬刺幾年內都幾冠了~風水總是輪流轉

cowbay5566 07/31 03:26說真的,一堆人對選秀預測太認真了

cowbay5566 07/31 03:26每年樂透秀也一堆消失的

fwrr 07/31 03:45理由就是聽話吧 在馬刺的體系文化中這是不可或缺的

fwrr 07/31 03:45一環

rey0616 07/31 03:49馬刺如果是向下交易挑的就沒問題

seto 07/31 04:00Maryland是馬里蘭大學

seto 07/31 04:00Alabama文章內指的是阿拉巴馬大學

seto 07/31 04:01University of XX與XX State University是完全不同

seto 07/31 04:01的學校

seto 07/31 04:02SEC = southeastern conference NCAA的東南聯盟

seto 07/31 04:02包含Alabama/Florida/Kentucky/Tennessee等共12學校

seto 07/31 04:03Crimson Tide=阿拉巴馬大學的代稱 有人翻譯紅潮隊

TheVerve 07/31 04:06說真的 完全是亂選 期待馬刺打我臉

dogville 07/31 04:11就提早選而已 但打不打得出來還不知道 本屆最年輕

King5566 07/31 04:16不是刺迷都希望馬刺趕快重返榮耀 結果…

SuikaJasper 07/31 04:33就算真的眼光獨到我不懂為啥不向下交易,還是覺得這

SuikaJasper 07/31 04:33隻還會被攔?

hans0913 07/31 04:46馬刺GM可能沒有其他球隊電話,不會交易

blitz1991 07/31 05:17不管在吹啥事實就是可以用後段甚至二輪再選這隻啊

blitz1991 07/31 05:17 沒充分利用是被幹的地方吧

ocean0817 07/31 05:19馬刺是不是有8隻後衛了?

kurenaiz 07/31 05:45馬刺的目標事組團打麻將吧

keny372 07/31 05:52沒有說他不好只是#12這樣選真的有點小浪費

satousei 07/31 06:58當初馬刺要怎樣才能滿足可愛?有點忘了

vgil 07/31 06:59#相信馬刺 #波波有料

sjerry0520 07/31 07:28又不是資源甚豐,沒有合理操作就是亂搞,不管消失與否

ABJones 07/31 07:43推 老闆交棒之後都在亂搞

Ten6666 07/31 07:59這隻應該不差啦 但這樣選就很怪

ctw01 07/31 08:02他在選秀前身價才開漲的 態度也不錯 希望打臉我QQ

DarkHolbach 07/31 08:23沒有什麼打臉的機會了,就算他之後跟Curry一樣神也

DarkHolbach 07/31 08:23不會改變這操作就是爛的事實

DarkHolbach 07/31 08:24因為他聲勢就是個一輪末,真非要選他也可以向下換

DarkHolbach 07/31 08:25沒有向下換就是白白浪費#12

DarkHolbach 07/31 08:26就像Jokic現在是MVP,但當年如果拿狀元籤換他就是

DarkHolbach 07/31 08:26智障

DarkHolbach 07/31 08:28比較正確的做法是像當年塞爾提克選Tatum那樣

nuclearbomb 07/31 09:01沒潛力沒實績的笑話

adiharu 07/31 09:09你都知道他會變joker了還選tatum幹嘛

DarkHolbach 07/31 09:11就算知道也可以向下換啊,阿肥在14年就是個二輪

sowhat2207 07/31 09:11可以選但不用這麼高順位選

DarkHolbach 07/31 09:13搰搕妨e塞爾提克17年狀元籤向下換選Taytum

DarkHolbach 07/31 09:13像17年

IngramBrando07/31 09:24尼克選秀前一直拿著#19+#21想往上換,看來雙方沒搭

IngramBrando07/31 09:24上線,最後尼克就當沖往下換

kl015013 07/31 09:41很簡單 就是總管相信會被其他隊截胡所以才這麼早選

sokalula 07/31 09:51馬刺當初選TP也是被噓爆 但打除成績讓別人閉嘴

GordnHayward07/31 09:56TP不是#28的嗎 而且當年時空背景國際球員較少被看到

GordnHayward07/31 09:56完全不能比

DarkHolbach 07/31 10:01可是我看Primo不太像是在其他隊GM雷達裡面

goodblessu 07/31 10:02你怎知道 往下換100%不會被攔?

goodblessu 07/31 10:03或許馬刺就非他不可 不想冒著任何風險去向下交易

DarkHolbach 07/31 10:06被攔?他預估就是一輪末,我實在想不到別隊會不選

DarkHolbach 07/31 10:06Moody選Primo

hyw3125 07/31 10:07其實是因為馬刺不會養內線吧 看看前一個 amani 現

DarkHolbach 07/31 10:07連勇士GM在嘴綠傳訊息要他選Moody,他的反應都是「

DarkHolbach 07/31 10:07他不可能掉到#14」

DarkHolbach 07/31 10:09逛了一圈刺版,連刺迷都在罵

DarkHolbach 07/31 10:09向下換至少可以多個Garuba吧

kl015013 07/31 10:23你想不到的事多著呢 你想得到馬刺選這隻?

Petyr 07/31 10:24拿選TP來救援的用點腦好嗎

toastegg 07/31 10:30對啊 moody都能掉到#14 又怎麼能肯定Primo一輪末

circuswu 07/31 10:53看他知道自己被馬刺用樂透選的影片笑翻,一臉我都沒

circuswu 07/31 10:53想到這麼早會被選的臉,少年,驚不驚喜意不意外

friends29 07/31 11:45別在幫馬刺說話了 就是亂選而已

urgrandpa 07/31 12:39一堆人看太多選秀分析自以為就一定那樣走,事實上

urgrandpa 07/31 12:39選秀分析不準的比準的多,看看當參考就好,沒有就

urgrandpa 07/31 12:39一定要怎樣的。你說會不會被攔?連前四都選前幾分

urgrandpa 07/31 12:39鐘才確定了,去年到最後一分鐘都不知道誰是狀元,

urgrandpa 07/31 12:39更不用說中後段會怎麼走,除非是未來人又另當別論

DarkHolbach 07/31 13:36馬刺後衛多到滿出來,還選後衛,然後再叫人往上打

aee08 07/31 13:36這都是結果論而已 你說可以向下換不用那麼高順位去

aee08 07/31 13:36選 那如果中間被選走啦勒 你都猜不到馬刺會選這隻了

aee08 07/31 13:36你怎麼確定別的球隊不會選這隻?

ando 07/31 13:50高端Primo

DarkHolbach 07/31 13:56要看天賦那Keon還更強

kl015013 07/31 16:11不要瞎逼逼了 馬刺出去的總管還少嗎 真的以為都老番

kl015013 07/31 16:11癲嗎

hans0913 07/31 16:19欸,菁英總管都被挖光了,那剩下的不就...

ando 07/31 16:35就是因為好的都出去了

DarkHolbach 07/31 16:41最近幾年馬刺GM真的不怎麼樣啊