[外絮] 歐肥推薦Mark Jackson當湖人隊總教練

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Shaq Pushes for LA to Hire Mark Jackson as Next Head Coach By Brenna White All Lakers |


The Lakers are still on the hunt for a new head coach.

根據路透社Rroy Carroll的資訊,在洛杉磯湖人隊前任總教練Frank Vogel被解雇之後,湖人隊官方需要找到合適的新人選。前NBA超級巨星大歐向湖人隊提供了一位合適當總教練的人選。

After the firing of now-former Los Angeles Lakers head coach, Frank Vogel, the Lakers front office needs to find a replacement. Many have added their two centson who they think the Lakers should pick, including Shaquille O'Neal. The former NBA superstar is now offering suggestions on who should get the job, accordingto Rory Carroll from Reuters.

在Steve Kerr建立金州勇士隊王朝前,Mark Jackson幫助重建了勇士隊。

“Mark Jackson helped build Golden State before Steve Kerr took it to the nextlevel."

我可以確定,Jackson可以與LeBron James和Russell Westbrook都相處不錯。

“[Jackson] made it a very sexy brand to watch, so I’m sure he can do that with LeBron [James] and Russ[ell Westbrook].”


Earlier this month, Shaq himself half-jokingly said he'd be willing to coach the Lakers if the front office gave him a four-year, $100M contract.


Having an understanding of powerful players such as LeBron James and Russell Westbrook can be much more difficult than it looks. Although, having a head coach that was able to create the beginning of the Golden State Warriors dynasty, could be exactly what the Lakers need.


No matter what, whoever lands the job with LA will have a lot on their plate. These players are complicated and it can be hard to get them to work together properly. This means that the person who takes this job needs to be prepared to be working with a team that needs help.


This is not a pre-made team that is ready to get back in the mix. This is a team that needs a leader who can guide these players to work together and prepare them for all of the trials and tribulations of an 82-game regular season and hopefully the offseason.

This story was originally published May 1, 2022 9:00 PM.



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dog29635841 05/02 16:25富保幫+1

jeffsu 05/02 16:26歐肥只想打嘴砲而已 叫他下來大概也不行

u9596g12 05/02 16:27練蠱

iamnotme 05/02 16:27成真的話我看好湖人衛冕笑話冠軍

k385476916 05/02 16:27認真

tony850108 05/02 16:29請問 Shaq跟Oscar Robertson都是大歐嗎?

cloudyst 05/02 16:30帶全隊抹聖水

magamanzero 05/02 16:30就有個小歐阿...

freshbox7 05/02 16:30支持,快成真,我想看

PanaS0Nic 05/02 16:32大歐當教練:你就卡位到禁區然後轉身灌籃就這麼簡單

ginopun1047705/02 16:32拜託趕緊

jeffsu 05/02 16:35大歐拿分太簡單了 根本沒辦法教戰術吧XD

kobebrian 05/02 16:35歐肥你想要在自己的節目一直看到自己跟隊員上鏡頭嗎

kobebrian 05/02 16:36

md3q6e 05/02 16:36支持 然後龜龜換牆哥或西門

rukawa28 05/02 16:37亂上加亂嗎?好耶

conqueror50705/02 16:39不要害人好嘛,當湖人教練沒一個好下場

fwrr 05/02 16:42讓ad穩定出賽才是最重要的

bloodruru 05/02 16:43人家建立勇士王朝的金招牌 幹嘛來這邊給LBJ搞? XD

lianhua 05/02 16:43拜託成真

louis82828 05/02 16:46給AD的腳泡個聖油保養一下

ooxxman 05/02 16:46富堡王朝

rayes 05/02 16:47可以 都是富堡的很快就上手

korgh413 05/02 16:49先挖角太陽醫龍吧,三巨都健康不會沒季後賽

Demia 05/02 16:51大歐真的很氣湖人齁?

ohiyo104 05/02 16:52AD抹一抹

PantheraLeo 05/02 16:56氣氛還能更糟嗎?

JustBecauseU05/02 16:58只有LBJ可以執教LBJ

lmf770410 05/02 17:02請鬼拿藥單

holyhelm 05/02 17:03哈哈 我要看抓馬啊~~~

zxcasdzsd 05/02 17:09勇士隊的前操盤手兼湖人名宿都被你們搞成那樣,還

zxcasdzsd 05/02 17:09想要有人背鍋啊

mmchen 05/02 17:22姆斯新的代罪羔羊

t22251974 05/02 17:25還嫌不夠亂是不是

yun0215 05/02 17:31想看氣氛XDD

nbcb 05/02 17:31我看好明年湖人連霸笑話王座!

Zeka6721 05/02 17:40以戲劇張力來選 這真的是最好的人選

flicker36 05/02 17:42隨便找個人掛名教練就好 反正真教練是lbj

jalsonice 05/02 17:43一定很精彩 不是雙頭馬場 是多頭怪了

kid8500 05/02 17:47問題是湖人不走重建路線的啊

AterPin 05/02 17:54所以他的意思是要mark來幫湖人打底 等喇叭退休直接

AterPin 05/02 17:54起飛是嗎 那我看某迷應該不樂意喔

sunnydragon705/02 18:04支持以毒攻毒,反正都是富保的

Orianna 05/02 18:27多頭馬車?加marc jackson這變八歧大蛇

Orianna 05/02 18:28也不想想當時為何金州要換教練

WLR 05/02 18:31讓聖油再次偉大

Royalweger 05/02 18:34以毒攻毒就讓holy oil來治治湖人的問題吧

dfish 05/02 18:38兩個牧師攜手合作 很棒啊

scopeowl 05/02 18:39交易姆斯一切問題都解決

jodd 05/02 18:41是嫌湖人不夠亂喔XD

southernwood05/02 19:15哈哈哈

chandlerchen05/02 19:17my boy 要換人了

leo255112 05/02 19:30好人選,我太期待NBA甄嬛傳了

ganbaru 05/02 19:49臣妾做不到啊

r44621 05/02 19:58坐等看好戲

j3307002 05/02 20:53支持大屁股來湖人,我期待他來湖人大鬧一場xd

whhw 05/02 21:49

allyourshit 05/02 22:03大屁股是富保幫的 只會鬥藍鼻屎那些人而已

ppives 05/02 22:03我要看湖人大場面

ooplus 05/02 22:11我要看到血流成河

a630522 05/02 22:35大歐自己去當總教練,大概沒人敢給小了 XD

final587 05/02 22:51血流成河

relax144 05/02 22:53支持,笑話冠軍2連霸

asd8604 05/02 23:16Shaw叫大歐,Oscar叫大O,大寫的O

asd8604 05/02 23:19*Shaq

abacada 05/03 00:14其實大歐還滿適合的啊 XDD

Wall62 05/03 00:48拜託湖人一定要找大屁股當教練

Wall62 05/03 00:49超想看他跟藍鼻屎大亂鬥

chopper0811 05/03 01:18LBJ卿點的 OK8

IKnowWhy 05/03 02:39歐尼爾顯然不行吧..