[BOX ] Grizzlies 114:119 Timberwolves

看板NBA標題[BOX ] Grizzlies 114:119 Timberwolves作者
時間推噓28 推:28 噓:0 →:13

Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Final ││Grizzlies 31 25 27 31 114 ││Timberwolves 21 32 31 35 119 │├──┬─────────────┬─────────────────────┤
│FG% │MEM ███▏ 38.8%Game Time: 2022/02/25 09:00 (GMT+8)
│ │MIN ███▋ 46.2%│ │
├──┼─────────────┤Stadium: Target Center
│3P% │MEM ██▎ 29.0%Minneapolis, MN
│ │MIN ███ 38.1%Attendance: 16326
├──┼─────────────┤Duration: 2:25
│FT% │MEM █████▊ 72.5%Officials:
│ │MIN █████▍ 68.0%│M. Smith, P. Fraher, J. Sterling │
Statistics MEMMINInactive:
PTS In The Paint│ 52 │ 54MEM Brooks, Pons, Terry │
2nd Chance PTS 10 │ 9 │MIN Bolmaro, Wright IV │
Fastbreak PTS 6 │ 1 │Technical Fouls:
Biggest Lead 15 │ 6 │MEM -- │
Bench PTS │ 32 │ 35MIN -- │
Lead Changes: 11 Times Tied: 16│╰────────────────┴─────────────────────╯
Memphis Grizzlies (41-20) PLAYERS P MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A +/- OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS EFF Z. Williams F 27:06 7-11 3-6 4-4 -7 3 1 4 1 4 1 2 0 1 21 21J. Jackson Jr. F 31:34 6-15 0-2 9-11 -7 5 6 11 1 3 2 1 3 2 21 26 S. Adams C 27:25 2-6 0-0 2-4 -7 6 6 12 5 4 0 2 1 0 6 16D. Bane G 29:27 5-15 2-8 2-2 -3 1 2 3 0 5 1 2 0 0 14 6J. Morant G 34:45 7-25 0-4 6-9 -1 3 5 8 4 1 2 3 1 4 20 11D. Melton 21:41 3-9 2-6 4-4 0 0 5 5 6 1 1 1 0 1 12 17K. Anderson 13:52 1-3 0-0 0-0 +6 0 2 2 1 1 0 3 0 2 2 0T. Jones 13:15 1-6 1-3 0-0 -4 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 3 3J. Konchar 17:54 2-3 1-2 0-0 0 3 3 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 12B. Clarke 23:00 4-5 0-0 2-6 -2 5 3 8 3 2 0 1 1 1 10 16S. Aldama DNP Coach's Decision
J. Culver DNP Coach's Decision
K. Tillie DNP Coach's Decision
X. Tillman DNP Coach's Decision

Total MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS 240 38-98 9-31 29-40 26 33 59 25 21 9 15 7 11 114
38.8% 29.0% 72.5% Total Rebs: 72 Total TO: 16

Minnesota Timberwolves (32-28) PLAYERS P MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A +/- OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS EFF A. Edwards F 31:39 1-11 0-6 3-6 +5 1 3 4 7 0 0 3 2 2 5 2J. Vanderbilt F 27:53 3-5 0-0 1-2 -2 4 8 12 0 6 2 0 0 0 7 18K. Towns C 27:52 9-19 2-4 2-4 -4 2 9 11 3 5 0 0 3 1 22 27 D. Russell G 38:19 13-21 3-8 8-9 +7 0 2 2 9 2 1 4 0 0 37 36P. Beverley G 28:24 4-12 4-7 1-2 0 2 1 3 4 2 2 2 0 3 13 11J. McDaniels 15:31 2-3 1-2 2-2 +8 1 2 3 0 5 0 0 1 0 7 10M. Beasley 18:29 6-9 5-7 0-0 -2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 17 14J. McLaughlin 12:00 0-0 0-0 0-0 +1 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3N. Reid 20:07 3-5 0-2 0-0 +9 2 1 3 1 5 0 0 3 0 6 11T. Prince 19:45 2-8 1-6 0-0 +3 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 2N. Knight DNP Coach's Decision
J. Layman DNP Coach's Decision
J. Nowell DNP Coach's Decision
J. Okogie DNP Coach's Decision

Total MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS 240 43-93 16-42 17-25 12 30 42 26 27 6 12 11 7 119
46.2% 38.1% 68.0% Total Rebs: 57 Total TO: 12


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※ 編輯: guardyo ( 臺灣), 02/25/2022 11:36:13

WIGGINS22 02/25 11:36v神早就開示過了 灰熊下去坦才是正解

zsp9081a 02/25 11:36DLO 窩滴超人

twjeremy 02/25 11:36DLO大爆發

qscxz 02/25 11:36猛欸!!!灰狼起飛

jay228:轉錄至看板 Timberwolves

02/25 11:36

toast1521 02/25 11:37Zion !!!!! 喔不是..

zsp9081a 02/25 11:37AE今天進攻嚴重烙賽,希望能趕快調整回來

xo45527788 02/25 11:37DLO大爆發 AE趕快回神啊 低迷好幾場了

XXXaBg 02/25 11:37AE常常有一場沒一場的

jay228 02/25 11:38DLO第四節20分 AE今天當防守組

Leaflock 02/25 11:38裁判讓灰狼提前適應明天的哨音 用心良苦啊

seanmom 02/25 11:38J.M的腳踝沒事吧

wydada1207 02/25 11:38AE至少今天對位JA守的很好

Fearearth 02/25 11:39JA我看他是扶大腿欸

xjapan329 02/25 11:39灰狼穩坐西7

wydada1207 02/25 11:39有沒有看過進攻籃板被搶爆罰球差了15球還贏的…

bangch 02/25 11:40AE腳踝扭傷後烙賽好幾場了

aeio9875 02/25 11:4040罰蒿兔鹿…咦?

tco 02/25 11:40JA 還好嗎?

Leaflock 02/25 11:40AE今天單防JA防的很好

CMPunk 02/25 11:42Dlo!

seanmom 02/25 11:42

jjoonnyy 02/25 11:42dlo第四節23分

bo497751553 02/25 11:43AE今天防守不錯但進攻嚴重低迷,要趕快調整啊

a11011788 02/25 11:50JA 無碰撞受傷? 糟了

lp123gbaj 02/25 11:51AE已經看不到球三的車尾燈了

Skycrane 02/25 11:51你湖要追不上了

terry311 02/25 11:53JA這打法遲早會爆 還是學學Rose吧

nick1628 02/25 11:54JA那種打法跟落地,很像沒受傷的rose

mea7211 02/25 11:56AE鳥成醬還能贏灰熊 天賦狼越來越猛了

a11011788 02/25 12:00髖部受傷 涼了 這季很難好吧

wsx89589468 02/25 12:10好鐵捏

deadair 02/25 12:12AE還沒修好啊 好慘

temujin 02/25 12:38旅湖小醬發威

joystation 02/25 14:031-11;7-25 這兩個命中率有夠淒慘

Blazeleo819 02/25 14:12Ja現在打法很像以前的Rose 真的要多小心

md3q6e 02/25 16:21Ja是大腿拉傷還是傷到腳裸啊

tomoti 02/25 16:38常常有一場沒一場的是DLO吧,AE是這幾場大烙賽

jsliao9786 02/25 16:51dlo今年投籃很不穩啦 但他價值是控場很猛

pippen2002 02/25 18:12我熊威武!!才吞第20敗!?

Nobodyesi 02/25 18:24希望ja沒事

long9487 02/26 00:51Dlo!