[外絮] 奧本山大亂鬥當事人講阿泰追錯人

看板NBA標題[外絮] 奧本山大亂鬥當事人講阿泰追錯人作者
時間推噓20 推:23 噓:3 →:28

by Len Werle · 3. May 2022



Fan Who Threw His Drink At Ron Artest During Malice At The Palace Explains Why He Did It


Malice at the Palace was “the most infamous brawl in NBA history. With less than a minute left in the game, a fight broke out on the court between several players. After the fight was broken up, a fan threw a drink from the stands at Pacers player Ron Artest while he was lying on the scorer’s table. Artest then entered the crowd and sparked a massive brawl between players and fans that stretched onto the court.


After the game, the NBA suspended nine players for a total of 146 games, which led to $11 million in salary being lost by the players. Five players were also charged with assault, and eventually sentenced to a year of probation and community service. Five fans also faced criminal charges and were banned from attendingPistons home games for life.

其中一位丟椅子的球迷Bryant Jackson,被判二年感化與17年前今天,接受情緒控管治療。

One of the fans was Bryant Jackson, who was then dubbed the “Chair Throwing Fan”. Jackson was sentenced to two years of probation and ordered to consult withan anger-management therapist 17 years ago today.


Years later, in a documentary about the incident, another fan involved – the fan who threw his drink, and therefore being the initiator of the brawl, opened up about the infamous night, and revealed that Artest went after the wrong guy in the stands. The kid he body slammed had nothing to do with the situation.

心得:昨日勇熊鬥,引發網站討論NBA鬥毆事件回顧,案外案!奧本山丟飲料真兇 John Green


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※ 編輯: ckpioneer ( 臺灣), 05/05/2022 13:19:42

JackSmith 05/05 13:21對這事件有興趣的人可以看Netflix的紀錄片

※ 編輯: ckpioneer ( 臺灣), 05/05/2022 13:21:20

anoymouse 05/05 13:22死屁孩

JackSmith 05/05 13:22我記得阿泰多年後還跟那個被他打的球迷成為朋友

icou 05/05 13:23這不是當年就知道了?

MorikonHase 05/05 13:24冷飯熱炒

wai0806 05/05 13:25兄弟啊 我們之前應該是無冤無仇啦

www2967 05/05 13:25不打不相識 枚扁淪

callme76 05/05 13:26阿泰:誰瞪我,我抓誰

※ 編輯: ckpioneer ( 臺灣), 05/05/2022 13:26:30

DinterisShit05/05 13:26這不是早就知道的事情

yuenwwjd 05/05 13:27龜岡欸

※ 編輯: ckpioneer ( 臺灣), 05/05/2022 13:28:28

edwin1231 05/05 13:28題不對文!

stexeric 05/05 13:35Netflix的紀錄片超好看啊

SIMPLEPLAN 05/05 13:35這天就是nba的巔峰時刻!

stexeric 05/05 13:36大嘴:還好小歐給觀眾的右直拳那一下滑倒,那是他人

stexeric 05/05 13:36生最好的一次失誤

testlab 05/05 13:37當時不就知道打錯人了==

Kazmier 05/05 13:40如果發生在現代 阿泰早黑到爆

zxcc 05/05 13:44笑死 鬥毆都時這樣 跑最快的是惹事的 然後留下來打

zxcc 05/05 13:44的是看熱鬧的鄉民

sunnyyoung 05/05 13:45沒法保護球員還處罰球員 就是爛聯盟

bigwesttt 05/05 13:51紀錄片真的好看

h916041 05/05 13:53他打錯人變死忠好友~一段佳話~

mmk 05/05 13:55一鬥吹20年 KG PP:我們一冠才吹10年

nickcool020305/05 14:11看球可以有激情、打球可以拼,但這些鬥毆跟純打人真

nickcool020305/05 14:12的很糟糕

danson555 05/05 14:13現在一堆現場觀眾素質也沒比較好啊

pocariccw 05/05 14:13我記昂昂當年看了緯來的現場直播,超震撼,主播都

pocariccw 05/05 14:13說不出話來了

danson555 05/05 14:13整天對球員們叫囂 我支持球員直接下手啦 一群白目

jyunwei 05/05 14:16這不是早就說了 netflix也播過了 我記得上去挑釁的

jyunwei 05/05 14:17說 我不知道耶我被眾人推擠進入場上 朝球員走去 沒

jyunwei 05/05 14:17有要幹嘛 他就突然揮拳揍我了

jyunwei 05/05 14:17給小歐揍的那個根本就是欠揍 大家真該看看他在紀錄

jyunwei 05/05 14:18片裡的嘴臉 就是一副「律師教我這樣說了 我現在當著

jyunwei 05/05 14:18鏡頭這樣唬爛 你們也不能拿我怎樣」

freshbox7 05/05 14:21球迷不挑釁,球員根本不會想怎樣

saisai34 05/05 14:35那個時候大班 推阿泰那一下 比球迷挑釁還更應該被打

saisai34 05/05 14:36才對吧?

signm 05/05 14:36紀錄片都拍到了,還在掰

mirror0103 05/05 15:01球迷被打爽

darkerjack 05/05 15:33最後一段亂翻譯

Hohenzollern05/05 15:33小歐飛奔揍人二次 滑倒是第二次

Suntia 05/05 15:50Netflix 拍得超詳細,推推

Hohenzollern05/05 16:01那一場的球評還是幹架王Bill Laimbeer

slimak 05/05 16:07反正小孩也不會被打

ak74box 05/05 16:48蘭比爾不是幹架王,是起爭議王

horstyle041105/05 17:26拜託進場可以被NBA球員打,值了!

ELF007 05/05 17:58小歐那拳打中後遺症可能會很嚴重 沒打中真是萬幸

ILLwill 05/05 19:02Miller最後一次爭冠機會沒了

stja 05/05 21:38

answertw 05/05 22:05帥爆

BHrabal 05/05 22:45打中很有可能人生畢業

kobe7785075 05/05 22:54有些球迷就嘴邱欠打

chihlee5566 05/06 09:52神米: